# phpsocket.io A server side alternative implementation of [socket.io](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io) in PHP based on [Workerman](https://github.com/walkor/Workerman).<br> # Notice Only support socket.io v1.3.0 or greater. <br> This project is just translate socket.io by [workerman](https://github.com/walkor/Workerman).<br> More api just see http://socket.io/docs/server-api/ # Install composer require workerman/phpsocket.io # Examples ## Simple chat start.php ```php use Workerman\Worker; use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO; require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Listen port 2021 for socket.io client $io = new SocketIO(2021); $io->on('connection', function ($socket) use ($io) { $socket->on('chat message', function ($msg) use ($io) { $io->emit('chat message', $msg); }); }); Worker::runAll(); ``` ## Another chat demo https://github.com/walkor/phpsocket.io/blob/master/examples/chat/start_io.php ```php use Workerman\Worker; use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO; require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Listen port 2020 for socket.io client $io = new SocketIO(2020); $io->on('connection', function ($socket) { $socket->addedUser = false; // When the client emits 'new message', this listens and executes $socket->on('new message', function ($data) use ($socket) { // We tell the client to execute 'new message' $socket->broadcast->emit('new message', array( 'username' => $socket->username, 'message' => $data )); }); // When the client emits 'add user', this listens and executes $socket->on('add user', function ($username) use ($socket) { global $usernames, $numUsers; // We store the username in the socket session for this client $socket->username = $username; // Add the client's username to the global list $usernames[$username] = $username; ++$numUsers; $socket->addedUser = true; $socket->emit('login', array( 'numUsers' => $numUsers )); // echo globally (all clients) that a person has connected $socket->broadcast->emit('user joined', array( 'username' => $socket->username, 'numUsers' => $numUsers )); }); // When the client emits 'typing', we broadcast it to others $socket->on('typing', function () use ($socket) { $socket->broadcast->emit('typing', array( 'username' => $socket->username )); }); // When the client emits 'stop typing', we broadcast it to others $socket->on('stop typing', function () use ($socket) { $socket->broadcast->emit('stop typing', array( 'username' => $socket->username )); }); // When the user disconnects, perform this $socket->on('disconnect', function () use ($socket) { global $usernames, $numUsers; // Remove the username from global usernames list if ($socket->addedUser) { unset($usernames[$socket->username]); --$numUsers; // echo globally that this client has left $socket->broadcast->emit('user left', array( 'username' => $socket->username, 'numUsers' => $numUsers )); } }); }); Worker::runAll(); ``` ## Enable SSL for https **```(phpsocket.io>=1.1.1 && workerman>=3.3.7 required)```** start.php ```php <?php use Workerman\Worker; use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO; require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // SSL context $context = array( 'ssl' => array( 'local_cert' => '/your/path/of/server.pem', 'local_pk' => '/your/path/of/server.key', 'verify_peer' => false ) ); $io = new SocketIO(2021, $context); $io->on('connection', function ($connection) use ($io) { echo "New connection coming\n"; }); Worker::runAll(); ``` # 手册 [中文手册](https://github.com/walkor/phpsocket.io/tree/master/docs/zh) # Livedemo [chat demo](http://demos.workerman.net/phpsocketio-chat/) # Run chat example cd examples/chat ## Start ```php start.php start``` for debug mode ```php start.php start -d ``` for daemon mode ## Stop ```php start.php stop``` ## Status ```php start.php status``` # License MIT