setConfig($config); $this->setInput($input); $this->setOutput($output); } /** * Prints the specified environment's migration status. * * @param string $environment environment to print status of * @param string|null $format format to print status in (either text, json, or null) * @throws \RuntimeException * @return array array indicating if there are any missing or down migrations */ public function printStatus(string $environment, ?string $format = null): array { $output = $this->getOutput(); $hasDownMigration = false; $hasMissingMigration = false; $migrations = $this->getMigrations($environment); $migrationCount = 0; $missingCount = 0; $pendingMigrationCount = 0; $finalMigrations = []; $verbosity = $output->getVerbosity(); if ($format === 'json') { $output->setVerbosity(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); } if (count($migrations)) { // rewrite using Symfony Table Helper as we already have this library // included and it will fix formatting issues (e.g drawing the lines) $output->writeln('', $this->verbosityLevel); switch ($this->getConfig()->getVersionOrder()) { case Config::VERSION_ORDER_CREATION_TIME: $migrationIdAndStartedHeader = '[Migration ID] Started '; break; case Config::VERSION_ORDER_EXECUTION_TIME: $migrationIdAndStartedHeader = 'Migration ID [Started ]'; break; default: throw new RuntimeException('Invalid version_order configuration option'); } $output->writeln(" Status $migrationIdAndStartedHeader Finished Migration Name ", $this->verbosityLevel); $output->writeln('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------', $this->verbosityLevel); $env = $this->getEnvironment($environment); $versions = $env->getVersionLog(); $maxNameLength = $versions ? max(array_map(function ($version) { return strlen($version['migration_name']); }, $versions)) : 0; $missingVersions = array_diff_key($versions, $migrations); $missingCount = count($missingVersions); $hasMissingMigration = !empty($missingVersions); // get the migrations sorted in the same way as the versions /** @var \Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration[] $sortedMigrations */ $sortedMigrations = []; foreach ($versions as $versionCreationTime => $version) { if (isset($migrations[$versionCreationTime])) { array_push($sortedMigrations, $migrations[$versionCreationTime]); unset($migrations[$versionCreationTime]); } } if (empty($sortedMigrations) && !empty($missingVersions)) { // this means we have no up migrations, so we write all the missing versions already so they show up // before any possible down migration foreach ($missingVersions as $missingVersionCreationTime => $missingVersion) { $this->printMissingVersion($missingVersion, $maxNameLength); unset($missingVersions[$missingVersionCreationTime]); } } // any migration left in the migrations (ie. not unset when sorting the migrations by the version order) is // a migration that is down, so we add them to the end of the sorted migrations list if (!empty($migrations)) { $sortedMigrations = array_merge($sortedMigrations, $migrations); } $migrationCount = count($sortedMigrations); foreach ($sortedMigrations as $migration) { $version = array_key_exists($migration->getVersion(), $versions) ? $versions[$migration->getVersion()] : false; if ($version) { // check if there are missing versions before this version foreach ($missingVersions as $missingVersionCreationTime => $missingVersion) { if ($this->getConfig()->isVersionOrderCreationTime()) { if ($missingVersion['version'] > $version['version']) { break; } } else { if ($missingVersion['start_time'] > $version['start_time']) { break; } elseif ( $missingVersion['start_time'] == $version['start_time'] && $missingVersion['version'] > $version['version'] ) { break; } } $this->printMissingVersion($missingVersion, $maxNameLength); unset($missingVersions[$missingVersionCreationTime]); } $status = ' up '; } else { $pendingMigrationCount++; $hasDownMigration = true; $status = ' down '; } $maxNameLength = max($maxNameLength, strlen($migration->getName())); $output->writeln( sprintf( '%s %14.0f %19s %19s %s', $status, $migration->getVersion(), ($version ? $version['start_time'] : ''), ($version ? $version['end_time'] : ''), $migration->getName() ), $this->verbosityLevel ); if ($version && $version['breakpoint']) { $output->writeln(' BREAKPOINT SET', $this->verbosityLevel); } $finalMigrations[] = ['migration_status' => trim(strip_tags($status)), 'migration_id' => sprintf('%14.0f', $migration->getVersion()), 'migration_name' => $migration->getName()]; unset($versions[$migration->getVersion()]); } // and finally add any possibly-remaining missing migrations foreach ($missingVersions as $missingVersionCreationTime => $missingVersion) { $this->printMissingVersion($missingVersion, $maxNameLength); unset($missingVersions[$missingVersionCreationTime]); } } else { // there are no migrations $output->writeln('', $this->verbosityLevel); $output->writeln('There are no available migrations. Try creating one using the create command.', $this->verbosityLevel); } // write an empty line $output->writeln('', $this->verbosityLevel); if ($format !