/** @Name:layim mobile 2.1.0 @Author:贤心 @Site:http://layim.layui.com @License:LGPL */ layui.define(['laytpl', 'upload-mobile', 'layer-mobile', 'zepto'], function(exports){ var v = '2.1.0'; var $ = layui.zepto; var laytpl = layui.laytpl; var layer = layui['layer-mobile']; var upload = layui['upload-mobile']; var device = layui.device(); var SHOW = 'layui-show', THIS = 'layim-this', MAX_ITEM = 20; //回调 var call = {}; //对外API var LAYIM = function(){ this.v = v; touch($('body'), '*[layim-event]', function(e){ var othis = $(this), methid = othis.attr('layim-event'); events[methid] ? events[methid].call(this, othis, e) : ''; }); }; //避免tochmove触发touchend var touch = function(obj, child, fn){ var move, type = typeof child === 'function', end = function(e){ var othis = $(this); if(othis.data('lock')){ return; } move || fn.call(this, e); move = false; othis.data('lock', 'true'); setTimeout(function(){ othis.removeAttr('data-lock'); }, othis.data('locktime') || 0); }; if(type){ fn = child; } obj = typeof obj === 'string' ? $(obj) : obj; if(!isTouch){ if(type){ obj.on('click', end); } else { obj.on('click', child, end); } return; } if(type){ obj.on('touchmove', function(){ move = true; }).on('touchend', end); } else { obj.on('touchmove', child, function(){ move = true; }).on('touchend', child, end); } }; //是否支持Touch var isTouch = /Android|iPhone|SymbianOS|Windows Phone|iPad|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent); //底部弹出 layer.popBottom = function(options){ layer.close(layer.popBottom.index); layer.popBottom.index = layer.open($.extend({ type: 1 ,content: options.content || '' ,shade: false ,className: 'layim-layer' }, options)); }; //基础配置 LAYIM.prototype.config = function(options){ options = options || {}; options = $.extend({ title: '我的IM' ,isgroup: 0 ,isNewFriend: !0 ,voice: 'default.mp3' ,chatTitleColor: '#36373C' }, options); init(options); }; //监听事件 LAYIM.prototype.on = function(events, callback){ if(typeof callback === 'function'){ call[events] ? call[events].push(callback) : call[events] = [callback]; } return this; }; //打开一个自定义的会话界面 LAYIM.prototype.chat = function(data){ if(!window.JSON || !window.JSON.parse) return; return popchat(data, -1), this; }; //打开一个自定义面板 LAYIM.prototype.panel = function(options){ return popPanel(options); }; //获取所有缓存数据 LAYIM.prototype.cache = function(){ return cache; }; //接受消息 LAYIM.prototype.getMessage = function(data){ return getMessage(data), this; }; //添加好友/群 LAYIM.prototype.addList = function(data){ return addList(data), this; }; //删除好友/群 LAYIM.prototype.removeList = function(data){ return removeList(data), this; }; //设置好友在线/离线状态 LAYIM.prototype.setFriendStatus = function(id, type){ var list = $('.layim-friend'+ id); list[type === 'online' ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('layim-list-gray'); }; //设置当前会话状态 LAYIM.prototype.setChatStatus = function(str){ var thatChat = thisChat(), status = thatChat.elem.find('.layim-chat-status'); return status.html(str), this; }; //标记新动态 LAYIM.prototype.showNew = function(alias, show){ showNew(alias, show); }; //解析聊天内容 LAYIM.prototype.content = function(content){ return layui.data.content(content); }; //列表内容模板 var listTpl = function(options){ var nodata = { friend: "该分组下暂无好友" ,group: "暂无群组" ,history: "暂无任何消息" }; options = options || {}; //如果是历史记录,则读取排序好的数据 if(options.type === 'history'){ options.item = options.item || 'd.sortHistory'; } return ['{{# var length = 0; layui.each('+ options.item +', function(i, data){ length++; }}' ,'<li layim-event="chat" data-type="'+ options.type +'" data-index="'+ (options.index ? '{{'+ options.index +'}}' : (options.type === 'history' ? '{{data.type}}' : options.type) +'{{data.id}}') +'" class="layim-'+ (options.type === 'history' ? '{{data.type}}' : options.type) +'{{data.id}} {{ data.status === "offline" ? "layim-list-gray" : "" }}"><div><img src="{{data.avatar}}"></div><span>{{ data.username||data.groupname||data.name||"佚名" }}</span><p>{{ data.remark||data.sign||"" }}</p><span class="layim-msg-status">new</span></li>' ,'{{# }); if(length === 0){ }}' ,'<li class="layim-null">'+ (nodata[options.type] || "暂无数据") +'</li>' ,'{{# } }}'].join(''); }; //公共面板 var comTpl = function(tpl, anim, back){ return ['<div class="layim-panel'+ (anim ? ' layui-m-anim-left' : '') +'">' ,'<div class="layim-title" style="background-color: {{d.base.chatTitleColor}};">' ,'<p>' ,(back ? '<i class="layui-icon layim-chat-back" layim-event="back"></i>' : '') ,'{{ d.title || d.base.title }}<span class="layim-chat-status"></span>' ,'{{# if(d.data){ }}' ,'{{# if(d.data.type === "group"){ }}' ,'<i class="layui-icon layim-chat-detail" layim-event="detail"></i>' ,'{{# } }}' ,'{{# } }}' ,'</p>' ,'</div>' ,'<div class="layui-unselect layim-content">' ,tpl ,'</div>' ,'</div>'].join(''); }; //主界面模版 var elemTpl = ['<div class="layui-layim">' ,'<div class="layim-tab-content layui-show">' ,'<ul class="layim-list-friend">' ,'<ul class="layui-layim-list layui-show layim-list-history">' ,listTpl({ type: 'history' }) ,'</ul>' ,'</ul>' ,'</div>' ,'<div class="layim-tab-content">' ,'<ul class="layim-list-top">' ,'{{# if(d.base.isNewFriend){ }}' ,'<li layim-event="newFriend"><i class="layui-icon"></i>新的朋友<i class="layim-new" id="LAY_layimNewFriend"></i></li>' ,'{{# } if(d.base.isgroup){ }}' ,'<li layim-event="group"><i class="layui-icon"></i>群聊<i class="layim-new" id="LAY_layimNewGroup"></i></li>' ,'{{# } }}' ,'</ul>' ,'<ul class="layim-list-friend">' ,'{{# layui.each(d.friend, function(index, item){ var spread = d.local["spread"+index]; }}' ,'<li>' ,'<h5 layim-event="spread" lay-type="{{ spread }}"><i class="layui-icon">{{# if(spread === "true"){ }}{{# } else { }}{{# } }}</i><span>{{ item.groupname||"未命名分组"+index }}</span><em>(<cite class="layim-count"> {{ (item.list||[]).length }}</cite>)</em></h5>' ,'<ul class="layui-layim-list {{# if(spread === "true"){ }}' ,' layui-show' ,'{{# } }}">' ,listTpl({ type: "friend" ,item: "item.list" ,index: "index" }) ,'</ul>' ,'</li>' ,'{{# }); if(d.friend.length === 0){ }}' ,'<li><ul class="layui-layim-list layui-show"><li class="layim-null">暂无联系人</li></ul>' ,'{{# } }}' ,'</ul>' ,'</div>' ,'<div class="layim-tab-content">' ,'<ul class="layim-list-top">' ,'{{# layui.each(d.base.moreList, function(index, item){ }}' ,'<li layim-event="moreList" lay-filter="{{ item.alias }}">' ,'<i class="layui-icon {{item.iconClass||\"\"}}">{{item.iconUnicode||""}}</i>{{item.title}}<i class="layim-new" id="LAY_layimNew{{ item.alias }}"></i>' ,'</li>' ,'{{# }); if(!d.base.copyright){ }}' ,'<li layim-event="about"><i class="layui-icon"></i>关于<i class="layim-new" id="LAY_layimNewAbout"></i></li>' ,'{{# } }}' ,'</ul>' ,'</div>' ,'</div>' ,'<ul class="layui-unselect layui-layim-tab">' ,'<li title="消息" layim-event="tab" lay-type="message" class="layim-this"><i class="layui-icon"></i><span>消息</span><i class="layim-new" id="LAY_layimNewMsg"></i></li>' ,'<li title="联系人" layim-event="tab" lay-type="friend"><i class="layui-icon"></i><span>联系人</span><i class="layim-new" id="LAY_layimNewList"></i></li>' ,'<li title="更多" layim-event="tab" lay-type="more"><i class="layui-icon"></i><span>更多</span><i class="layim-new" id="LAY_layimNewMore"></i></li>' ,'</ul>'].join(''); //聊天主模板 var elemChatTpl = ['<div class="layim-chat layim-chat-{{d.data.type}}">' ,'<div class="layim-chat-main">' ,'<ul></ul>' ,'</div>' ,'<div class="layim-chat-footer">' ,'<div class="layim-chat-send"><input type="text" autocomplete="off"><button class="layim-send layui-disabled" layim-event="send">发送</button></div>' ,'<div class="layim-chat-tool" data-json="{{encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(d.data))}}">' ,'<span class="layui-icon layim-tool-face" title="选择表情" layim-event="face"></span>' ,'{{# if(d.base && d.base.uploadImage){ }}' ,'<span class="layui-icon