2021-01-31 11:51:23 +08:00

129 lines
4.0 KiB

return [
'language' => 'language',
'chinese' => '中文簡體',
'english' => 'english',
'add' => '添加',
'delete' => '刪除',
'edit' => '編輯',
'uploads' => '上傳',
'login success' => '登錄成功',
'login error' => '登錄失敗',
'add success' => '添加成功!',
'add error' => '添加失敗',
'edit success' => '修改成功',
'edit error' => '修改失敗',
'delete success' => '刪除成功',
'delete error' => '刪除失敗',
'upload success' => '上傳成功',
'upload error' => '上傳失敗',
'upgrade success' => '升級成功',
'upgrade error' => '升級失敗',
'illegal request' => '非法請求',
'index' => 'index',
'home page' => '首頁',
'user center' => '用戶中心',
'set info' => '設置',
'my message' => '我的消息',
'my page' => '我的主頁',
'login' => '登錄',
'logout' => '退出',
'sign in' => '簽到',
'sign up' => '註冊',
'register' => '註冊',
'discuss' => '討論',
'case' => '案例',
'timeline' => '框架日誌',
'poster' => '貼主',
'title' => '標題',
'title color' => '顏色',
'add post' => '添加帖子',
'edit post' => '編輯帖子',
'delete post' => '刪除帖子',
'post now' => '立即發布',
'my collection' => '我的收藏',
'cancel collection' => '取消收藏',
'all' => '綜合',
'finished' => '已結',
'end' => '已結',
'no finished' => '未結',
'hot' => '熱貼',
'top' => '精貼',
'cancel hoting' => '取消精貼',
'cancel topping' => '取消置頂',
'go sign' => '去簽到',
'more post' => '更多帖子',
'friendly link' => '友情鏈接',
'reviewers list' => '回帖熱榜',
'hot post list' => '本周熱議',
'links list' => '溫馨通道',
'statement' => '說明',
'trends' => '動態',
'sponsor' => '鉆級贊助商',
'i want to join' => '我要加入',
'official products' => '官方產品',
'no comments' => '暫時還沒有評論',
'submit comments' => '提交評論',
'reply' => '回復',
'replies' => '次回復',
'accept' => '采納',
'please input the content' => '請輸入內容',
'ads area' => '廣告區',
'enclosure' => '附件',
'add attachment' => '添加附件',
'download files' => '下載文件',
'special column' => '選擇專欄',
'tags' => '標簽',
'add tags' => '添加標簽',
//Sign in/up
'username' => '用戶',
'password' => '密碼',
'username or password error' => '用戶或密碼錯誤',
'new password' => '新密碼',
'reset password' => '重置密碼',
'retrieve password' => '找回密碼',
'email' => '郵箱',
'confirm password' => '確認密碼',
'captcha' => '驗證碼',
'remember password' => '壹周內記住密碼',
'forget password' => '忘記密碼',
'login now' => '立即登錄',
'submit' => '提交',
'go back' => '返回',
'register now' => '立即註冊',
'mail/username' => '郵箱/用戶名',
'6-16 characters' => '6-16 字符',
'strong type encryption' => '經過強類型加密',
'it cannot be changed' => '不能更改',
'the only way to get back your password' => '找回密碼唯壹途徑',
'please input the password' => '請輸入密碼',
'please confirm the password' => '請確認密碼',
'please input the captcha' => '請輸入驗證碼',
'add friends' => '添加為好友',
'start a chat' => '開始會話',
'authentication information' => '認證信息',
'it is not signed yet' => '懶得還沒有任何簽名',
'log in to view' => '登錄查看',
'join' => '加入',
'recent statements' => '最近發帖',
'recent answers' => '最近回貼',
'browses' => '瀏覽',
'in' => '在',
'accumulate points' => '積分',
'my post' => '我的帖子',
'my auth' => '我的授权'