== null) { switch ($format) { case AbstractCommand::FORMAT_JSON: $output->setVerbosity($verbosity); $output->writeln(json_encode( [ 'pending_count' => $pendingMigrationCount, 'missing_count' => $missingCount, 'total_count' => $migrationCount + $missingCount, 'migrations' => $finalMigrations, ] )); break; default: $output->writeln('Unsupported format: ' . $format . ''); } } return [ 'hasMissingMigration' => $hasMissingMigration, 'hasDownMigration' => $hasDownMigration, ]; } /** * Print Missing Version * * @param array $version The missing version to print (in the format returned by Environment.getVersionLog). * @param int $maxNameLength The maximum migration name length. * @return void */ protected function printMissingVersion(array $version, int $maxNameLength): void { $this->getOutput()->writeln(sprintf( ' up %14.0f %19s %19s %s ** MISSING MIGRATION FILE **', $version['version'], $version['start_time'], $version['end_time'], str_pad($version['migration_name'], $maxNameLength, ' ') )); if ($version && $version['breakpoint']) { $this->getOutput()->writeln(' BREAKPOINT SET'); } } /** * Migrate to the version of the database on a given date. * * @param string $environment Environment * @param \DateTime $dateTime Date to migrate to * @param bool $fake flag that if true, we just record running the migration, but not actually do the * migration * @return void */ public function migrateToDateTime(string $environment, DateTime $dateTime, bool $fake = false): void { $versions = array_keys($this->getMigrations($environment)); $dateString = $dateTime->format('YmdHis'); $outstandingMigrations = array_filter($versions, function ($version) use ($dateString) { return $version <= $dateString; }); if (count($outstandingMigrations) > 0) { $migration = max($outstandingMigrations); $this->getOutput()->writeln('Migrating to version ' . $migration, $this->verbosityLevel); $this->migrate($environment, $migration, $fake); } } /** * Migrate an environment to the specified version. * * @param string $environment Environment * @param int|null $version version to migrate to * @param bool $fake flag that if true, we just record running the migration, but not actually do the migration * @return void */ public function migrate(string $environment, ?int $version = null, bool $fake = false): void { $migrations = $this->getMigrations($environment); $env = $this->getEnvironment($environment); $versions = $env->getVersions(); $current = $env->getCurrentVersion(); if (empty($versions) && empty($migrations)) { return; } if ($version === null) { $version = max(array_merge($versions, array_keys($migrations))); } else { if ($version != 0 && !isset($migrations[$version])) { $this->output->writeln(sprintf( 'warning %s is not a valid version', $version )); return; } } // are we migrating up or down? $direction = $version > $current ? MigrationInterface::UP : MigrationInterface::DOWN; if ($direction === MigrationInterface::DOWN) { // run downs first krsort($migrations); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { if ($migration->getVersion() <= $version) { break; } if (in_array($migration->getVersion(), $versions)) { $this->executeMigration($environment, $migration, MigrationInterface::DOWN, $fake); } } } ksort($migrations); foreach ($migrations as $migration) { if ($migration->getVersion() > $version) { break; } if (!in_array($migration->getVersion(), $versions)) { $this->executeMigration($environment, $migration, MigrationInterface::UP, $fake); } } } /** * Execute a migration against the specified environment. * * @param string $name Environment Name * @param \Phinx\Migration\MigrationInterface $migration Migration * @param string $direction Direction * @param bool $fake flag that if true, we just record running the migration, but not actually do the migration * @return void */ public function executeMigration(string $name, MigrationInterface $migration, string $direction = MigrationInterface::UP, bool $fake = false): void { $this->getOutput()->writeln('', $this->verbosityLevel); // Skip the migration if it should not be executed if (!$migration->shouldExecute()) { $this->printMigrationStatus($migration, 'skipped'); return; } $this->printMigrationStatus($migration, ($direction === MigrationInterface::UP ? 'migrating' : 'reverting')); // Execute the migration and log the time elapsed. $start = microtime(true); $this->getEnvironment($name)->executeMigration($migration, $direction, $fake); $end = microtime(true); $this->printMigrationStatus( $migration, ($direction === MigrationInterface::UP ? 