
2140 lines
92 KiB
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2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
create database forest default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
use forest;
create table forest_article
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
article_title varchar(128) null comment '文章标题',
article_thumbnail_url varchar(128) null comment '文章缩略图',
article_author_id bigint null comment '文章作者id',
article_type char default '0' null comment '文章类型',
article_tags varchar(128) null comment '文章标签',
article_view_count int default 1 null comment '浏览总数',
article_preview_content varchar(256) null comment '预览内容',
article_comment_count int default 0 null comment '评论总数',
article_permalink varchar(128) null comment '文章永久链接',
article_link varchar(32) null comment '站内链接',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
article_perfect char default '0' null comment '0:非优选1优选',
article_status char default '0' null comment '文章状态',
article_thumbs_up_count int default 0 null comment '点赞总数',
article_sponsor_count int default 0 null comment '赞赏总数'
) comment '文章表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
INSERT INTO forest.forest_article (id, article_title, article_thumbnail_url, article_author_id, article_type,
article_tags, article_view_count, article_preview_content, article_comment_count,
article_permalink, article_link, created_time, updated_time, article_perfect,
article_status, article_thumbs_up_count, article_sponsor_count)
VALUES (1, '给新人的一封信', null, 1, '0', '公告,新手信', 3275,
'您好,欢迎来到 RYMCU 社区RYMCU 是一个嵌入式知识学习交流平台。RY 取自”容易”的首字母,寓意为让电子设计变得 so easy。新手的疑问初学者都有很多疑问在这里对这些疑问进行一一解答。我英语不好可以学习编程吗对于初学者来说英语不是主要的障碍国内有着充足的中文教程。但在接下来的学习过程中需要阅读大量的英文文档所以还是需要有一些英语基础和理解学习能力配合翻译工具如百度',
0, 'http://localhost:3000/article/1', '/article/1', '2020-01-03 01:27:25', '2022-09-26 15:33:03', '0', '0', 7,
create table forest_article_content
id_article bigint not null comment '主键',
article_content text null comment '文章内容原文',
article_content_html text null comment '文章内容Html',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间'
) comment ' ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create index forest_article_content_id_article_index
on forest_article_content (id_article);
INSERT INTO forest.forest_article_content (id_article, article_content, article_content_html, created_time,
VALUES (1, '您好,欢迎来到 RYMCU 社区RYMCU 是一个嵌入式知识学习交流平台。RY 取自”容易”的首字母,寓意为让电子设计变得 so easy。
## 新手的疑问
- 使 IDE Notepad
## 提问的方法
**使 Debug**
- ( IDE )
- Windows/Linux/MacOS
- Github
`stm32f103x ` `win10`
## 自学的方法
- 西
## C 语言基础教程
- [C ](
- [C语言小白变怪兽](
## 单片机基础教程
- [51 (Keil4 )](
- [STM32 ](
- [51 (VS Code )](
## 其他教程
- [markdown ](
- [使](
## 推荐书籍
- C ( 2 ) [] ·W.Brian W.Kernighan[] ·M.Dennis M.Ritchie
- : [] Z.John Z.Sonmez
- [] Eric S Raymond
- [] Paul Graham
## 愿景
> [RYMCU ](
## 行为准则
> [](
## 其他
### 微信公众号
### github
### gitee
', '<p> RYMCU RYMCU RY so easy</p>
<h2 id="新手的疑问"></h2>
<p><br />
<p><br />
<p><br />
<p>使 IDE Notepad <br />
使 IDE </p>
<p><br />
<p><br />
<p><br />
<h2 id="提问的方法"></h2>
<p><strong>使 Debug</strong></p>
<li>( IDE )</li>
<li>Windows/Linux/MacOS </li>
<li> Github</li>
<p> <code>stm32f103x </code> <code>win10</code> </p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<h2 id="自学的方法"></h2>
<h2 id="C-语言基础教程">C </h2>
<li><a href="">C </a></li>
<li><a href="">C </a></li>
<h2 id="单片机基础教程"></h2>
<li><a href="">51 (Keil4 )</a></li>
<li><a href="">STM32 </a></li>
<li><a href="">51 (VS Code )</a></li>
<h2 id="其他教程"></h2>
<li><a href="">markdown </a></li>
<li><a href="">使</a></li>
<h2 id="推荐书籍"></h2>
<li>C ( 2 ) [] ·W.Brian W.Kernighan[] ·M.Dennis M.Ritchie </li>
<li>: [] Z.John Z.Sonmez </li>
<li> [] Eric S Raymond </li>
<li> [] Paul Graham </li>
<h2 id="愿景"></h2>
<p> <a href="">RYMCU </a></p>
<h2 id="行为准则"></h2>
<p> <a href=""></a></p>
<p><br />
<h2 id="其他"></h2>
<h3 id="微信公众号"></h3>
<p><img src="" alt="qrcodeforgh245b3234e782258.jpg" /></p>
<h3 id="github">github</h3>
<p><a href="">RYMCU</a></p>
<h3 id="gitee">gitee</h3>
<p><a href="">RYMCU </a></p>
', '2020-01-03 15:27:25', '2022-09-26 15:33:02');
create table forest_article_thumbs_up
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
id_article bigint null comment '文章表主键',
id_user bigint null comment '用户表主键',
thumbs_up_time datetime null comment '点赞时间'
) comment '文章点赞表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_bank
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
bank_name varchar(64) null comment '银行名称',
bank_owner bigint null comment '银行负责人',
bank_description varchar(512) null comment '银行描述',
created_by bigint null comment '创建人',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间'
) comment '银行表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_bank_account
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
id_bank bigint null comment '所属银行',
bank_account varchar(32) null comment '银行账户',
account_balance decimal(32, 8) null comment '账户余额',
account_owner bigint null comment '账户所有者',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
account_type char default '0' null comment '0: 普通账户 1: 银行账户'
) comment '银行账户表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create unique index forest_bank_account_pk
on forest_bank_account (account_owner, bank_account);
create table forest_comment
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
comment_content text null comment '评论内容',
comment_author_id bigint null comment '作者 id',
comment_article_id bigint null comment '文章 id',
comment_sharp_url varchar(256) null comment '锚点 url',
comment_original_comment_id bigint null comment '父评论 id',
comment_status char default '0' null comment '状态',
comment_ip varchar(128) null comment '评论 IP',
comment_ua varchar(512) null comment 'User-Agent',
comment_anonymous char null comment '0公开回帖1匿名回帖',
comment_reply_count int null comment '回帖计数',
comment_visible char null comment '0所有人可见1仅楼主和自己可见',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间'