layim-tool-image" title="上传图片" layim-event="image"><input type="file" name="file" accept="image/*"></span>' ,'{{# }; }}' ,'{{# if(d.base && d.base.uploadFile){ }}' ,'<span class="layui-icon layim-tool-image" title="发送文件" layim-event="image" data-type="file"><input type="file" name="file"></span>' ,'{{# }; }}' ,'{{# layui.each(d.base.tool, function(index, item){ }}' ,'<span class="layui-icon {{item.iconClass||\"\"}} layim-tool-{{item.alias}}" title="{{item.title}}" layim-event="extend" lay-filter="{{ item.alias }}">{{item.iconUnicode||""}}</span>' ,'{{# }); }}' ,'</div>' ,'</div>' ,'</div>'].join(''); //补齐数位 var digit = function(num){ return num < 10 ? '0' + (num|0) : num; }; //转换时间 layui.data.date = function(timestamp){ var d = new Date(timestamp||new Date()); return digit(d.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + digit(d.getDate()) + ' ' + digit(d.getHours()) + ':' + digit(d.getMinutes()); }; //转换内容 layui.data.content = function(content){ //支持的html标签 var html = function(end){ return new RegExp('\\n*\\['+ (end||'') +'(pre|div|p|table|thead|th|tbody|tr|td|ul|li|ol|li|dl|dt|dd|h2|h3|h4|h5)([\\s\\S]*?)\\]\\n*', 'g'); }; content = (content||'').replace(/&(?!#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/"/g, '"') //XSS .replace(/@(\S+)(\s+?|$)/g, '@<a href="javascript:;">$1</a>$2') //转义@ .replace(/face\[([^\s\[\]]+?)\]/g, function(face){ //转义表情 var alt = face.replace(/^face/g, ''); return '<img alt="'+ alt +'" title="'+ alt +'" src="' + faces[alt] + '">'; }) .replace(/img\[([^\s]+?)\]/g, function(img){ //转义图片 return '<img class="layui-layim-photos" src="' + img.replace(/(^img\[)|(\]$)/g, '') + '">'; }) .replace(/file\([\s\S]+?\)\[[\s\S]*?\]/g, function(str){ //转义文件 var href = (str.match(/file\(([\s\S]+?)\)\[/)||[])[1]; var text = (str.match(/\)\[([\s\S]*?)\]/)||[])[1]; if(!href) return str; return '<a class="layui-layim-file" href="'+ href +'" download target="_blank"><i class="layui-icon"></i><cite>'+ (text||href) +'</cite></a>'; }) .replace(/audio\[([^\s]+?)\]/g, function(audio){ //转义音频 return '<div class="layui-unselect layui-layim-audio" layim-event="playAudio" data-src="' + audio.replace(/(^audio\[)|(\]$)/g, '') + '"><i class="layui-icon"></i><p>音频消息</p></div>'; }) .replace(/video\[([^\s]+?)\]/g, function(video){ //转义音频 return '<div class="layui-unselect layui-layim-video" layim-event="playVideo" data-src="' + video.replace(/(^video\[)|(\]$)/g, '') + '"><i class="layui-icon"></i></div>'; }) .replace(/a\([\s\S]+?\)\[[\s\S]*?\]/g, function(str){ //转义链接 var href = (str.match(/a\(([\s\S]+?)\)\[/)||[])[1]; var text = (str.match(/\)\[([\s\S]*?)\]/)||[])[1]; if(!href) return str; return '<a href="'+ href +'" target="_blank">'+ (text||href) +'</a>'; }).replace(html(), '\<$1 $2\>').replace(html('/'), '\</$1\>') //转移HTML代码 .replace(/\n/g, '<br>') //转义换行 return content; }; var elemChatMain = ['<li class="layim-chat-li{{ d.mine ? " layim-chat-mine" : "" }}">' ,'<div class="layim-chat-user"><img src="{{ d.avatar }}"><cite>' ,'{{ d.username||"佚名" }}' ,'</cite></div>' ,'<div class="layim-chat-text">{{ layui.data.content(d.content||" ") }}</div>' ,'</li>'].join(''); //处理初始化信息 var cache = {message: {}, chat: []}, init = function(options){ var init = options.init || {} mine = init.mine || {} ,local = layui.data('layim-mobile')[mine.id] || {} ,obj = { base: options ,local: local ,mine: mine ,history: local.history || [] }, create = function(data){ var mine = data.mine || {}; var local = layui.data('layim-mobile')[mine.id] || {}, obj = { base: options //基础配置信息 ,local: local //本地数据 ,mine: mine //我的用户信息 ,friend: data.friend || [] //联系人信息 ,group: data.group || [] //群组信息 ,history: local.history || [] //历史会话信息 }; obj.sortHistory = sort(obj.history, 'historyTime'); cache = $.extend(cache, obj); popim(laytpl(comTpl(elemTpl)).render(obj)); layui.each(call.ready, function(index, item){ item && item(obj); }); }; cache = $.extend(cache, obj); if(options.brief){ return layui.each(call.ready, function(index, item){ item && item(obj); }); }; create(init) }; //显示好友列表面板 var layimMain, popim = function(content){ return layer.open({ type: 1 ,shade: false ,shadeClose: false ,anim: -1 ,content: content ,success: function(elem){ layimMain = $(elem); fixIosScroll(layimMain.find('.layui-layim')); if(cache.base.tabIndex){ events.tab($('.layui-layim-tab>li').eq(cache.base.tabIndex)); } } }); }; //弹出公共面板 var popPanel = function(options, anim){ options = options || {}; var data = $.extend({}, cache, { title: options.title||'' ,data: options.data }); return layer.open({ type: 1 ,shade: false ,shadeClose: false ,anim: -1 ,content: laytpl(comTpl(options.tpl, anim === -1 ? false : true, true)).render(data) ,success: function(elem){ var othis = $(elem); othis.prev().find('.layim-panel').addClass('layui-m-anim-lout'); options.success && options.success(elem); options.isChat || fixIosScroll(othis.find('.layim-content')); } ,end: options.end }); } //显示聊天面板 var layimChat, layimMin, To = {}, popchat = function(data, anim, back){ data = data || {}; if(!data.id){ return layer.msg('非法用户'); } layer.close(popchat.index); return popchat.index = popPanel({ tpl: elemChatTpl ,data: data ,title: data.name ,isChat: !0 ,success: function(elem){ layimChat = $(elem); hotkeySend(); viewChatlog(); delete cache.message[data.type + data.id]; //剔除缓存消息 showNew('Msg'); //聊天窗口的切换监听 var thatChat = thisChat(), chatMain = thatChat.elem.find('.layim-chat-main'); layui.each(call.chatChange, function(index, item){ item && item(thatChat); }); fixIosScroll(chatMain); //输入框获取焦点 thatChat.textarea.on('focus', function(){ setTimeout(function(){ chatMain.scrollTop(chatMain[0].scrollHeight + 1000); }, 500); }); } ,end: function(){ layimChat = null; sendMessage.time = 0; } }, anim); }; //修复IOS设备在边界引发无法滚动的问题 var fixIosScroll = function(othis){ if(device.ios){ othis.on('touchmove', function(e){ var top = othis.scrollTop(); if(top <= 0){ othis.scrollTop(1); e.preventDefault(e); } if(this.scrollHeight - top - othis.height() <= 0){ othis.scrollTop(othis.scrollTop() - 1); e.preventDefault(e); } }); } }; //同步置灰状态 var syncGray = function(data){ $('.layim-'+data.type+data.id).each(function(){ if($(this).hasClass('layim-list-gray')){ layui.layim.setFriendStatus(data.id, 'offline'); } }); }; //获取当前聊天面板 var thisChat = function(){ if(!layimChat) return {}; var cont = layimChat.find('.layim-chat'); var to = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(cont.find('.layim-chat-tool').data('json'))); return { elem: cont ,data: to ,textarea: cont.find('input') }; }; //将对象按子对象的某个key排序 var sort = function(data, key, asc){ var arr = [] ,compare = function (obj1, obj2) { var value1 = obj1[key]; var value2 = obj2[key]; if (value2 < value1) { return -1; } else if (value2 > value1) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }; layui.each(data, function(index, item){ arr.push(item); }); arr.sort(compare); if(asc) arr.reverse(); return arr; }; //记录历史会话 var setHistory = function(data){ var local = layui.data('layim-mobile')[cache.mine.id] || {}; var obj = {}, history = local.history || {}; var is = history[data.type + data.id]; if(!layimMain) return; var historyElem = layimMain.find('.layim-list-history'); data.historyTime = new Date().getTime(); data.sign = data.content; history[data.type + data.id] = data; local.history = history; layui.data('layim-mobile', { key: cache.mine.id ,value: local }); var msgItem = historyElem.find('.layim-'+ data.type + data.id) ,msgNums = (cache.message[data.type+data.id]||[]).length //未读消息数 ,showMsg = function(){ msgItem = historyElem.find('.layim-'+ data.type + data.id); msgItem.find('p').html(data.content); if(msgNums > 0){ msgItem.find('.layim-msg-status').html(msgNums).addClass(SHOW); } }; if(msgItem.length > 0){ showMsg(); historyElem.prepend(msgItem.clone()); msgItem.remove(); } else { obj[data.type + data.id] = data; var historyList = laytpl(listTpl({ type: 'history' ,item: 'd.data' })).render({data: obj}); historyElem.prepend(historyList); showMsg(); historyElem.find('.layim-null').remove(); } showNew('Msg'); }; //标注底部导航新动态徽章 var showNew = function(alias, show){ if(!show){ var show; layui.each(cache.message, function(){ show = true; return false; }); } $('#LAY_layimNew'+alias)[show ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](SHOW); }; //发送消息 var sendMessage = function(){ var data = { username: cache.mine ? cache.mine.username : '访客' ,avatar: cache.mine ? cache.mine.avatar : (layui.cache.dir+'css/pc/layim/skin/logo.jpg') ,id: cache.mine ? cache.mine.id : null ,mine: true }; var thatChat = thisChat(), ul = thatChat.elem.find('.layim-chat-main ul'); var To = thatChat.data, maxLength = cache.base.maxLength || 3000; var time = new Date().getTime(), textarea = thatChat.textarea; data.content = textarea.val(); if(data.content === '') return; if(data.content.length > maxLength){ return layer.msg('内容最长不能超过'+ maxLength +'个字符') } if(time - (sendMessage.time||0) > 60*1000){ ul.append('<li class="layim-chat-system"><span>'+ layui.data.date() +'</span></li>'); sendMessage.time = time; } ul.append(laytpl(elemChatMain).render(data)); var param = { mine: data ,to: To }, message = { username: param.mine.username ,avatar: param.mine.avatar ,id: To.id ,type: To.type ,content: param.mine.content ,timestamp: time ,mine: true }; pushChatlog(message); layui.each(call.sendMessage, function(index, item){ item && item(param); }); To.content = data.content; setHistory(To); chatListMore(); textarea.val(''); textarea.next().addClass('layui-disabled'); }; //消息声音提醒 var voice = function() { var audio = document.createElement("audio"); audio.src = layui.cache.dir+'css/modules/layim/voice/'+ cache.base.voice; audio.play(); }; //接受消息 var messageNew = {}, getMessage = function(data){ data = data || {}; var group = {}, thatChat = thisChat(), thisData = thatChat.data || {} ,isThisData = thisData.id == data.id && thisData.type == data.type; //是否当前打开联系人的消息 data.timestamp = data.timestamp || new Date().getTime(); data.system || pushChatlog(data); messageNew = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); if(cache.base.voice){ voice(); } if((!layimChat && data.content) || !isThisData){ if(cache.message[data.type + data.id]){ cache.message[data.type + data.id].push(data) } else { cache.message[data.type + data.id] = [data]; } } //记录聊天面板队列 var group = {}; if(data.type === 'friend'){ var friend; layui.each(cache.friend, function(index1, item1){ layui.each(item1.list, function(index, item){ if(item.id == data.id){ data.type = 'friend'; data.name = item.username; return friend = true; } }); if(friend) return true; }); if(!friend){ data.temporary = true; //临时会话 } } else if(data.type === 'group'){ layui.each(cache.group, function(index, item){ if(item.id == data.id){ data.type = 'group'; data.name = data.groupname = item.groupname; group.avatar = item.avatar; return true; } }); } else { data.name = data.name || data.username || data.groupname; } var newData = $.extend({}, data, { avatar: group.avatar || data.avatar }); if(data.type === 'group'){ delete newData.username; } setHistory(newData); if(!layimChat || !isThisData) return; var cont = layimChat.find('.layim-chat') ,ul = cont.find('.layim-chat-main ul'); //系统消息 if(data.system){ ul.append('<li class="layim-chat-system"><span>'+ data.content +'</span></li>'); } else if(data.content.replace(/\s/g, '') !