<?php return [ //语言 'language' => 'language', 'chinese' => '中文简体', 'english' => 'english', //菜单 'System' => '系统', 'Account' => '账户', 'Apps' => '应用', 'Addon' => '插件', 'Set' => '设置', 'Server' => '服务', 'Content' => '内容', 'Account management' => '账户管理', 'Account list' => '账户列表', 'Add account' => '添加账户', 'Edit account' => '编辑账户', 'Delete account' => '删除账户', 'Check account' => '审核账户', 'Account info' => '账户信息', 'Edit account info' => '修改账户信息', 'Set account info' => '保存账户信息', 'View admin password' => '改密码页', 'Reset admin password' => '重设密码', 'Clear cache' => '清理缓存', 'Logout' => '退出登录', 'Role management' => '角色管理', 'Add role' => '添加角色', 'Edit role' => '编辑角色', 'Delete role' => '删除角色', 'Check role' => '审核角色', 'Rule management' => '权限管理', 'Rule list' => '权限列表', 'Add rule' => '添加权限', 'Edit rule' => '编辑权限', 'Delete rule' => '删除权限', 'Check rule' => '审核权限', 'Rule tree' => '权限树', 'Rule sort' => '权限排序', 'Upgrade' => '系统升级', 'Upgrade key' => '升级密钥', 'Upgrade check' => '升级检查', 'Edit key' => '改更密钥', 'Upgrade system' => '更新系统', 'Upload zip' => '上传zip', 'Back file' => '备份文件', 'Web' => '网站设置', 'Website' => '提交设置', 'Web config' => '配置项目', 'Set domain' => '设置域名', 'Bind map' => '绑定Map', 'Set url' => 'URL美化', 'web upload' => '上传图片', 'User management' => '用户管理', 'User list' => '用户列表', 'Add user' => '添加用户', 'Edit user' => '编辑用户', 'Delete user' => '删除用户', 'Check user' => '审核用户', 'Superuser' => '超级用户', 'Upload avatar' => '上传头像', //弹窗提示消息 'add' => '添加', 'delete' => '删除', 'edit' => '编辑', 'uploads' => '上传', 'login success' => '登录成功', 'login error' => '登录失败', 'add success' => '添加成功!', 'add error' => '添加失败', 'edit success' => '修改成功', 'edit error' => '修改失败', 'delete success' => '删除成功', 'delete error' => '删除失败', 'upload success' => '上传成功', 'upload error' => '上传失败', 'upgrade success' => '升级成功', 'upgrade error' => '升级失败', 'illegal request' => '非法请求', //菜单 'index' => 'index', 'home page' => '首页', 'user center' => '用户中心', 'set info' => '设置', 'my message' => '我的消息', 'my page' => '我的主页', 'login' => '登录', 'logout' => '退出', 'sign in' => '签到', 'sign up' => '注册', 'register' => '注册', 'discuss' => '讨论', 'case' => '案例', 'timeline' => '框架日志', //帖子 'poster' => '贴主', 'title' => '标题', 'title color' => '颜色', 'add post' => '添加帖子', 'edit post' => '编辑帖子', 'delete post' => '删除帖子', 'post now' => '立即发布', 'my collection' => '我的收藏', 'collection' => '收藏', 'cancel collection' => '收藏-', 'all' => '综合', 'finished' => '已结', 'end' => '已结', 'no finished' => '未结', 'hot' => '加精', 'top' => '置顶', 'cancel hoting' => '精-', 'cancel topping' => '顶-', 'go sign' => '去签到', 'more post' => '更多帖子', 'friendly link' => '友情链接', 'reviewers list' => '回帖热榜', 'hot post list' => '本周热议', 'links list' => '温馨通道', 'statement' => '说明', 'trends' => '动态', 'sponsor' => '钻级赞助商', 'i want to join' => '我要加入', 'official products' => '官方产品', 'no comments' => '暂时还没有评论', 'submit comments' => '提交评论', 'reply' => '回复', 'replies' => '次回复', 'accept' => '采纳', 'please input the content' => '请输入内容', 'ads area' => '广告区', 'enclosure' => '附件', 'add attachment' => '添加附件', 'download files' => '下载文件', 'special column' => '选择专栏', 'tags' => '标签', 'add tags' => '添加标签', //Sign in/up 'username' => '用户', 'password' => '密码', 'username or password error' => '用户或密码错误', 'new password' => '新密码', 'reset password' => '重置密码', 'retrieve password' => '找回密码', 'email' => '邮箱', 'confirm password' => '确认密码', 'captcha' => '验证码', 'remember password' => '一周内记住密码', 'forget password' => '忘记密码', 'login now' => '立即登录', 'submit' => '提交', 'go back' => '返回', 'register now' => '立即注册', 'mail/username' => '邮箱/用户名', '6-16 characters' => '6-16 字符', 'strong type encryption' => '经过强类型加密', 'it cannot be changed' => '不能更改', 'the only way to get back your password' => '找回密码唯一途径', 'please input the password' => '请输入密码', 'please confirm the password' => '请确认密码', 'please input the captcha' => '请输入验证码', //user 'add friends' => '添加为好友', 'start a chat' => '开始会话', 'authentication information' => '认证信息', 'it is not signed yet' => '懒得还没有任何签名', 'log in to view' => '登录查看', 'join' => '加入', 'recent statements' => '最近发帖', 'recent answers' => '最近回贴', 'browses' => '浏览', 'in' => '在', 'accumulate points' => '积分', 'my post' => '我的帖子', 'my auth' => '我的授权', 'Please log in 10 minutes later' => '请10分钟后再登陆', 'Login error 3, Please log in 10 minutes later' => '连续登陆错误3次,请10分钟后登录', 'Account disabled' => '账号被禁用,请联系管理员', 'Pending approval' => '待审核,请联系管理员', 'Authorized' => '已授权', 'Unauthorized' => '未授权', 'Free version'=> '免费版', 'username or email' => '用户名或邮箱', 'account or password cannot empty' => '账号和密码不能为空' ];