) comment '评论表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_currency_issue
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
issue_value decimal(32, 8) null comment '发行数额',
created_by bigint null comment '发行人',
created_time datetime null comment '发行时间'
) comment '货币发行表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_currency_rule
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
rule_name varchar(128) null comment '规则名称',
rule_sign varchar(64) null comment '规则标志(与枚举变量对应)',
rule_description varchar(1024) null comment '规则描述',
money decimal(32, 8) null comment '金额',
award_status char default '0' null comment '奖励(0)/消耗(1)状态',
maximum_money decimal(32, 8) null comment '上限金额',
repeat_days int default 0 null comment '重复(0: 不重复,单位:天)',
status char default '0' null comment '状态'
) comment '货币规则表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_follow
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
follower_id bigint null comment '关注者 id',
following_id bigint null comment '关注数据 id',
following_type char null comment '0用户1标签2帖子收藏3帖子关注'
) comment '关注表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_notification
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
id_user bigint null comment '用户id',
data_type char null comment '数据类型',
data_id bigint null comment '数据id',
has_read char default '0' null comment '是否已读',
data_summary varchar(256) null comment '数据摘要',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间'
) comment '通知表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_portfolio
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
portfolio_head_img_url varchar(500) null comment '作品集头像',
portfolio_title varchar(32) null comment '作品集名称',
portfolio_author_id bigint null comment '作品集作者',
portfolio_description varchar(1024) null comment '作品集介绍',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
portfolio_description_html varchar(1024) null comment ' 作品集介绍HTML'
) comment '作品集表' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_portfolio_article
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
id_portfolio bigint null comment '作品集表主键',
id_article bigint null comment '文章表主键',
sort_no int null comment '排序号'
) comment '作品集与文章关系表' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_role
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
name varchar(32) null comment '名称',
input_code varchar(32) null comment '拼音码',
status char default '0' null comment '状态',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
weights tinyint default 0 null comment '权重,数值越小权限越大;0:无权限'
) comment ' ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_sponsor
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
data_type char null comment '数据类型',
data_id bigint null comment '数据主键',
sponsor bigint null comment '赞赏人',
sponsorship_time datetime null comment '赞赏日期',
sponsorship_money decimal(32, 8) null comment '赞赏金额'
) comment '赞赏表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_tag
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
tag_title varchar(32) null comment '标签名',
tag_icon_path varchar(512) null comment '标签图标',
tag_uri varchar(128) null comment '标签uri',
tag_description text null comment '描述',
tag_view_count int default 0 null comment '浏览量',
tag_article_count int default 0 null comment '关联文章总数',
tag_ad char null comment '标签广告',
tag_show_side_ad char null comment '是否显示全站侧边栏广告',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
tag_status char default '0' null comment '标签状态',
tag_reservation char default '0' null comment '保留标签',
tag_description_html text null
) comment '标签表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_tag_article
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
id_tag bigint null comment '标签 id',
id_article varchar(32) null comment '帖子 id',
article_comment_count int default 0 null comment '帖子评论计数 0',
article_perfect int default 0 null comment '0:非优选1优选 0',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间'
) comment '标签 - 帖子关联表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create index forest_tag_article_id_tag_index
on forest_tag_article (id_tag);
create table forest_topic
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
topic_title varchar(32) null comment '专题标题',
topic_uri varchar(32) null comment '专题路径',
topic_description text null comment '专题描述',
topic_type varchar(32) null comment '专题类型',
topic_sort int default 10 null comment '专题序号 10',
topic_icon_path varchar(128) null comment '专题图片路径',
topic_nva char default '0' null comment '0作为导航1不作为导航 0',
topic_tag_count int default 0 null comment '专题下标签总数 0',
topic_status char default '0' null comment '0正常1禁用 0',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
topic_description_html text null comment '专题描述 Html'
) comment '主题表' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_topic_tag
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
id_topic bigint null comment '专题id',
id_tag bigint null comment '标签id',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间'
) comment '专题- 标签关联表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create index forest_topic_tag_id_topic_index
on forest_topic_tag (id_topic);
create table forest_transaction_record
2024-03-14 08:19:55 +08:00
id bigint auto_increment comment '交易主键'
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
primary key,
2024-03-14 08:19:55 +08:00
transaction_no varchar(32) null comment '交易流水号',
funds varchar(32) null comment '款项',
form_bank_account varchar(32) null comment '交易发起方',
to_bank_account varchar(32) null comment '交易收款方',
money decimal(32, 8) null comment '交易金额',
transaction_type char default '0' null comment '交易类型',
transaction_time datetime null comment '交易时间'
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
) comment '交易记录表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_user
id bigint auto_increment comment '用户ID'