== ''){ if(data.timestamp - (sendMessage.time||0) > 60*1000){ ul.append('<li class="layim-chat-system"><span>'+ layui.data.date(data.timestamp) +'</span></li>'); sendMessage.time = data.timestamp; } ul.append(laytpl(elemChatMain).render(data)); } chatListMore(); }; //存储最近MAX_ITEM条聊天记录到本地 var pushChatlog = function(message){ var local = layui.data('layim-mobile')[cache.mine.id] || {}; var chatlog = local.chatlog || {}; if(chatlog[message.type + message.id]){ chatlog[message.type + message.id].push(message); if(chatlog[message.type + message.id].length > MAX_ITEM){ chatlog[message.type + message.id].shift(); } } else { chatlog[message.type + message.id] = [message]; } local.chatlog = chatlog; layui.data('layim-mobile', { key: cache.mine.id ,value: local }); }; //渲染本地最新聊天记录到相应面板 var viewChatlog = function(){ var local = layui.data('layim-mobile')[cache.mine.id] || {}; var thatChat = thisChat(), chatlog = local.chatlog || {}; var ul = thatChat.elem.find('.layim-chat-main ul'); layui.each(chatlog[thatChat.data.type + thatChat.data.id], function(index, item){ if(new Date().getTime() > item.timestamp && item.timestamp - (sendMessage.time||0) > 60*1000){ ul.append('<li class="layim-chat-system"><span>'+ layui.data.date(item.timestamp) +'</span></li>'); sendMessage.time = item.timestamp; } ul.append(laytpl(elemChatMain).render(item)); }); chatListMore(); }; //添加好友或群 var addList = function(data){ var obj = {}, has, listElem = layimMain.find('.layim-list-'+ data.type); if(cache[data.type]){ if(data.type === 'friend'){ layui.each(cache.friend, function(index, item){ if(data.groupid == item.id){ //检查好友是否已经在列表中 layui.each(cache.friend[index].list, function(idx, itm){ if(itm.id == data.id){ return has = true } }); if(has) return layer.msg('好友 ['+ (data.username||'') +'] 已经存在列表中',{anim: 6}); cache.friend[index].list = cache.friend[index].list || []; obj[cache.friend[index].list.length] = data; data.groupIndex = index; cache.friend[index].list.push(data); //在cache的friend里面也增加好友 return true; } }); } else if(data.type === 'group'){ //检查群组是否已经在列表中 layui.each(cache.group, function(idx, itm){ if(itm.id == data.id){ return has = true } }); if(has) return layer.msg('您已是 ['+ (data.groupname||'') +'] 的群成员',{anim: 6}); obj[cache.group.length] = data; cache.group.push(data); } } if(has) return; var list = laytpl(listTpl({ type: data.type ,item: 'd.data' ,index: data.type === 'friend' ? 'data.groupIndex' : null })).render({data: obj}); if(data.type === 'friend'){ var li = listElem.children('li').eq(data.groupIndex); li.find('.layui-layim-list').append(list); li.find('.layim-count').html(cache.friend[data.groupIndex].list.length); //刷新好友数量 //如果初始没有好友 if(li.find('.layim-null')[0]){ li.find('.layim-null').remove(); } } else if(data.type === 'group'){ listElem.append(list); //如果初始没有群组 if(listElem.find('.layim-null')[0]){ listElem.find('.layim-null').remove(); } } }; //移出好友或群 var removeList = function(data){ var listElem = layimMain.find('.layim-list-'+ data.type); var obj = {}; if(cache[data.type]){ if(data.type === 'friend'){ layui.each(cache.friend, function(index1, item1){ layui.each(item1.list, function(index, item){ if(data.id == item.id){ var li = listElem.children('li').eq(index1); var list = li.find('.layui-layim-list').children('li'); li.find('.layui-layim-list').children('li').eq(index).remove(); cache.friend[index1].list.splice(index, 1); //从cache的friend里面也删除掉好友 li.find('.layim-count').html(cache.friend[index1].list.length); //刷新好友数量 //如果一个好友都没了 if(cache.friend[index1].list.length === 0){ li.find('.layui-layim-list').html('<li class="layim-null">该分组下已无好友了</li>'); } return true; } }); }); } else if(data.type === 'group'){ layui.each(cache.group, function(index, item){ if(data.id == item.id){ listElem.children('li').eq(index).remove(); cache.group.splice(index, 1); //从cache的group里面也删除掉数据 //如果一个群组都没了 if(cache.group.length === 0){ listElem.html('<li class="layim-null">暂无群组</li>'); } return true; } }); } } }; //查看更多记录 var chatListMore = function(){ var thatChat = thisChat(), chatMain = thatChat.elem.find('.layim-chat-main'); var ul = chatMain.find('ul'), li = ul.children('.layim-chat-li'); if(li.length >= MAX_ITEM){ var first = li.eq(0); first.prev().remove(); if(!ul.prev().hasClass('layim-chat-system')){ ul.before('<div