version: 18 jobs: - name: vue ci steps: - !CheckoutStep name: checkout cloneCredential: !DefaultCredential {} withLfs: false withSubmodules: false condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL - !SetBuildVersionStep name: set build version buildVersion: '@script:builtin:node:determine-project-version@' condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL - !CommandStep name: build & test runInContainer: true image: node:16.17.0-alpine interpreter: !DefaultInterpreter commands: - yarn --registry= - npx nuxt build useTTY: false condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL triggers: - !BranchUpdateTrigger {} retryCondition: never maxRetries: 3 retryDelay: 30 cpuRequirement: 250 memoryRequirement: 256 caches: - key: npm-cache path: /root/.npm timeout: 3600 - name: Build Docker Image steps: - !CheckoutStep name: Checkout Code cloneCredential: !DefaultCredential {} withLfs: false withSubmodules: false condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL - !BuildImageStep name: Build Docker Image tags: rymcu/nebula:latest publish: false condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL jobExecutor: internal triggers: - !TagCreateTrigger projects: nebula retryCondition: never maxRetries: 3 retryDelay: 30 cpuRequirement: 250 memoryRequirement: 256 timeout: 3600 - name: Pull from GitHub steps: - !PullRepository name: Pull from GitHub remoteUrl: syncToChildProject: false passwordSecret: access_token refs: refs/heads/* refs/tags/* withLfs: false force: false condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL triggers: - !ScheduleTrigger cronExpression: 0 0 1 * * ? projects: nebula retryCondition: never maxRetries: 3 retryDelay: 30 cpuRequirement: 250 memoryRequirement: 256 timeout: 3600 - name: Push to GitHub steps: - !PushRepository name: Push to GitHub remoteUrl: passwordSecret: access_token withLfs: false force: false condition: ALL_PREVIOUS_STEPS_WERE_SUCCESSFUL triggers: - !BranchUpdateTrigger projects: nebula - !TagCreateTrigger projects: nebula retryCondition: never maxRetries: 3 retryDelay: 30 cpuRequirement: 250 memoryRequirement: 256 timeout: 3600