/** TaoLer社区修改 www.aieok.com @Name: Fly社区主入口 2021-5.21 */ layui.define(['layer', 'laytpl', 'form', 'element', 'upload', 'util', 'imgcom'], function(exports){ var $ = layui.jquery ,layer = layui.layer ,laytpl = layui.laytpl ,form = layui.form ,element = layui.element ,upload = layui.upload ,util = layui.util ,imgcom = layui.imgcom ,device = layui.device() ,DISABLED = 'layui-btn-disabled'; var uid = layui.cache.user.uid; var login = $('.fly-nav-user').attr('userlogin'); //阻止IE7以下访问 if(device.ie && device.ie < 8){ layer.alert('如果您非得使用 IE 浏览器访问Fly社区,那么请使用 IE8+'); } layui.focusInsert = function(obj, str){ var result, val = obj.value; obj.focus(); if(document.selection){ //ie result = document.selection.createRange(); document.selection.empty(); result.text = str; } else { result = [val.substring(0, obj.selectionStart), str, val.substr(obj.selectionEnd)]; obj.focus(); obj.value = result.join(''); } }; //数字前置补零 layui.laytpl.digit = function(num, length, end){ var str = ''; num = String(num); length = length || 2; for(var i = num.length; i < length; i++){ str += '0'; } return num < Math.pow(10, length) ? str + (num|0) : num; }; var fly = { dir: layui.cache.host + 'static/res/mods/' //模块路径 //Ajax ,json: function(url, data, success, options){ var that = this, type = typeof data === 'function'; if(type){ options = success success = data; data = {}; } options = options || {}; return $.ajax({ type: options.type || 'post', dataType: options.dataType || 'json', data: data, url: url, success: function(res){ if(res.status === 0) { success && success(res); } else { layer.msg(res.msg || res.code, {shift: 6}); options.error && options.error(); } }, error: function(e){ layer.msg('请求异常,请重试', {shift: 6}); options.error && options.error(e); } }); } //计算字符长度 ,charLen: function(val){ var arr = val.split(''), len = 0; for(var i = 0; i < val.length ; i++){ arr[i].charCodeAt(0) < 299 ? len++ : len += 2; } return len; } ,form: {} //简易编辑器 ,layEditor: function(options){ var html = ['
' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'hr' ,'' ,'
'].join(''); var closeTips = function(){ layer.close(mod.face.index); }; var log = {}, mod = { //加粗 strong: function(editor){ var str = window.getSelection().toString(); if(!str == ''){ //var strB = ''+ str + ''; layui.focusInsert(editor[0], '[strong]'+ str + '[/strong]'); //console.log(str); // console.log(strB); } }, face: function(editor, self){ //插入表情 var str = '', ul, face = fly.faces; for(var key in face){ str += '
  • '; } str = ''; layer.close(mod.face.index); mod.face.index = layer.tips(str, self, { tips: 3 ,time: 0 ,skin: 'layui-edit-face' ,tipsMore: true }); $(document).off('click', closeTips).on('click', closeTips); $('#LAY-editface li').on('click', function(){ var title = $(this).attr('title') + ' '; layui.focusInsert(editor[0], 'face' + title); editor.trigger('keyup'); }); } ,picture: function(editor){ //插入图片 //判断登陆 if(uid == -1){ layer.msg('请登录再发图', {icon: 6}, function(){ location.href = login; }) return false; } layer.open({ type: 1 ,id: 'fly-jie-upload' ,title: '插入图片' ,area: 'auto' ,shade: false //,area: '465px' ,fixed: false ,offset: [ editor.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + 'px' ,editor.offset().left + 'px' ] ,skin: 'layui-layer-border' ,content: [''].join('') ,success: function(layero, index){ var image = layero.find('input[name="image"]'); //执行上传实例 upload.render({ elem: '#uploadImg' ,accept: 'images' ,acceptMime: 'image/*' ,exts: 'jpg|png|gif|bmp|jpeg' ,url: uploads ,data: {type:'image'} ,auto: false //,bindAction: '#img-button' //指向一个按钮触发上传 //,field: 'image' ,size: 10240 ,choose: function (obj) { //选择文件后的回调 imgcom.uploads(obj); } ,done: function(res){ if(res.status == 0){ //console.log(res.url); image.val(res.url); } else { layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 5}); } } ,error: function(){ layer.msg('系统错误,请联系管理员'); } }); form.on('submit(uploadImages)', function(data){ var field = data.field; if(!field.image) return image.focus(); layui.focusInsert(editor[0], 'img['+ field.image + '] '); layer.close(index); editor.trigger('keyup'); }); } }); } ,href: function(editor){ //超链接 layer.prompt({ title: '请输入合法链接' ,shade: false ,fixed: false ,id: 'LAY_flyedit_href' ,offset: [ editor.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + 1 + 'px' ,editor.offset().left + 1 + 'px' ] }, function(val, index, elem){ if(!/^http(s*):\/\/[\S]/.test(val)){ layer.tips('请务必 http 或 https 开头', elem, {tips:1}) return; } layui.focusInsert(editor[0], ' a('+ val +')['+ val + '] '); layer.close(index); editor.trigger('keyup'); }); } ,quote: function(editor){ //引用 layer.prompt({ title: '请输入引用内容' ,formType: 2 ,maxlength: 10000 ,shade: false ,id: 'LAY_flyedit_quote' ,offset: [ editor.