'migrated' : 'reverted'), sprintf('%.4fs', $end - $start) ); } /** * Execute a seeder against the specified environment. * * @param string $name Environment Name * @param \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface $seed Seed * @return void */ public function executeSeed(string $name, SeedInterface $seed): void { $this->getOutput()->writeln('', $this->verbosityLevel); // Skip the seed if it should not be executed if (!$seed->shouldExecute()) { $this->printSeedStatus($seed, 'skipped'); return; } $this->printSeedStatus($seed, 'seeding'); // Execute the seeder and log the time elapsed. $start = microtime(true); $this->getEnvironment($name)->executeSeed($seed); $end = microtime(true); $this->printSeedStatus( $seed, 'seeded', sprintf('%.4fs', $end - $start) ); } /** * Print Migration Status * * @param \Phinx\Migration\MigrationInterface $migration Migration * @param string $status Status of the migration * @param string|null $duration Duration the migration took the be executed * @return void */ protected function printMigrationStatus(MigrationInterface $migration, string $status, ?string $duration = null): void { $this->printStatusOutput( $migration->getVersion() . ' ' . $migration->getName(), $status, $duration ); } /** * Print Seed Status * * @param \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface $seed Seed * @param string $status Status of the seed * @param string|null $duration Duration the seed took the be executed * @return void */ protected function printSeedStatus(SeedInterface $seed, string $status, ?string $duration = null): void { $this->printStatusOutput( $seed->getName(), $status, $duration ); } /** * Print Status in Output * * @param string $name Name of the migration or seed * @param string $status Status of the migration or seed * @param string|null $duration Duration the migration or seed took the be executed * @return void */ protected function printStatusOutput(string $name, string $status, ?string $duration = null): void { $this->getOutput()->writeln( ' ==' . ' ' . $name . ':' . ' ' . $status . ' ' . $duration . '', $this->verbosityLevel ); } /** * Rollback an environment to the specified version. * * @param string $environment Environment * @param int|string|null $target Target * @param bool $force Force * @param bool $targetMustMatchVersion Target must match version * @param bool $fake Flag that if true, we just record running the migration, but not actually do the migration * @return void */ public function rollback(string $environment, $target = null, bool $force = false, bool $targetMustMatchVersion = true, bool $fake = false): void { // note that the migrations are indexed by name (aka creation time) in ascending order $migrations = $this->getMigrations($environment); // note that the version log are also indexed by name with the proper ascending order according to the version order $executedVersions = $this->getEnvironment($environment)->getVersionLog(); // get a list of migrations sorted in the opposite way of the executed versions $sortedMigrations = []; foreach ($executedVersions as $versionCreationTime => &$executedVersion) { // if we have a date (ie. the target must not match a version) and we are sorting by execution time, we // convert the version start time so we can compare directly with the target date if (!$this->getConfig()->isVersionOrderCreationTime() && !$targetMustMatchVersion) { /** @var \DateTime $dateTime */ $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $executedVersion['start_time']); $executedVersion['start_time'] = $dateTime->format('YmdHis'); } if (isset($migrations[$versionCreationTime])) { array_unshift($sortedMigrations, $migrations[$versionCreationTime]); } else { // this means the version is missing so we unset it so that we don't consider it when rolling back // migrations (or choosing the last up version as target) unset($executedVersions[$versionCreationTime]); } } if ($target === 'all' || $target === '0') { $target = 0; } elseif (!is_numeric($target) && $target !== null) { // try to find a target version based on name // search through the migrations using the name $migrationNames = array_map(function ($item) { return $item['migration_name']; }, $executedVersions); $found = array_search($target, $migrationNames, true); // check on was found if ($found !== false) { $target = (string)$found; } else { $this->getOutput()->writeln("No migration found with name ($target)"); return; } } // Check we have at least 1 migration to revert $executedVersionCreationTimes = array_keys($executedVersions); if (empty($executedVersionCreationTimes) || $target == end($executedVersionCreationTimes)) { $this->getOutput()->writeln('No migrations to rollback'); return; } // If no target was supplied, revert the last migration if ($target === null) { // Get the migration before the last run migration $prev = count($executedVersionCreationTimes) - 2; $target = $prev >= 0 ? $executedVersionCreationTimes[$prev] : 0; } // If the target must match a version, check the target version exists if ($targetMustMatchVersion && $target !