primary key,
account varchar(32) null comment '账号',
password varchar(64) not null comment '密码',
nickname varchar(128) null comment '昵称',
real_name varchar(32) null comment '真实姓名',
sex char default '0' null comment '性别',
avatar_type char default '0' null comment '头像类型',
avatar_url varchar(512) null comment '头像路径',
email varchar(64) null comment '邮箱',
phone varchar(11) null comment '电话',
status char default '0' null comment '状态',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
last_login_time datetime null comment '最后登录时间',
signature varchar(128) null comment '签名',
last_online_time datetime null comment '最后在线时间',
bg_img_url varchar(512) null comment '背景图片'
) comment '用户表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_user_extend
id_user bigint not null comment '用户表主键',
github varchar(64) null comment 'github',
weibo varchar(32) null comment '微博',
weixin varchar(32) null comment '微信',
qq varchar(32) null comment 'qq',
blog varchar(500) null comment '博客'
) comment '用户扩展表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_user_role
id_user bigint not null comment '用户表主键',
id_role bigint not null comment '角色表主键',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间'
) comment '用户权限表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_user_tag
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
id_user bigint null comment '用户 id',
id_tag varchar(32) null comment '标签 id',
type char null comment '0创建者1帖子使用2用户自评标签',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间'
) comment '用户 - 标签关联表 ' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_visit
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
visit_url varchar(256) null comment '浏览链接',
visit_ip varchar(128) null comment 'IP',
visit_ua varchar(512) null comment 'User-Agent',
visit_city varchar(32) null comment '城市',
visit_device_id varchar(256) null comment '设备唯一标识',
visit_user_id bigint null comment '浏览者 id',
visit_referer_url varchar(256) null comment '上游链接',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
expired_time datetime null comment '过期时间'
) comment '浏览表' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_lucene_user_dic
id int auto_increment comment '字典编号',
dic char(32) null comment '字典',
constraint forest_lucene_user_dic_id_uindex
unique (id)
) comment '用户扩展字典' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
alter table forest_lucene_user_dic
add primary key (id);
insert into forest.forest_role (id, name, input_code, status, created_time, updated_time, weights)
values (1, '管理员', 'admin', '0', '2019-11-16 04:22:45', '2019-11-16 04:22:45', 1);
insert into forest.forest_role (id, name, input_code, status, created_time, updated_time, weights)
values (2, '社区管理员', 'blog_admin', '0', '2019-12-05 03:10:05', '2019-12-05 17:11:35', 2);
insert into forest.forest_role (id, name, input_code, status, created_time, updated_time, weights)
values (3, '作者', 'zz', '0', '2020-03-12 15:07:27', '2020-03-12 15:07:27', 3);
insert into forest.forest_role (id, name, input_code, status, created_time, updated_time, weights)
values (4, '普通用户', 'user', '0', '2019-12-05 03:10:59', '2020-03-12 15:13:49', 4);
insert into forest.forest_user (id, account, password, nickname, real_name, sex, avatar_type, avatar_url, email, phone,
status, created_time, updated_time, last_login_time, signature)
values (1, 'admin', '8ce2dd866238958ac4f07870766813cdaa39a9b83a8c75e26aa50f23', 'admin', 'admin', '0', '0', null,
null, '0', '2021-01-25 18:21:51', '2021-01-25 18:21:54', '2021-01-25 18:21:54', null);
insert into forest.forest_user (id, account, password, nickname, real_name, sex, avatar_type, avatar_url, email, phone,
status, created_time, updated_time, last_login_time, signature)
values (2, 'testUser', '8ce2dd866238958ac4f07870766813cdaa39a9b83a8c75e26aa50f23', 'testUser', 'testUser', '0', '0',
null, '',
null, '0', '2021-01-25 18:21:51', '2021-01-25 18:21:54', '2021-01-25 18:21:54', null);
2023-04-02 11:32:42 +08:00
INSERT INTO `forest`.`forest_user` (`id`, `account`, `password`, `nickname`, `real_name`, `sex`, `avatar_type`,
`avatar_url`, `email`, `phone`, `status`, `created_time`, `updated_time`,
`last_login_time`, `signature`, `last_online_time`, `bg_img_url`)
VALUES (65001, 'testUser1', '8ce2dd866238958ac4f07870766813cdaa39a9b83a8c75e26aa50f23', 'testUser', 'testUser1', '0',
2024-03-14 08:19:55 +08:00
'0', NULL, '', NULL, '0', '2021-01-25 18:21:51', '2021-01-25 18:21:54',
'2021-01-25 18:21:54',
2023-04-02 11:32:42 +08:00
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
insert into forest.forest_user_role (id_user, id_role, created_time)
values (1, 1, '2021-01-25 18:22:12');
create table forest_file
2023-04-02 11:32:42 +08:00
id int unsigned auto_increment comment 'id' primary key,
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
md5_value varchar(40) not null comment '文件md5值',
file_path varchar(255) not null comment '文件上传路径',
file_url varchar(255) not null comment '网络访问路径',
2024-03-14 08:19:55 +08:00
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
created_by int null comment '创建人',
file_size int null comment '文件大小',
file_type varchar(10) null comment '文件类型'
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
) comment '文件上传记录表' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create index index_md5_value_created_by
on forest_file (md5_value, created_by);
create index index_created_by
on forest_file (created_by);
create index index_md5_value
on forest_file (md5_value);
create table forest_login_record
id bigint auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
id_user bigint not null comment '用户表主键',
login_ip varchar(128) null comment '登录设备IP',
login_ua varchar(512) null comment '登录设备UA',
login_city varchar(128) null comment '登录设备所在城市',
login_os varchar(64) null comment '登录设备操作系统',
login_browser varchar(64) null comment '登录设备浏览器',
created_time datetime null comment '登录时间',
