<?php namespace app\index\controller; use app\common\controller\BaseController; use app\common\model\User; use think\facade\Session; use think\facade\Db; use taoler\com\Level; class Sign extends BaseController { //签到最新,最快,活跃榜JSON数据 public function signJson() { $time = time(); $start_stime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 0:0:0', $time)) - 1; $end_stime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $time)) + 1; $res = []; $res['status'] = 0; //最新签到 $newlist = Db::name('user_sign')->alias('s')->join('user u', 's.uid=u.id')->field('s.*,u.name as name,u.user_img as user_img')->order('id desc')->limit(20)->select(); if(count($newlist)){ foreach($newlist as $n){ $new = ['uid'=>$n['uid'],'time'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$n['stime']),'user'=>['username'=>$n['name'],'avatar'=>$n['user_img']]]; $res['data'][0][] = $new; } } else { $res['data'][0] = []; } //今日最快 $fastlist = Db::name('user_sign')->alias('s')->join('user u', 's.uid=u.id')->field('s.*,u.name as name,u.user_img as user_img')->where("s.stime > $start_stime and s.stime < $end_stime")->order('s.id asc')->limit(20)->select(); if(count($fastlist)){ foreach($fastlist as $f){ $fast = ['uid'=>$f['uid'],'days'=>$f['days'],'time'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$f['stime']),'user'=>['username'=>$f['name'],'avatar'=>$f['user_img']]]; $res['data'][1][] = $fast; } } else { $res['data'][1] = []; } //签到排行榜 $totallist = Db::name('user_sign')->alias('s')->leftJoin('user u', 's.uid=u.id')->field('uid,s.id as id,max(days) as days,name,user_img')->group('uid')->order('days desc')->limit(20)->select(); if(count($totallist)){ foreach($totallist as $t){ $total = ['uid'=>$t['uid'],'days'=>$t['days'],'user'=>['username'=>$t['name'],'avatar'=>$t['user_img']]]; $res['data'][2][] = $total; } } else { $res['data'][2] = []; } return json($res); } /** * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function status() { if(session('user_id')){ $res = $this->todayData()->getData(); if($res['is_sign'] == 1){ return json(['status'=>0,'msg'=>'已签到','data'=>['signed'=>$res['is_sign'],'token'=>'1111','experience'=>$res['score'],'days'=>$res['days']]]); } else { return json(['status'=>0,'msg'=>'未签到','data'=>['signed'=>0,'experience'=>$res['will_getscore'],'days'=>$res['days']]]); } } else { return json(['status'=>0,'msg'=>'未登陆']); } } /** * 执行签到,返回json status 0成功 * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function sign() { if (!Session::has('user_id') || !Session::has('user_name')) { return json(['status'=>1,'code' => -1, 'msg' => '亲,登陆后才能签到哦']); } else { $uid = $this->uid; $todayData = $this->todayData()->getData(); if ($todayData['is_sign'] == 1) { return json(['status'=>1,'code'=>1,'msg'=>'你今天已签过到!']); } else { $data = $this->getInsertData($uid); $days = $data['days']; // 无今天数据 $data['uid'] = $uid; $data['stime'] = time(); $id = Db::name('user_sign')->insertGetId($data); if ($id) { //$will_getscore //$score = $this->getTodayScores($days); $score = $todayData['will_getscore']; $date=date('Ymd'); $msg='签到成功'; $teshudate=['20200214','20200501','20201001']; //签到奖励 if(in_array($date,$teshudate)){ $randnum=rand(1,99); $msg='新年好!您额外获得随机奖励'.$randnum.'金币!'; point_note($randnum, $uid, 'NewYearReward', $id); } session('signdate', $date); if ($score > 0) { // 为该用户添加积分 $user = User::find($uid); $point = $user['point']+$score; $user->save(['point' => $point]); //point_note($score, $uid, $id); //到达积分值升级Vip等级 Level::writeLv($uid); } return json(['status'=>0,'code'=>200,'msg'=>$msg,'data'=>['signed'=>1,'experience'=>$score,'days'=>$days]]); } else { return json(['status'=>1,'code'=>1,'msg'=>'签到失败,请刷新后重试!']); } } } } /** * 返回每次签到要插入的数据 * * @param int $uid 用户id * @return array( * 'days' => '天数', * 'is_sign' => '昨天是否签到,用1表示已经签到', * 