== 0 && !isset($migrations[$target])) { $this->getOutput()->writeln("Target version ($target) not found"); return; } // Rollback all versions until we find the wanted rollback target $rollbacked = false; foreach ($sortedMigrations as $migration) { if ($targetMustMatchVersion && $migration->getVersion() == $target) { break; } if (in_array($migration->getVersion(), $executedVersionCreationTimes)) { $executedVersion = $executedVersions[$migration->getVersion()]; if (!$targetMustMatchVersion) { if ( ($this->getConfig()->isVersionOrderCreationTime() && $executedVersion['version'] <= $target) || (!$this->getConfig()->isVersionOrderCreationTime() && $executedVersion['start_time'] <= $target) ) { break; } } if ($executedVersion['breakpoint'] != 0 && !$force) { $this->getOutput()->writeln('Breakpoint reached. Further rollbacks inhibited.'); break; } $this->executeMigration($environment, $migration, MigrationInterface::DOWN, $fake); $rollbacked = true; } } if (!$rollbacked) { $this->getOutput()->writeln('No migrations to rollback'); } } /** * Run database seeders against an environment. * * @param string $environment Environment * @param string|null $seed Seeder * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return void */ public function seed(string $environment, ?string $seed = null): void { $seeds = $this->getSeeds($environment); if ($seed === null) { // run all seeders foreach ($seeds as $seeder) { if (array_key_exists($seeder->getName(), $seeds)) { $this->executeSeed($environment, $seeder); } } } else { // run only one seeder if (array_key_exists($seed, $seeds)) { $this->executeSeed($environment, $seeds[$seed]); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The seed class "%s" does not exist', $seed)); } } } /** * Sets the environments. * * @param \Phinx\Migration\Manager\Environment[] $environments Environments * @return $this */ public function setEnvironments(array $environments = []) { $this->environments = $environments; return $this; } /** * Gets the manager class for the given environment. * * @param string $name Environment Name * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return \Phinx\Migration\Manager\Environment */ public function getEnvironment(string $name): Environment { if (isset($this->environments[$name])) { return $this->environments[$name]; } // check the environment exists if (!$this->getConfig()->hasEnvironment($name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'The environment "%s" does not exist', $name )); } // create an environment instance and cache it $envOptions = $this->getConfig()->getEnvironment($name); $envOptions['version_order'] = $this->getConfig()->getVersionOrder(); $envOptions['data_domain'] = $this->getConfig()->getDataDomain(); $environment = new Environment($name, $envOptions); $this->environments[$name] = $environment; $environment->setInput($this->getInput()); $environment->setOutput($this->getOutput()); return $environment; } /** * Sets the user defined PSR-11 container * * @param \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container Container * @return $this */ public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container) { $this->container = $container; return $this; } /** * Sets the console input. * * @param \think\console\Input $input Input * @return $this */ public function setInput(InputInterface $input) { $this->input = $input; return $this; } /** * Gets the console input. * * @return \think\console\Input */ public function getInput(): InputInterface { return $this->input; } /** * Sets the console output. * * @param \think\console\Output $output Output * @return $this */ public function setOutput(OutputInterface $output) { $this->output = $output; return $this; } /** * Gets the console output. * * @return \think\console\Output */ public function getOutput(): OutputInterface { return $this->output; } /** * Sets the database migrations. * * @param \Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration[] $migrations Migrations * @return $this */ public function setMigrations(array $migrations) { $this->migrations = $migrations; return $this; } /** * Gets an array of the database migrations, indexed by migration name (aka creation time) and sorted in ascending * order * * @param string $environment Environment * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return \Phinx\Migration\MigrationInterface[] */ public function getMigrations(string $environment): array { if ($this->migrations === null) { $phpFiles = $this->getMigrationFiles(); if ($this->getOutput()->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { $this->getOutput()->writeln('Migration file'); $this->getOutput()->writeln( array_map( function ($phpFile) { return " {$phpFile}"; }, $phpFiles ) ); } // filter the files to only get the ones that match our naming scheme $fileNames = []; /** @var \Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration[] $versions */ $versions = []; foreach ($phpFiles as $filePath) { if (Util::isValidMigrationFileName(basename($filePath))) { if ($this->getOutput()->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { $this->getOutput()->writeln("Valid migration file {$filePath}."); } $version = Util::getVersionFromFileName(basename($filePath)); if (isset($versions[$version])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Duplicate migration - "%s" has the same version as "%s"', $filePath, $versions[$version]->getVersion())); } $config = $this->getConfig(); $namespace = $config instanceof NamespaceAwareInterface ? $config->getMigrationNamespaceByPath(dirname($filePath)) : null; // convert the filename to a class name $class = ($namespace === null ? '' : $namespace . '\\') . Util::mapFileNameToClassName(basename($filePath)); if (isset($fileNames[$class])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Migration "%s" has the same name as "%s"', basename($filePath), $fileNames[$class] )); } $fileNames[$class] = basename($filePath); if ($this->getOutput()->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { $this->getOutput()->writeln("Loading class $class from $filePath."); } // load the migration file $orig_display_errors_setting = ini_get('display_errors'); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require_once $filePath; ini_set('display_errors', $orig_display_errors_setting); if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Could not find class "%s" in file "%s"', $class, $filePath )); } if ($this->getOutput()->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { $this->getOutput()->writeln("Running $class."); } // instantiate it $migration = new $class($environment, $version, $this->getInput(), $this->getOutput()); if (!($migration instanceof AbstractMigration)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'The class "%s" in file "%s" must extend \Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration', $class, $filePath )); } $versions[$version] = $migration; } else { if ($this->getOutput()->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { $this->getOutput()->writeln("Invalid migration file {$filePath}."); } } } ksort($versions); $this->setMigrations($versions); } return $this->migrations; } /** * Returns a list of migration files found in the provided migration paths. * * @return string[] */ protected function getMigrationFiles(): array { return Util::getFiles($this->getConfig()->getMigrationPaths()); } /** * Sets the database seeders. * * @param \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface[] $seeds Seeders * @return $this */ public function setSeeds(array $seeds) { $this->seeds = $seeds; return $this; } /** * Get seed dependencies instances from seed dependency array * * @param \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface $seed Seed * @return \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface[] */ protected function getSeedDependenciesInstances(SeedInterface $seed): array { $dependenciesInstances = []; $dependencies = $seed->getDependencies(); if (!empty($dependencies)) { foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { foreach ($this->seeds as $seed) { if (get_class($seed) === $dependency) { $dependenciesInstances[get_class($seed)] = $seed; } } } } return $dependenciesInstances; } /** * Order seeds by dependencies * * @param \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface[] $seeds Seeds * @return \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface[] */ protected function orderSeedsByDependencies(array $seeds): array { $orderedSeeds = []; foreach ($seeds as $seed) { $orderedSeeds[get_class($seed)] = $seed; $dependencies = $this->getSeedDependenciesInstances($seed); if (!empty($dependencies)) { $orderedSeeds = array_merge($this->orderSeedsByDependencies($dependencies), $orderedSeeds); } } return $orderedSeeds; } /** * Gets an array of database seeders. * * @param string $environment Environment * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface[] */ public function getSeeds(string $environment): array { if ($this->seeds === null) { $phpFiles = $this->getSeedFiles(); // filter the files to only get the ones that match our naming scheme $fileNames = []; /** @var \Phinx\Seed\SeedInterface[] $seeds */ $seeds = []; foreach ($phpFiles as $filePath) { if (Util::isValidSeedFileName(basename($filePath))) { $config = $this->getConfig(); $namespace = $config instanceof NamespaceAwareInterface ? $config->getSeedNamespaceByPath(dirname($filePath)) : null; // convert the filename to a class name $class = ($namespace === null ? '' : $namespace . '\\') . pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $fileNames[$class] = basename($filePath); // load the seed file /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require_once $filePath; if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Could not find class "%s" in file "%s"', $class, $filePath )); } // instantiate it /** @var \Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed $seed */ if ($this->container !