login_device_id varchar(512) null comment '登录设备/浏览器指纹',
constraint forest_login_record_id_uindex
unique (id)
) comment '登录记录表' collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table forest_product
id int auto_increment comment '主键'
primary key,
product_title varchar(100) null comment '产品名',
product_price int default 0 null comment '单价(单位:分)',
product_img_url varchar(100) null comment '产品主图',
product_description varchar(200) null comment '产品描述',
weights tinyint default 50 null comment '权重,数值越小权限越大;0:无权限',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
2024-03-14 08:19:55 +08:00
tags varchar(64) null comment '标签集合',
status tinyint default 0 not null comment '状态',
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
constraint forest_product_id_uindex
unique (id)
comment '产品表';
create table forest_product_content
id_product int null comment '产品表主键',
product_content text null comment '产品详情原文',
product_content_html text null comment '产品详情 Html',
created_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
updated_time datetime null comment '更新时间'
comment '产品详情表';
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product (id, product_title, product_price, product_img_url, product_description, weights,
2024-03-14 08:19:55 +08:00
created_time, updated_time, tags, status)
VALUES (1, 'Nebula Pi 51', 2000000, '',
'Nebula Pi 51 是社区独家设计的一款一机双芯、资源丰富的 51 单片机入门级开发板, 也是社区的第一款产品。', 20,
'2022-06-13 22:35:33', '2022-06-13 22:35:33', '51 单片机', 1);
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product (id, product_title, product_price, product_img_url, product_description, weights,
created_time, updated_time, tags, status)
VALUES (2, 'ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1', 398000, '',
'ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 是社区在乐鑫官方设计方案上进行升级后推出的一款基于 ESP32-S3-WROOM-1/1U 或 ESP32-S3-WROOM-2/2U 模组的入门级开发板。',
60, '2023-05-14 08:01:12', '2023-05-14 08:01:16', 'ESP32,ESP32S3', 1);
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product (id, product_title, product_price, product_img_url, product_description, weights,
created_time, updated_time, tags, status)
VALUES (3, 'RYDAPLink', 2000000, '',
'RYDAPLink 是社区独家设计的一款集 下载、调试、串口、3.3V/5V 供电、串口 ISP 功能于一身的 DAPLink 下载器。', 80,
'2024-01-24 19:28:43', '2024-01-24 19:28:43', '开源,DAPLink', 1);
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product (id, product_title, product_price, product_img_url, product_description, weights,
created_time, updated_time, tags, status)
VALUES (4, 'ESP32-DevKitC', 398000, '',
'ESP32-DevKitC 是社区在乐鑫官方设计方案上进行升级后推出的一款基于 ESP32 模组的入门级开发板。', 40,
'2024-02-03 09:10:49', '2024-02-03 09:10:49', '开源,ESP32', 1);
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product (id, product_title, product_price, product_img_url, product_description, weights,
created_time, updated_time, tags, status)
VALUES (5, 'ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1', 398000, '',
'ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 是社区在乐鑫官方设计方案上进行升级后推出的一款基于 ESP32-C3-MINI-1 模组的入门级开发板。', 50,
'2024-02-03 09:10:49', '2024-02-03 09:10:49', 'ESP32,ESP32C3', 1);
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
2024-03-14 08:19:55 +08:00
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product_content (id_product, product_content, product_content_html, created_time, updated_time) VALUES (1, '![nebula pi](
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
## 1.1主板结构及布局
1.1 Nebula-Pi
## 1.2主板元件说明
1.1 Nebula-Pi 51 ********
| | | |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | USB | |
| 2 | 线 | 51 线使 |
| 3 | | |
| 4 | 51 STC89C52RC | 51 STC STC89C52RC |
| 5 | 线 | 线 OLED LCD |
| 6 | | |
| 7 | | |
| 8 | | |
| 9 | | 1602/12864 |
| 10 | | 4 4 |
| 11 | | "滴滴" |
| 12 | & | |
| 13 | | |
| 14 | 8 LED | 8 LED |
| 15 | 51 STC12 | 51 |
| 16 | 2.4G 线 | 2.4G 线线 1-2Km |
| 17 | 3 | 3 |
| 18 | | 线 220V |
| 19 | | 5V 3.3V |
| 20 | WiFi | WiFi WiFi |
', '<p><img src="" alt="nebula pi" /></p>
<p>Nebula-Pi </p>
<h2 id="1-1主板结构及布局">1.1 </h2>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<p> 1.1 Nebula-Pi </p>
<h2 id="1-2主板元件说明">1.2 </h2>
<p> 1.1 Nebula-Pi 51 <strong></strong> <strong></strong></p>
<td> USB </td>
<td> 51 线使</td>
<td>51 STC89C52RC</td>
<td> 51 STC STC89C52RC </td>
<td>线 OLED LCD</td>
<td> 1602/12864 </td>
<td>4 4 </td>
<td>8 LED </td>
<td>8 LED </td>
<td> 51 STC12</td>
<td> 51 </td>
<td>2.4G 线</td>
<td> 2.4G 线线 1-2Km</td>
<td>3 </td>
<td>3 </td>
<td>线 220V </td>
<td> 5V 3.3V </td>
<td>WiFi </td>
<td>WiFi WiFi </td>
<p> 1-1 </p>
', '2022-06-13 22:35:34', '2022-06-13 22:35:34');
2024-03-14 08:19:55 +08:00
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product_content (id_product, product_content, product_content_html, created_time, updated_time) VALUES (2, 'ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 —— 是社区在乐鑫官方设计方案上进行升级后推出的一款基于 ESP32S3 模组的入门级开发板。
> : [GitHub]( | [Gitee]( | [RYMCU](
## 功能介绍
| | |
| ESP32-S3-WROOM-1/1U/2 | ESP32-S3-WROOM-1ESP32-S3-WROOM-1U ESP32-S3-WROOM-2 Wi-Fi + MCU AIoT ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 ESP32-S3-WROOM-2 PCB 线ESP32-S3-WROOM-1U 线 |
| 5 V to 3.3 V LDO5 V 3.3 V LDO | 5 V 3.3 V |
| Pin Headers | GPIO flash SPI 线 |
| Boot ButtonBoot | Boot Reset |
| Reset ButtonReset | |
| USB-to-UART BridgeUSB UART | USB UART 3 Mbps |
| 3.3 V Power On LED3.3 V | USB |
> ESP32-S3-WROOM-1/1U 使 8 线 SPI flash/PSRAM ESP32-S3-WROOM-2 GPIO35GPIO36 GPIO37 ESP32-S3 SPI flash/PSRAM 使
## 排针
J1 J3 ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 ESP32-S3-WROOM-1
### J1
| | | [^1] | |
| 1 | 3V3 | P | 3.3 V |
| 2 | 3V3 | P | 3.3 V |
| 3 | RST | I | EN |
| 4 | 4 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO4, GPIO4, TOUCH4, ADC1_CH3 |
| 5 | 5 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO5, GPIO5, TOUCH5, ADC1_CH4 |
| 6 | 6 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO6, GPIO6, TOUCH6, ADC1_CH5 |
