create($qrCode); $baseBlockSize = $qrCode->getRoundBlockSizeMode() instanceof RoundBlockSizeModeNone ? 10 : intval($matrix->getBlockSize()); $baseImage = imagecreatetruecolor($matrix->getBlockCount() * $baseBlockSize, $matrix->getBlockCount() * $baseBlockSize); if (!$baseImage) { throw new \Exception('Unable to generate image: please check if the GD extension is enabled and configured correctly'); } /** @var int $foregroundColor */ $foregroundColor = imagecolorallocatealpha( $baseImage, $qrCode->getForegroundColor()->getRed(), $qrCode->getForegroundColor()->getGreen(), $qrCode->getForegroundColor()->getBlue(), $qrCode->getForegroundColor()->getAlpha() ); /** @var int $transparentColor */ $transparentColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($baseImage, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefill($baseImage, 0, 0, $transparentColor); for ($rowIndex = 0; $rowIndex < $matrix->getBlockCount(); ++$rowIndex) { for ($columnIndex = 0; $columnIndex < $matrix->getBlockCount(); ++$columnIndex) { if (1 === $matrix->getBlockValue($rowIndex, $columnIndex)) { imagefilledrectangle( $baseImage, $columnIndex * $baseBlockSize, $rowIndex * $baseBlockSize, ($columnIndex + 1) * $baseBlockSize - 1, ($rowIndex + 1) * $baseBlockSize - 1, $foregroundColor ); } } } $targetWidth = $matrix->getOuterSize(); $targetHeight = $matrix->getOuterSize(); if ($label instanceof LabelInterface) { $labelImageData = LabelImageData::createForLabel($label); $targetHeight += $labelImageData->getHeight() + $label->getMargin()->getTop() + $label->getMargin()->getBottom(); } $targetImage = imagecreatetruecolor($targetWidth, $targetHeight); if (!$targetImage) { throw new \Exception('Unable to generate image: please check if the GD extension is enabled and configured correctly'); } /** @var int $backgroundColor */ $backgroundColor = imagecolorallocatealpha( $targetImage, $qrCode->getBackgroundColor()->getRed(), $qrCode->getBackgroundColor()->getGreen(), $qrCode->getBackgroundColor()->getBlue(), $qrCode->getBackgroundColor()->getAlpha() ); imagefill($targetImage, 0, 0, $backgroundColor); imagecopyresampled( $targetImage, $baseImage, $matrix->getMarginLeft(), $matrix->getMarginLeft(), 0, 0, $matrix->getInnerSize(), $matrix->getInnerSize(), imagesx($baseImage), imagesy($baseImage) ); if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) { imagedestroy($baseImage); } if ($qrCode->getBackgroundColor()->getAlpha() > 0) { imagesavealpha($targetImage, true); } $result = new PngResult($targetImage); if ($logo instanceof LogoInterface) { $result = $this->addLogo($logo, $result); } if ($label instanceof LabelInterface) { $result = $this->addLabel($label, $result); } return $result; } private function addLogo(LogoInterface $logo, PngResult $result): PngResult { $logoImageData = LogoImageData::createForLogo($logo); if ('image/svg+xml' === $logoImageData->getMimeType()) { throw new \Exception('PNG Writer does not support SVG logo'); } $targetImage = $result->getImage(); if ($logoImageData->getPunchoutBackground()) { /** @var int $transparent */ $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($targetImage, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagealphablending($targetImage, false); for ( $x_offset = intval(imagesx($targetImage) / 2 - $logoImageData->getWidth() / 2); $x_offset < intval(imagesx($targetImage) / 2 - $logoImageData->getWidth() / 2) + $logoImageData->getWidth(); ++$x_offset ) { for ( $y_offset = intval(imagesy($targetImage) / 2 - $logoImageData->getHeight() / 2); $y_offset < intval(imagesy($targetImage) / 2 - $logoImageData->getHeight() / 2) + $logoImageData->getHeight(); ++$y_offset ) { imagesetpixel( $targetImage, $x_offset, $y_offset, $transparent ); } } } imagecopyresampled( $targetImage, $logoImageData->getImage(), intval(imagesx($targetImage) / 2 - $logoImageData->getWidth() / 2), intval(imagesx($targetImage) / 2 - $logoImageData->getHeight() / 2), 0, 0, $logoImageData->getWidth(), $logoImageData->getHeight(), imagesx($logoImageData->getImage()), imagesy($logoImageData->getImage()) ); if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) { imagedestroy($logoImageData->getImage()); } return new PngResult($targetImage); } private function addLabel(LabelInterface $label, PngResult $result): PngResult { $targetImage = $result->getImage(); $labelImageData = LabelImageData::createForLabel($label); /** @var int $textColor */ $textColor = imagecolorallocatealpha( $targetImage, $label->getTextColor()->getRed(), $label->getTextColor()->getGreen(), $label->getTextColor()->getBlue(), $label->getTextColor()->getAlpha() ); $x = intval(imagesx($targetImage) / 2 - $labelImageData->getWidth() / 2); $y = imagesy($targetImage) - $label->getMargin()->getBottom(); if ($label->getAlignment() instanceof LabelAlignmentLeft) { $x = $label->getMargin()->getLeft(); } elseif ($label->getAlignment() instanceof LabelAlignmentRight) { $x = imagesx($targetImage) - $labelImageData->getWidth() - $label->getMargin()->getRight(); } imagettftext($targetImage, $label->getFont()->getSize(), 0, $x, $y, $textColor, $label->getFont()->getPath(), $label->getText()); return new PngResult($targetImage); } public function validateResult(ResultInterface $result, string $expectedData): void { $string = $result->getString(); if (!class_exists(QrReader::class)) { throw new \Exception('Please install khanamiryan/qrcode-detector-decoder or disable image validation'); } if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) { throw new \Exception('The validator is not compatible with PHP 8 yet, see'); } $reader = new QrReader($string, QrReader::SOURCE_TYPE_BLOB); if ($reader->text() !== $expectedData) { throw new \Exception('Built-in validation reader read "'.$reader->text().'" instead of "'.$expectedData.'". Adjust your parameters to increase readability or disable built-in validation.'); } } }