== null) { $seed = $this->container->get($class); } else { $seed = new $class(); } $seed->setEnvironment($environment); $input = $this->getInput(); if ($input !== null) { $seed->setInput($input); } $output = $this->getOutput(); if ($output !== null) { $seed->setOutput($output); } if (!($seed instanceof AbstractSeed)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'The class "%s" in file "%s" must extend \Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed', $class, $filePath )); } $seeds[$class] = $seed; } } ksort($seeds); $this->setSeeds($seeds); } $this->seeds = $this->orderSeedsByDependencies($this->seeds); return $this->seeds; } /** * Returns a list of seed files found in the provided seed paths. * * @return string[] */ protected function getSeedFiles(): array { return Util::getFiles($this->getConfig()->getSeedPaths()); } /** * Sets the config. * * @param \Phinx\Config\ConfigInterface $config Configuration Object * @return $this */ public function setConfig(ConfigInterface $config) { $this->config = $config; return $this; } /** * Gets the config. * * @return \Phinx\Config\ConfigInterface */ public function getConfig(): ConfigInterface { return $this->config; } /** * Toggles the breakpoint for a specific version. * * @param string $environment Environment name * @param int|null $version Version * @return void */ public function toggleBreakpoint(string $environment, ?int $version): void { $this->markBreakpoint($environment, $version, self::BREAKPOINT_TOGGLE); } /** * Updates the breakpoint for a specific version. * * @param string $environment The required environment * @param int|null $version The version of the target migration * @param int $mark The state of the breakpoint as defined by self::BREAKPOINT_xxxx constants. * @return void */ protected function markBreakpoint(string $environment, ?int $version, int $mark): void { $migrations = $this->getMigrations($environment); $env = $this->getEnvironment($environment); $versions = $env->getVersionLog(); if (empty($versions) || empty($migrations)) { return; } if ($version === null) { $lastVersion = end($versions); $version = $lastVersion['version']; } if ($version != 0 && (!isset($versions[$version]) || !isset($migrations[$version]))) { $this->output->writeln(sprintf( 'warning %s is not a valid version', $version )); return; } switch ($mark) { case self::BREAKPOINT_TOGGLE: $env->getAdapter()->toggleBreakpoint($migrations[$version]); break; case self::BREAKPOINT_SET: if ($versions[$version]['breakpoint'] == 0) { $env->getAdapter()->setBreakpoint($migrations[$version]); } break; case self::BREAKPOINT_UNSET: if ($versions[$version]['breakpoint'] == 1) { $env->getAdapter()->unsetBreakpoint($migrations[$version]); } break; } $versions = $env->getVersionLog(); $this->getOutput()->writeln( ' Breakpoint ' . ($versions[$version]['breakpoint'] ? 'set' : 'cleared') . ' for ' . $version . '' . ' ' . $migrations[$version]->getName() . '' ); } /** * Remove all breakpoints * * @param string $environment The required environment * @return void */ public function removeBreakpoints(string $environment): void { $this->getOutput()->writeln(sprintf( ' %d breakpoints cleared.', $this->getEnvironment($environment)->getAdapter()->resetAllBreakpoints() )); } /** * Set the breakpoint for a specific version. * * @param string $environment The required environment * @param int|null $version The version of the target migration * @return void */ public function setBreakpoint(string $environment, ?int $version): void { $this->markBreakpoint($environment, $version, self::BREAKPOINT_SET); } /** * Unset the breakpoint for a specific version. * * @param string $environment The required environment * @param int|null $version The version of the target migration * @return void */ public function unsetBreakpoint(string $environment, ?int $version): void { $this->markBreakpoint($environment, $version, self::BREAKPOINT_UNSET); } /** * @param int $verbosityLevel Verbosity level for info messages * @return $this */ public function setVerbosityLevel(int $verbosityLevel) { $this->verbosityLevel = $verbosityLevel; return $this; } }