| 7 | 7 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO7, GPIO7, TOUCH7, ADC1_CH6 |
| 8 | 15 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO15, GPIO15, U0RTS, ADC2_CH4, XTAL_32K_P |
| 9 | 16 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO16, GPIO16, U0CTS, ADC2_CH5, XTAL_32K_N |
| 10 | 17 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO17, GPIO17, U1TXD, ADC2_CH6 |
| 11 | 18 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO18, GPIO18, U1RXD, ADC2_CH7, CLK_OUT3 |
| 12 | 8 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO8, GPIO8, TOUCH8, ADC1_CH7, SUBSPICS1 |
| 13 | 3 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO3, GPIO3, TOUCH3, ADC1_CH2 |
| 14 | 46 | I/O/T | GPIO46 |
| 16 | 10 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO10, GPIO10, TOUCH10, ADC1_CH9, FSPICS0, FSPIIO4, SUBSPICS0 |
| 17 | 11 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO11, GPIO11, TOUCH11, ADC2_CH0, FSPID, FSPIIO5, SUBSPID |
| 19 | 13 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO13, GPIO13, TOUCH13, ADC2_CH2, FSPIQ, FSPIIO7, SUBSPIQ |
| 21 | 5V | P | 5 V |
| 22 | G | G | |
### J3
| | | | |
| 1 | G | G | |
| 2 | TX | I/O/T | U0TXD, GPIO43, CLK_OUT1 |
| 3 | RX | I/O/T | U0RXD, GPIO44, CLK_OUT2 |
| 4 | 1 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO1, GPIO1, TOUCH1, ADC1_CH0 |
| 5 | 2 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO2, GPIO2, TOUCH2, ADC1_CH1 |
| 6 | 42 | I/O/T | MTMS, GPIO42 |
| 7 | 41 | I/O/T | MTDI, GPIO41, CLK_OUT1 |
| 8 | 40 | I/O/T | MTDO, GPIO40, CLK_OUT2 |
| 9 | 39 | I/O/T | MTCK, GPIO39, CLK_OUT3, SUBSPICS1 |
| 10 | 38 | I/O/T | GPIO38, FSPIWP, SUBSPIWP, RGB LED |
| 11 | 37 | I/O/T | SPIDQS, GPIO37, FSPIQ, SUBSPIQ |
| 12 | 36 | I/O/T | SPIIO7, GPIO36, FSPICLK, SUBSPICLK |
| 13 | 35 | I/O/T | SPIIO6, GPIO35, FSPID, SUBSPID |
| 14 | 0 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO0, GPIO0 |
| 15 | 45 | I/O/T | GPIO45 |
| 16 | 48 | I/O/T | GPIO48, SPICLK_N, SUBSPICLK_N_DIFF |
| 17 | 47 | I/O/T | GPIO47, SPICLK_P, SUBSPICLK_P_DIFF |
| 18 | 21 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO21, GPIO21 |
| 19 | 20 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO20, GPIO20, U1CTS, ADC2_CH9, CLK_OUT1, USB_D+ |
| 20 | 19 | I/O/T | RTC_GPIO19, GPIO19, U1RTS, ADC2_CH8, CLK_OUT2, USB_D- |
| 21 | G | G | |
| 22 | G | G | |
## 管脚布局
## 相关文档
- [](
[^1]: PIOT
', '<p>ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 ESP32S3 </p>
<p>: <a href="">GitHub</a> | <a href="">Gitee</a> | <a href="">RYMCU</a></p>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<h2 id="功能介绍"></h2>
<p>ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 </p>
<td>ESP32-S3-WROOM-1ESP32-S3-WROOM-1U ESP32-S3-WROOM-2 Wi-Fi + MCU AIoT ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 ESP32-S3-WROOM-2 PCB 线ESP32-S3-WROOM-1U 线</td>
<td>5 V to 3.3 V LDO5 V 3.3 V LDO</td>
<td> 5 V 3.3 V</td>
<td>Pin Headers</td>
<td> GPIO flash SPI 线 </td>
<td>USB-to-UART PortUSB UART </td>
<td>USB Type-C USB UART </td>
<td>Boot ButtonBoot </td>
<td> Boot Reset </td>
<td>Reset ButtonReset </td>
<td>USB PortUSB </td>
<td>ESP32-S3 USB OTG USB 1.1 ESP32-S3 USB USB JTAG </td>
<td>USB-to-UART BridgeUSB UART </td>
<td> USB UART 3 Mbps </td>
<td>RGB LED</td>
<td> RGB GPIO38 </td>
<td>3.3 V Power On LED3.3 V </td>
<td> USB </td>
<p> ESP32-S3-WROOM-1/1U 使 8 线 SPI flash/PSRAM ESP32-S3-WROOM-2 GPIO35GPIO36 GPIO37 ESP32-S3 SPI flash/PSRAM 使</p>
<h2 id="排针"></h2>
<p>J1 J3 ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 </p>
<h3 id="J1">J1</h3>
<th> <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-1"><a href="#footnotes-def-1">1</a></sup></th>
<td>3.3 V </td>
<td>3.3 V </td>
<td>RTC_GPIO4, GPIO4, TOUCH4, ADC1_CH3</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO5, GPIO5, TOUCH5, ADC1_CH4</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO6, GPIO6, TOUCH6, ADC1_CH5</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO7, GPIO7, TOUCH7, ADC1_CH6</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO15, GPIO15, U0RTS, ADC2_CH4, XTAL_32K_P</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO16, GPIO16, U0CTS, ADC2_CH5, XTAL_32K_N</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO17, GPIO17, U1TXD, ADC2_CH6</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO18, GPIO18, U1RXD, ADC2_CH7, CLK_OUT3</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO3, GPIO3, TOUCH3, ADC1_CH2</td>
<td>5 V </td>
<h3 id="J3">J3</h3>
<td>U0TXD, GPIO43, CLK_OUT1</td>
<td>U0RXD, GPIO44, CLK_OUT2</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO1, GPIO1, TOUCH1, ADC1_CH0</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO2, GPIO2, TOUCH2, ADC1_CH1</td>
<td>MTMS, GPIO42</td>
<td>MTDI, GPIO41, CLK_OUT1</td>
<td>MTDO, GPIO40, CLK_OUT2</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO0, GPIO0</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO21, GPIO21</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO20, GPIO20, U1CTS, ADC2_CH9, CLK_OUT1, USB_D+</td>
<td>RTC_GPIO19, GPIO19, U1RTS, ADC2_CH8, CLK_OUT2, USB_D-</td>
<h2 id="管脚布局"></h2>
<p><img src="" alt="ESP32S3DevKitC1pinlayoutv1.1.jpg" /></p>
<h2 id="相关文档"></h2>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<div class="footnotes-defs-div"><hr class="footnotes-defs-hr" />
<ol class="footnotes-defs-ol"><li id="footnotes-def-1"><p>PIOT <a href="#footnotes-ref-1" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a></p>
</ol></div>', '2023-05-14 08:14:23', '2023-05-14 08:14:27');
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product_content (id_product, product_content, product_content_html, created_time, updated_time) VALUES (3, 'RYDAPLink —— 集`下载`、`调试`、`串口`、`3.3V/5V 供电`、`串口 ISP` 功能于一身的 DAPLink 下载器, 由 RYMCU 社区 ( ) 倾情打造。
> : [GitHub]( | [Gitee]( | [RYMCU](
## 背景
STM32 ARM []( J-Link ST-Link J-Link0B CMSIS-DAP DAPLink
DAPLink 50mm x 50mm
ISP 使使3.3V/5V ISP
ARMmebed DAPLink DAPLink!