class="layim-chat-system"><span layim-event="chatLog">查看更多记录</span></div>'); } first.remove(); } chatMain.scrollTop(chatMain[0].scrollHeight + 1000); }; //快捷键发送 var hotkeySend = function(){ var thatChat = thisChat(), textarea = thatChat.textarea; var btn = textarea.next(); textarea.off('keyup').on('keyup', function(e){ var keyCode = e.keyCode; if(keyCode === 13){ e.preventDefault(); sendMessage(); } btn[textarea.val() === '' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('layui-disabled'); }); }; //表情库 var faces = function(){ var alt = ["[微笑]", "[嘻嘻]", "[哈哈]", "[可爱]", "[可怜]", "[挖鼻]", "[吃惊]", "[害羞]", "[挤眼]", "[闭嘴]", "[鄙视]", "[爱你]", "[泪]", "[偷笑]", "[亲亲]", "[生病]", "[太开心]", "[白眼]", "[右哼哼]", "[左哼哼]", "[嘘]", "[衰]", "[委屈]", "[吐]", "[哈欠]", "[抱抱]", "[怒]", "[疑问]", "[馋嘴]", "[拜拜]", "[思考]", "[汗]", "[困]", "[睡]", "[钱]", "[失望]", "[酷]", "[色]", "[哼]", "[鼓掌]", "[晕]", "[悲伤]", "[抓狂]", "[黑线]", "[阴险]", "[怒骂]", "[互粉]", "[心]", "[伤心]", "[猪头]", "[熊猫]", "[兔子]", "[ok]", "[耶]", "[good]", "[NO]", "[赞]", "[来]", "[弱]", "[草泥马]", "[神马]", "[囧]", "[浮云]", "[给力]", "[围观]", "[威武]", "[奥特曼]", "[礼物]", "[钟]", "[话筒]", "[蜡烛]", "[蛋糕]"], arr = {}; layui.each(alt, function(index, item){ arr[item] = layui.cache.dir + 'images/face/'+ index + '.gif'; }); return arr; }(); var stope = layui.stope; //组件事件冒泡 //在焦点处插入内容 var focusInsert = function(obj, str, nofocus){ var result, val = obj.value; nofocus || obj.focus(); if(document.selection){ //ie result = document.selection.createRange(); document.selection.empty(); result.text = str; } else { result = [val.substring(0, obj.selectionStart), str, val.substr(obj.selectionEnd)]; nofocus || obj.focus(); obj.value = result.join(''); } }; //事件 var anim = 'layui-anim-upbit', events = { //弹出聊天面板 chat: function(othis){ var local = layui.data('layim-mobile')[cache.mine.id] || {}; var type = othis.data('type'), index = othis.data('index'); var list = othis.attr('data-list') || othis.index(), data = {}; if(type === 'friend'){ data = cache[type][index].list[list]; } else if(type === 'group'){ data = cache[type][list]; } else if(type === 'history'){ data = (local.history || {})[index] || {}; } data.name = data.name || data.username || data.groupname; if(type !== 'history'){ data.type = type; } popchat(data, true); $('.layim-'+ data.type + data.id).find('.layim-msg-status').removeClass(SHOW); } //展开联系人分组 ,spread: function(othis){ var type = othis.attr('lay-type'); var spread = type === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true'; var local = layui.data('layim-mobile')[cache.mine.id] || {}; othis.next()[type === 'true' ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](SHOW); local['spread' + othis.parent().index()] = spread; layui.data('layim-mobile', { key: cache.mine.id ,value: local }); othis.attr('lay-type', spread); othis.find('.layui-icon').html(spread === 'true' ? '' : ''); } //底部导航切换 ,tab: function(othis){ var index = othis.index(), main = '.layim-tab-content'; othis.addClass(THIS).siblings().removeClass(THIS); layimMain.find(main).eq(index).addClass(SHOW).siblings(main).removeClass(SHOW); } //返回到上一个面板 ,back: function(othis){ var layero = othis.parents('.layui-m-layer').eq(0) ,index = layero.attr('index') ,PANEL = '.layim-panel'; setTimeout(function(){ layer.close(index); }, 300); othis.parents(PANEL).eq(0).removeClass('layui-m-anim-left').addClass('layui-m-anim-rout'); layero.prev().find(PANEL).eq(0).removeClass('layui-m-anim-lout').addClass('layui-m-anim-right'); layui.each(call.back, function(index, item){ setTimeout(function(){ item && item(); }, 200); }); } //发送聊天内容 ,send: function(){ sendMessage(); } //表情 ,face: function(othis, e){ var content = '', thatChat = thisChat(), input = thatChat.textarea; layui.each(faces, function(key, item){ content += '<li title="'+ key +'"><img src="'+ item +'"></li>'; }); content = '<ul class="layui-layim-face">'+ content +'</ul>'; layer.popBottom({ content: content ,success: