import $ from 'jquery'; import BpmnModeler from 'bpmn-js/lib/Modeler'; //import propertiesPanelModule from '../resources/properties-panel'; import propertiesPanelModule from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel'; import propertiesProviderModule from '../resources/properties-panel/provider/activiti'; import activitiModdleDescriptor from '../resources/activiti.json'; import customTranslate from '../resources/customTranslate/customTranslate'; import customControlsModule from '../resources/customControls'; import tools from '../resources/tools' import diagramXML from '../resources/newDiagram.bpmn'; const proHost = window.location.protocol + "//" +; const href = window.location.href.split("bpmnjs")[0]; const key = href.split([1]; const publicurl = proHost + key; // 添加翻译组件 var customTranslateModule = { translate: ['value', customTranslate] }; var container = $('#js-drop-zone'); var canvas = $('#js-canvas'); var bpmnModeler = new BpmnModeler({ container: canvas, propertiesPanel: { parent: '#js-properties-panel' }, additionalModules: [ propertiesPanelModule, propertiesProviderModule, customControlsModule, customTranslateModule ], moddleExtensions: { activiti: activitiModdleDescriptor } }); container.removeClass('with-diagram'); // 判断浏览器支持程度 if (!window.FileList || !window.FileReader) { window.alert('请使用谷歌、火狐、IE10+浏览器'); } else { tools.registerFileDrop(container, tools.createDiagram(diagramXML, bpmnModeler, container)); } $(function () { // 创建bpmn var param = tools.getUrlParam(window.location.href) $('.item').show() if (param.type === 'addBpmn') { tools.createDiagram(diagramXML, bpmnModeler, container); } else if (param.type === 'lookBpmn') { //编辑bpmn $('.item').hide() $('.download').show() const Id = param.deploymentFileUUID || '6d4af2dc-bab0-11ea-b584-3cf011eaafca' const Name = param.deploymentName || 'String.bpmn' const instanceId = param.instanceId var param = { "deploymentId": Id, "resourceName": decodeURI(Name) } if (instanceId) { var param1 = { instanceId } $.ajax({ url: localStorage.getItem("VUE_APP_BASE_API") + '/nocode/flow/gethighLine', // url: 'http://localhost:8080/activitiHistory/gethighLine', type: 'GET', data: param1, dataType: 'json', success: function (result) { console.log(result) var ColorJson = tools.getByColor( $.ajax({ url: localStorage.getItem("VUE_APP_BASE_API") + '/nocode/processDefinition/getDefinitionXML', // url: 'http://localhost:8080/processDefinition/getDefinitionXML', type: 'GET', data: param, dataType: 'text', success: function (result) { var newXmlData = result tools.createDiagram(newXmlData, bpmnModeler, container); setTimeout(function () { for (var i in ColorJson) { tools.setColor(ColorJson[i], bpmnModeler) } }, 200) }, error: function (err) { console.log(err) } }); }, error: function (err) { console.log(err) } }); } else { //加载后台方法获取xml $.ajax({ url: localStorage.getItem("VUE_APP_BASE_API") + '/nocode/processDefinition/getDefinitionXML', // url: 'http://localhost:8080/processDefinition/getDefinitionXML', type: 'GET', data: param, dataType: 'text', success: function (result) { var newXmlData = result tools.createDiagram(newXmlData, bpmnModeler, container); }, error: function (err) { console.log(err) } }); } } else if (param.type === "historyBpmn") { // bpmn历史 $('.item').hide() $('.download').show() } // 点击新增 $('#js-download-diagram').on("click", function () { tools.syopen('alert') }) // 点击取消 $('.cancel').on("click", function () { tools.syhide('alert') }) // 点击确定 $('#sure').on('click', function () { // const text=$("#deploymentName").val() tools.saveBpmn(bpmnModeler) }) // 点击下载 $("#downloadBpmn").on("click", function () { tools.downLoad(bpmnModeler) }) // 点击上传 $("#uploadFile").on("change", function () { tools.upload(bpmnModeler, container) }) }); var _$ = window.$; var currentInput; //用户选择 _$('#singleUserModal').on('', function (event) { $("#singleUserList").empty(); $.ajax({ url: localStorage.getItem("VUE_APP_BASE_API") + '/nocode/flow/api/users', type: 'GET', // data: param, dataType: 'json', success: function (result) { var users =; for (const user of users) { $("#singleUserList").append("" + user.nickName + " " + user.userName + "") } }, error: function (err) { console.log(err) } }); }) _$('#singleUserModal').on('', function (event) { $("#singleUserList").empty(); }) function openSingleUserDlg(e) { currentInput = _$(e).prev().children().eq(0); _$("#singleUserModal").modal('show'); } function singleUserDlgConfirm() { let temp = $("#singleUserList").children("")[0]; // let inputValue = _$(temp).text(); let inputValue = _$(temp).attr("value"); _$(currentInput).val(inputValue); var changeEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); changeEvent.initEvent("change", true, true); _$(currentInput)[0].dispatchEvent(changeEvent); singleUserDlgCancel(); } function singleUserDlgCancel() { currentInput = null; _$("#singleUserModal").modal('hide') } //岗位选择 _$('#singleGroupModal').on('', function (event) { $("#singleGroupList").empty(); $.ajax({ url: localStorage.getItem("VUE_APP_BASE_API") + '/nocode/flow/api/posts', type: 'GET', // data: param, dataType: 'json', success: function (result) { var posts =; for (const post of posts) { $("#singleGroupList").append("" + post.postName + " " + post.postCode + "") } }, error: function (err) { console.log(err) } }); }) _$('#singleGroupModal').on('', function (event) { $("#singleGroupList").empty(); }) function openSingleGroupDlg(e) { currentInput = _$(e).prev().children().eq(0); _$("#singleGroupModal").modal('show'); } function singleGroupDlgConfirm() { let temp = $("#singleGroupList").children("")[0]; // let inputValue = _$(temp).text(); let inputValue = _$(temp).attr("value"); _$(currentInput).val(inputValue); var changeEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); changeEvent.initEvent("change", true, true); _$(currentInput)[0].dispatchEvent(changeEvent); singleGroupDlgCancel(); } function singleGroupDlgCancel() { currentInput = null; _$("#singleGroupModal").modal('hide') } window.openSingleUserDlg = openSingleUserDlg; window.singleUserDlgConfirm = singleUserDlgConfirm; window.singleUserDlgCancel = singleUserDlgCancel; window.openSingleGroupDlg = openSingleGroupDlg; window.singleGroupDlgConfirm = singleGroupDlgConfirm; window.singleGroupDlgCancel = singleGroupDlgCancel;