## RYDAPLink 项目简介
### 功能介绍
ARM 仿 Cortex-M0/M3/M4/M7
* SWD Cortex-M0/M3/M4/M7 HID
* U Hex bin U (MSC)
* 5.0V
* 3.3V
* Win10
', '<p>RYDAPLink <code></code><code></code><code></code><code>3.3V/5V </code><code> ISP</code> DAPLink , RYMCU ( ) </p>
<p>: <a href="">GitHub</a> | <a href="">Gitee</a> | <a href="">RYMCU</a></p>
<h2 id="背景"></h2>
<p> STM32 ARM <a href=""></a> J-Link ST-Link J-Link0B CMSIS-DAP DAPLink </p>
<p> DAPLink 50mm x 50mm </p>
<p><img src="" alt="RYDAPLink.png" /></p>
<p> ISP 使使3.3V/5V ISP </p>
<p> ARMmebed DAPLink DAPLink!</p>
<h2 id="RYDAPLink-项目简介">RYDAPLink </h2>
<h3 id="功能介绍"></h3>
<p> ARM 仿 Cortex-M0/M3/M4/M7 </p>
<li>SWD Cortex-M0/M3/M4/M7 HID </li>
<li> USB 便 CDC </li>
<li> U Hex bin U (MSC)</li>
<li> ISP </li>
<li> 5.0V </li>
<li> 3.3V </li>
<li>Win10 </li>
', '2024-01-24 19:31:43', '2024-01-24 19:31:46');
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product_content (id_product, product_content, product_content_html, created_time, updated_time) VALUES (4, 'ESP32-DevKitC —— 是社区在乐鑫官方设计方案上进行升级后推出的一款基于 ESP32 模组的入门级开发板。
> : [GitHub]( | [Gitee]( | [RYMCU](相关文档)
## 功能介绍
ESP32-DevKitC V4
| | |
| ESP32-WROOM-32 | ESP32 [ESP32-WROOM-32 ]( |
| EN | |
| Boot | Boot EN Boot |
| USB-to-UART | USB-UART 3 Mbps |
| USB Type-C | USB PC ESP32-WROOM-32 |
| 5V Power On LED | USB 5 V |
## 排针
J1 J3 ESP32-DevKitC V4 ESP32-WROOM-32
### J1
| | | [^1] | |
| 1 | 3V3 | P | 3.3 V |
| 2 | EN | I | CHIP_PU, Reset |
| 3 | VP | I | GPIO36, ADC1_CH0, S_VP |
| 4 | VN | I | GPIO39, ADC1_CH3, S_VN |
| 5 | IO34 | I | GPIO34, ADC1_CH6, VDET_1 |
| 6 | IO35 | I | GPIO35, ADC1_CH7, VDET_2 |
| 7 | IO32 | I/O | GPIO32, ADC1_CH4, TOUCH_CH9, XTAL_32K_P |
| 8 | IO33 | I/O | GPIO33, ADC1_CH5, TOUCH_CH8, XTAL_32K_N |
| 9 | IO25 | I/O | GPIO25, ADC1_CH8, DAC_1 |
| 10 | IO26 | I/O | GPIO26, ADC2_CH9, DAC_2 |
| 11 | IO27 | I/O | GPIO27, ADC2_CH7, TOUCH_CH7 |
| 12 | IO14 | I/O | GPIO14, ADC2_CH6, TOUCH_CH6, MTMS |
| 13 | IO12 | I/O | GPIO12, ADC2_CH5, TOUCH_CH5, MTDI |
| 14 | GND | G | |
| 15 | IO13 | I/O | GPIO13, ADC2_CH4, TOUCH_CH4, MTCK |
| 16 | D2 | I/O | GPIO9, D2 [^2] |
| 17 | D3 | I/O | GPIO10, D3 [^2] |
| 18 | CMD | I/O | GPIO11, CMD [^2] |
| 19 | 5V | P | 5 V |
### J3
| | | [^1] | |
| 1 | GND | G | |
| 2 | IO23 | I/O | GPIO23 |
| 3 | IO22 | I/O | GPIO22 |
| 4 | TX | I/O | GPIO1, U0TXD |
| 5 | RX | I/O | GPIO3, U0RXD |
| 6 | IO21 | I/O | GPIO21 |
| 7 | GND | G | |
| 8 | IO19 | I/O | GPIO19 |
| 9 | IO18 | I/O | GPIO18 |
| 10 | IO5 | I/O | GPIO5 |
| 11 | IO17 | I/O | GPIO17 [^3] |
| 12 | IO16 | I/O | GPIO16 [^3] |
| 13 | IO4 | I/O | GPIO4, ADC2_CH0, TOUCH_CH0 |
| 14 | IO0 | I/O | GPIO0, ADC2_CH1, TOUCH_CH1, Boot |
| 15 | IO2 | I/O | GPIO2, ADC2_CH2, TOUCH_CH2 |
| 16 | IO15 | I/O | GPIO15, ADC2_CH3, TOUCH_CH3, MTDO |
| 17 | D1 | I/O | GPIO8, D1 [^2] |
| 18 | D0 | I/O | GPIO7, D0 [^2] |
| 19 | CLK | I/O | GPIO6, CLK [^2] |
[^1]: PIO
[^2]: D0D1D2D3CMD CLK ESP32 SPI flash USB SPI flash/SPI RAM
## 管脚布局
## 相关文档
- [](
- [PCB ](
', '<p>ESP32-DevKitC ESP32 </p>
<p>: <a href="">GitHub</a> | <a href="">Gitee</a> | <a href="相关文档">RYMCU</a></p>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<h2 id="功能介绍"></h2>
<p>ESP32-DevKitC V4 </p>
<td> ESP32 <a href="">ESP32-WROOM-32 </a></td>
<td> Boot EN Boot </td>
<td>USB-to-UART </td>
<td> USB-UART 3 Mbps </td>
<td>USB Type-C </td>
<td>USB PC ESP32-WROOM-32 </td>
<td>5V Power On LED</td>
<td>USB 5 V </td>
<h2 id="排针"></h2>
<p>J1 J3 ESP32-DevKitC V4 ESP32-WROOM-32 </p>
<h3 id="J1">J1</h3>
<th><sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-1"><a href="#footnotes-def-1">1</a></sup></th>
<td>3.3 V </td>
<td>CHIP_PU, Reset</td>
<td>GPIO36, ADC1_CH0, S_VP</td>
<td>GPIO39, ADC1_CH3, S_VN</td>
<td>GPIO34, ADC1_CH6, VDET_1</td>
<td>GPIO35, ADC1_CH7, VDET_2</td>
<td>GPIO32, ADC1_CH4, TOUCH_CH9, XTAL_32K_P</td>
<td>GPIO33, ADC1_CH5, TOUCH_CH8, XTAL_32K_N</td>
<td>GPIO25, ADC1_CH8, DAC_1</td>
<td>GPIO26, ADC2_CH9, DAC_2</td>
<td>GPIO27, ADC2_CH7, TOUCH_CH7</td>
<td>GPIO14, ADC2_CH6, TOUCH_CH6, MTMS</td>