function(elem){ var list = $(elem).find('.layui-layim-face').children('li') touch(list, function(){ focusInsert(input[0], 'face' + this.title + ' ', true); input.next()[input.val() === '' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('layui-disabled'); return false; }); } }); var doc = $(document); if(isTouch){ doc.off('touchend', events.faceHide).on('touchend', events.faceHide); } else { doc.off('click', events.faceHide).on('click', events.faceHide); } stope(e); } ,faceHide: function(){ layer.close(layer.popBottom.index); $(document).off('touchend', events.faceHide) .off('click', events.faceHide); } //图片或一般文件 ,image: function(othis){ var type = othis.data('type') || 'images', api = { images: 'uploadImage' ,file: 'uploadFile' } ,thatChat = thisChat(), conf = cache.base[api[type]] || {}; upload({ url: conf.url || '' ,method: conf.type ,elem: othis.find('input')[0] ,unwrap: true ,type: type ,success: function(res){ if(res.code == 0){ res.data = res.data || {}; if(type === 'images'){ focusInsert(thatChat.textarea[0], 'img['+ (res.data.src||'') +']'); } else if(type === 'file'){ focusInsert(thatChat.textarea[0], 'file('+ (res.data.src||'') +')['+ (res.data.name||'下载文件') +']'); } sendMessage(); } else { layer.msg(res.msg||'上传失败'); } } }); } //扩展工具栏 ,extend: function(othis){ var filter = othis.attr('lay-filter') ,thatChat = thisChat(); layui.each(call['tool('+ filter +')'], function(index, item){ item && item.call(othis, function(content){ focusInsert(thatChat.textarea[0], content); }, sendMessage, thatChat); }); } //弹出新的朋友面板 ,newFriend: function(){ layui.each(call.newFriend, function(index, item){ item && item(); }); } //弹出群组面板 ,group: function(){ popPanel({ title: '群聊' ,tpl: ['<div class="layui-layim-list layim-list-group">' ,listTpl({ type: 'group' ,item: 'd.group' }) ,'</div>'].join('') ,data: {} }); } //查看群组成员 ,detail: function(){ var thatChat = thisChat(); layui.each(call.detail, function(index, item){ item && item(thatChat.data); }); } //播放音频 ,playAudio: function(othis){ var audioData = othis.data('audio') ,audio = audioData || document.createElement('audio') ,pause = function(){ audio.pause(); othis.removeAttr('status'); othis.find('i').html(''); }; if(othis.data('error')){ return layer.msg('播放音频源异常'); } if(!audio.play){ return layer.msg('您的浏览器不支持audio'); } if(othis.attr('status')){ pause(); } else { audioData || (audio.src = othis.data('src')); audio.play(); othis.attr('status', 'pause'); othis.data('audio', audio); othis.find('i').html(''); //播放结束 audio.onended = function(){ pause(); }; //播放异常 audio.onerror = function(){ layer.msg('播放音频源异常'); othis.data('error', true); pause(); }; } } //播放视频 ,playVideo: function(othis){ var videoData = othis.data('src') ,video = document.createElement('video'); if(!video.play){ return layer.msg('您的浏览器不支持video'); } layer.close(events.playVideo.index); events.playVideo.index = layer.open({ type: 1 ,anim: false ,style: 'width: 100%; height: 50%;' ,content: '<div style="background-color: #000; height: 100%;"><video style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="'+ videoData +'" autoplay="autoplay"></video></div>' }); } //聊天记录 ,chatLog: function(othis){ var thatChat = thisChat(); layui.each(call.chatlog, function(index, item){ item && item(thatChat.data, thatChat.elem.find('.layim-chat-main>ul')); }); } //更多列表 ,moreList: function(othis){ var filter = othis.attr('lay-filter'); layui.each(call.moreList, function(index, item){ item && item({ alias: filter }); }); } //关于 ,about: function(){ layer.open({ content: '<p style="padding-bottom: 5px;">LayIM属于付费产品,欢迎通过官网获得授权,促进良性发展!</p><p>当前版本:layim mobile v'+ v + '</p><p>版权所有:<a href="http://layim.layui.com" target="_blank">layim.layui.com</a></p>' ,className: 'layim-about' ,shadeClose: false ,btn: '我知道了' }); } }; //暴露接口 exports('layim-mobile', new LAYIM()); }).addcss( 'modules/layim/mobile/layim.css?v=2.10' ,'skinlayim-mobilecss' );