'stime' => '签到时间', * ); */ protected function getInsertData($uid) { // 昨天的连续签到天数 $start_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 0:0:0', time() - 86400)) - 1; $end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', time() - 86400)) + 1; $days = Db::name('user_sign')->where('uid', $uid)->whereBetweenTime('stime', $start_time, $end_time)->value('days'); if ($days) { $days++; $is_sign = 1; $time = time(); // if($days > 30){ // $days = 1; // } } else { //$days=1; $is_sign = 0; $days = 1; $time = ''; } return [ 'days' => $days, 'is_sign' => $is_sign, 'stime' => $time, ]; } /** * 用户当天签到的数据 返回Array * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function todayData() { $time = time(); $start_stime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 0:0:0', $time)) - 1; $end_stime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $time)) + 1; $res = Db::name('user_sign')->where('uid',session('user_id'))->whereTime('stime', 'between', [$start_stime,$end_stime])->find(); $score = 0; if ($res) { $is_sign = 1; //昨天已签到 //已连续签到 已获取 $days = $res['days']; $score = $this->getTodayScores($res['days']); $will_getscore = $this->getTodayScores($res['days'] + 1); } else { //今天没有签,看昨天 $is_sign = 0; $yestoday = $this->getInsertData(session('user_id')); if ($yestoday['is_sign']) { //今天连续天数 $days = $yestoday['days'] - 1; $will_getscore = $this->getTodayScores($yestoday['days']); } else { //今天第一天 $days = 0; $will_getscore = $this->getTodayScores(1); } //已连续签到 可获取 $score = $this->getTodayScores($days); } $data = [ 'is_sign' => $is_sign, 'days' => $days, 'score' => $score, 'will_getscore' => $will_getscore, ]; return json($data); } /** * 积分规则,返回连续签到的天数对应的积分 * * @param int $days 当天应该得的分数 * @return int 积分 */ protected function getTodayScores($days) { $score = 0; $scores = Db::name('user_signrule')->where("days <= $days")->order('days desc')->limit(1)->value('score'); if ($scores) { $score = $scores; } return $score; } public function getsignrule() { $rules = Db::name('user_signrule')->order('days asc')->select(); return json(array('code' => 200, 'msg' => $rules)); } /** * 显示签到列表 * * @param array $signDays 某月签到的日期 array(1,2,3,4,5,12,13) * @param int $year 可选,年份 * @param int $month 可选,月份 * @return string 日期列表<li>1</li>.... */ public function showDays($signDays, $year = '', $month = '') { $time = time(); $year = $year ? $year : date('Y', $time); $month = $month ? $month : date('m', $time); $daysTotal = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $now = date('Y-m-d', $time); $str = ''; // $i=0; for ($j = 1; $j <= $daysTotal; $j++) { // $i++; $someDay = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$year-$month-$j")); // 小于今天的日期样式 if ($someDay <= $now) { // 当天日期样式 tdc = todayColor if ($someDay == $now) { // 当天签到过的 if (in_array($j, $signDays)) { $str .= '<li class="current fw tdc">' . $j . '</li>'; } else { $str .= '<li class="today fw tdc">' . $j . '</li>'; } } else { // 签到过的日期样式 current bfc = beforeColor , fw = font-weight if (in_array($j, $signDays)) { $str .= '<li class="current fw bfc">' . $j . '</li>'; } else { $str .= '<li class="fw bfc">' . $j . '</li>'; } } } else { $str .= '<li>' . $j . '</li>'; } } return $str; } /** * 获取当月签到的天数,与 $this->showDays() 配合使用 * @return 当月签到日期 array(1,2,3,4,5,12,13) */ public function getMonthSign() { $time = time(); $year = date('Y', $time); $month = date('m', $time); $day = date("t", strtotime("$year-$month")); $start_stime = strtotime("$year-$month-1 0:0:0") - 1; $end_stime = strtotime("$year-$month-$day 23:59:59") + 1; $list = Db::name('user_sign')->where("uid = {$this->uid} and stime > $start_stime and stime < $end_stime")->order('stime asc')->column('stime'); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $list[$key] = date('j', $value); } return json_encode($list); } }