<td>GPIO12, ADC2_CH5, TOUCH_CH5, MTDI</td>
<td>GPIO13, ADC2_CH4, TOUCH_CH4, MTCK</td>
<td>GPIO9, D2 <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-2"><a href="#footnotes-def-2">2</a></sup></td>
<td>GPIO10, D3 <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-2:2"><a href="#footnotes-def-2">2</a></sup></td>
<td>GPIO11, CMD <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-2:3"><a href="#footnotes-def-2">2</a></sup></td>
<td>5 V </td>
<h3 id="J3">J3</h3>
<th> <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-1:2"><a href="#footnotes-def-1">1</a></sup></th>
<td>GPIO1, U0TXD</td>
<td>GPIO3, U0RXD</td>
<td>GPIO17 <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-3"><a href="#footnotes-def-3">3</a></sup></td>
<td>GPIO16 <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-3:2"><a href="#footnotes-def-3">3</a></sup></td>
<td>GPIO4, ADC2_CH0, TOUCH_CH0</td>
<td>GPIO0, ADC2_CH1, TOUCH_CH1, Boot</td>
<td>GPIO2, ADC2_CH2, TOUCH_CH2</td>
<td>GPIO15, ADC2_CH3, TOUCH_CH3, MTDO</td>
<td>GPIO8, D1 <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-2:4"><a href="#footnotes-def-2">2</a></sup></td>
<td>GPIO7, D0 <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-2:5"><a href="#footnotes-def-2">2</a></sup></td>
<td>GPIO6, CLK <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-2:6"><a href="#footnotes-def-2">2</a></sup></td>
<h2 id="管脚布局"></h2>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<h2 id="相关文档"></h2>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href="">PCB </a></li>
<div class="footnotes-defs-div"><hr class="footnotes-defs-hr" />
<ol class="footnotes-defs-ol"><li id="footnotes-def-1"><p>PIO <a href="#footnotes-ref-1" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-1:2" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a></p>
<li id="footnotes-def-2"><p> D0D1D2D3CMD CLK ESP32 SPI flash USB SPI flash/SPI RAM <a href="#footnotes-ref-2" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-2:2" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-2:3" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-2:4" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-2:5" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-2:6" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a></p>
<li id="footnotes-def-3"><p> GPIO16 GPIO17 ESP32-WROOM ESP32-SOLO-1 ESP32-WROVER GPIO16 GPIO17 使 <a href="#footnotes-ref-3" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-3:2" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a></p>
</ol></div>', '2024-02-03 10:43:43', '2024-02-03 10:43:45');
INSERT INTO forest.forest_product_content (id_product, product_content, product_content_html, created_time, updated_time) VALUES (5, 'ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 —— 是社区在乐鑫官方设计方案上进行升级后推出的一款基于 ESP32C3 模组的入门级开发板。
> : [GitHub]( | [Gitee]( | [RYMCU](
## 功能介绍
| | |
| ESP32-C3-MINI-1 | ESP32-C3-MINI-1 Wi-Fi PCB 线 4 MB flash ESP32-C3FN4 flash ESP32-C3-MINI-1 |
| 5 V to 3.3 V LDO5 V 3.3 V LDO | 5 V 3.3 V |
| 5 V Power On LED5 V | USB |
| Pin Headers | GPIO flash SPI 线 |
| Boot ButtonBoot | Boot Reset |
| Micro-USB PortMicro-USB | USB PC ESP32-C3FN4 |
| Reset ButtonReset | |
| USB-to-UART BridgeUSB UART | USB UART 3 Mbps |
## 排针
J1 J3 ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1
### J1
| | | [^1] | |
| 1 | GND | G | |
| 2 | 3V3 | P | 3.3 V |
| 3 | 3V3 | P | 3.3 V |
| 4 | IO2 | I/O/T | GPIO2 2 , ADC1_CH2, FSPIQ |
| 5 | IO3 | I/O/T | GPIO3, ADC1_CH3 |
| 6 | GND | G | |
| 7 | RST | I | CHIP_PU |
| 8 | GND | G | |
| 9 | IO0 | I/O/T | GPIO0, ADC1_CH0, XTAL_32K_P |
| 10 | IO1 | I/O/T | GPIO1, ADC1_CH1, XTAL_32K_N |
| 11 | IO10 | I/O/T | GPIO10, FSPICS0 |
| 12 | GND | G | |
| 13 | 5V | P | 5 V |
| 14 | 5V | P | 5 V |
| 15 | GND | G | |
### J3
| | | [^1] | |
| 1 | GND | G | |
| 2 | TX | I/O/T | GPIO21, U0TXD |
| 3 | RX | I/O/T | GPIO20, U0RXD |
| 4 | GND | G | |
| 5 | IO9 | I/O/T | GPIO9 [^2] |
| 6 | IO8 | I/O/T | GPIO8 [^2], RGB LED |
| 7 | GND | G | |
| 8 | IO7 | I/O/T | GPIO7, FSPID, MTDO |
| 9 | IO6 | I/O/T | GPIO6, FSPICLK, MTCK |
| 10 | IO5 | I/O/T | GPIO5, ADC2_CH0, FSPIWP, MTDI |
| 11 | IO4 | I/O/T | GPIO4, ADC1_CH4, FSPIHD, MTMS |
| 12 | GND | G | |
| 13 | IO18 | I/O/T | GPIO18 |
| 14 | IO19 | I/O/T | GPIO19 |
| 15 | GND | G | |
## 管脚布局
## 相关文档
- [](
[^1]: PIOT
[^2]: GPIO2GPIO8GPIO9 ESP32-C3FN4 Strapping Strapping Strapping [ESP32-C3 ]( Strapping
', '<p>ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 ESP32C3 </p>
<p>: <a href="">GitHub</a> | <a href="">Gitee</a> | <a href="">RYMCU</a></p>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<h2 id="功能介绍"></h2>
<p>ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 </p>
<td>ESP32-C3-MINI-1 Wi-Fi PCB 线 4 MB flash ESP32-C3FN4 flash ESP32-C3-MINI-1 </td>
<td>5 V to 3.3 V LDO5 V 3.3 V LDO</td>
<td> 5 V 3.3 V</td>
<td>5 V Power On LED5 V </td>
<td> USB </td>
<td>Pin Headers</td>
<td> GPIO flash SPI 线 </td>
<td>Boot ButtonBoot </td>
<td> Boot Reset </td>
<td>Micro-USB PortMicro-USB </td>
<td>USB PC ESP32-C3FN4 </td>
<td>Reset ButtonReset </td>
<td>USB-to-UART BridgeUSB UART </td>
<td> USB UART 3 Mbps </td>
<td>RGB LED</td>
<td> RGB GPIO8 </td>
<h2 id="排针"></h2>
<p>J1 J3 ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 </p>
<h3 id="J1">J1</h3>
<th> <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-1"><a href="#footnotes-def-1">1</a></sup></th>
<td>3.3 V </td>
<td>3.3 V </td>
<td>GPIO2 2 , ADC1_CH2, FSPIQ</td>
<td>GPIO3, ADC1_CH3</td>
<td>GPIO0, ADC1_CH0, XTAL_32K_P</td>
<td>GPIO1, ADC1_CH1, XTAL_32K_N</td>
<td>GPIO10, FSPICS0</td>
<td>5 V </td>
<td>5 V </td>
<h3 id="J3">J3</h3>
<th> <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-1:2"><a href="#footnotes-def-1">1</a></sup></th>
<td>GPIO21, U0TXD</td>
<td>GPIO20, U0RXD</td>
<td>GPIO9 <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-2"><a href="#footnotes-def-2">2</a></sup></td>
<td>GPIO8 <sup class="footnotes-ref" id="footnotes-ref-2:2"><a href="#footnotes-def-2">2</a></sup>, RGB LED</td>
<td>GPIO7, FSPID, MTDO</td>
<td>GPIO5, ADC2_CH0, FSPIWP, MTDI</td>
<td>GPIO4, ADC1_CH4, FSPIHD, MTMS</td>
<h2 id="管脚布局"></h2>
<p><img src="" alt="esp32c3devkitm1v1pinout.png" /></p>
<h2 id="相关文档"></h2>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<div class="footnotes-defs-div"><hr class="footnotes-defs-hr" />
<ol class="footnotes-defs-ol"><li id="footnotes-def-1"><p>PIOT <a href="#footnotes-ref-1" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-1:2" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a></p>
<li id="footnotes-def-2"><p>GPIO2GPIO8GPIO9 ESP32-C3FN4 Strapping Strapping Strapping <a href="">ESP32-C3 </a> Strapping <a href="#footnotes-ref-2" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a> <a href="#footnotes-ref-2:2" class="vditor-footnotes__goto-ref"></a></p>
</ol></div>', '2024-02-03 10:54:25', '2024-02-03 10:54:27');
2023-02-08 16:13:12 +08:00
INSERT INTO forest.forest_bank (id, bank_name, bank_owner, bank_description, created_by, created_time)
VALUES (1, '社区中央银行', 1, '社区中央银行', 1, '2020-11-26 21:24:19');
INSERT INTO forest.forest_bank (id, bank_name, bank_owner, bank_description, created_by, created_time)
VALUES (2, '社区发展与改革银行', 1, '社区发展与改革银行', 1, '2020-11-26 21:31:27');
INSERT INTO forest.forest_bank_account (id, id_bank, bank_account, account_balance, account_owner, created_time,
VALUES (2, 1, '100000002', 1207980.00000000, 2, '2020-11-26 21:37:18', '1');
INSERT INTO forest.forest_bank_account (id, id_bank, bank_account, account_balance, account_owner, created_time,
VALUES (1, 1, '100000001', 997500000.00000000, 1, '2020-11-26 21:36:21', '1');
2023-04-06 19:41:15 +08:00
INSERT INTO `forest`.`forest_bank_account` (`id`, `id_bank`, `bank_account`, `account_balance`, `account_owner`,
`created_time`, `account_type`)
VALUES (3, 1, '100000061', 100.00000000, 65001, '2020-11-26 21:37:18', '0');
INSERT INTO `forest`.`forest_bank_account` (`id`, `id_bank`, `bank_account`, `account_balance`, `account_owner`,
`created_time`, `account_type`)
VALUES (4, 1, '100000063', 100.00000000, 65003, '2020-11-26 21:37:18', '0');