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + 1 + 'px' ,editor.offset().left + 1 + 'px' ] ,area: ['300px', '100px'] }, function(val, index, elem){ layui.focusInsert(editor[0], '[quote]\n '+ val + '\n[/quote]\n'); layer.close(index); editor.trigger('keyup'); }); } ,code: function(editor){ //插入代码 layer.prompt({ title: '请贴入代码' ,formType: 2 ,maxlength: 10000 ,shade: false ,id: 'LAY_flyedit_code' ,area: ['800px', '360px'] }, function(val, index, elem){ layui.focusInsert(editor[0], '[pre]\n'+ val + '\n[/pre]\n'); layer.close(index); editor.trigger('keyup'); }); } ,hr: function(editor){ //插入水平分割线 layui.focusInsert(editor[0], '[hr]\n'); editor.trigger('keyup'); } ,video: function(editor){ //插入视频 //判断登陆 if(uid == -1){ layer.msg('请登录再发视频', {icon: 6}, function(){ location.href = login; }) return false; } layer.open({ type: 1 ,id: 'fly-jie-video-upload' ,title: '插入视频' ,area: 'auto' ,shade: false //,area: '465px' ,fixed: false ,offset: [ editor.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + 'px' ,editor.offset().left + 'px' ] ,skin: 'layui-layer-border' ,content: [''].join('') ,success: function(layero, index){ var video = layero.find('input[name="video"]'), cover = layero.find('input[name="cover"]'); //上传视频 upload.render({ url: uploads ,data: {type:'video'} ,accept: 'video' ,acceptMime: 'video/mp4' ,exts: 'mp4' ,elem: '#layedit-video' ,before: function(obj){ //obj参数包含的信息,跟 choose回调完全一致,可参见上文。 layer.load(2); //上传loading } ,done: function(res){ if(res.status == 0){ video.val(res.url); } else { layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 5}); } layer.closeAll('loading'); } }); //上传图片 upload.render({ elem: '#video-img' ,accept: 'images' ,acceptMime: 'image/*' ,exts: 'jpg|png|gif|bmp|jpeg' ,url: uploads ,data: {type:'image'} ,auto: false //,bindAction: '#img-button' //指向一个按钮触发上传 //,field: 'image' ,size: 10240 ,choose: function (obj) { //选择文件后的回调 imgcom.uploads(obj); } ,done: function(res){ if(res.status == 0){ cover.val(res.url); } else { layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 5}); } } ,error: function(){ layer.msg('系统错误,请联系管理员'); } }); form.on('submit(uploadImages)', function(data){ var field = data.field; if(!field.video) return video.focus(); layui.focusInsert(editor[0], 'video('+field.cover+')['+ field.video + '] '); layer.close(index); }); } }); } ,audio: function(editor){ //插入音频 //判断登陆 if(uid == -1){ layer.msg('请登录再发布', {icon: 6}, function(){ location.href = login; }) return false; } layer.open({ type: 1 ,id: 'fly-jie-audio-upload' ,title: '插入音频' ,area: 'auto' ,shade: false //,area: '465px' ,fixed: false ,offset: [ editor.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + 'px' ,editor.offset().left + 'px' ] ,skin: 'layui-layer-border' ,content: [''].join('') ,success: function(layero, index){ var loding,audio = layero.find('input[name="audio"]'); upload.render({ url: uploads ,data: {type:'audio'} ,elem: '#fly-jie-audio-upload .upload-audio' ,accept: 'audio' ,acceptMime: 'audio/*' ,exts: 'mp3|m4a' ,before: function(obj){ //loding = layer.msg('文件上传中,请稍等哦', { icon: 16 ,shade:0.3,time:0 }); layer.load(2); //上传loading } ,done: function(res){ if(res.status == 0){ audio.val(res.url); } else { layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 5}); } layer.closeAll('loading'); } }); form.on('submit(uploadImages)', function(data){ var field = data.field; if(!field.audio) return audio.focus(); layui.focusInsert(editor[0], 'audio['+ field.audio + '] '); layer.close(index); }); } }); } ,preview: function(editor, span){ //预览 var othis = $(span), getContent = function(){ var content = editor.val(); return /^\{html\}/.test(content) ? content.replace(/^\{html\}/, '') : fly.content(content) }, isMobile = device.ios || device.android; if(mod.preview.isOpen) return layer.close(mod.preview.index); mod.preview.index = layer.open({ type: 1 ,title: '预览' ,shade: false ,offset: 'r' ,id: 'LAY_flyedit_preview' ,area: [ isMobile ? '100%' : '775px' ,'100%' ] ,scrollbar: isMobile ? false : true ,anim: -1 ,isOutAnim: false ,content: '
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    ') //转义表格 .replace(/\[table\]([\s\S]*)\[\/table\]\n*/g, function(str){ return str.replace(/\[(thead|th|tbody|tr|td)\]\n*/g, '<$1>') .replace(/\n*\[\/(thead|th|tbody|tr|td)\]\n*/g, '') .replace(/\[table\]\n*/g, '') .replace(/\n*\[\/table\]\n*/g, '
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  • ') .replace(/\n*\[\/li\]\n*/g, '
  • ') .replace(/\[ul\]\n*/g, ''); }) //转义代码 .replace(/\[pre\]([\s\S]*)\[\/pre\]\n*/g, function(str){ return str.replace(/\[pre\]\n*/g, '
                        .replace(/\n*\[\/pre\]\n*/g, '
    '); }) //转义引用 .replace(/\[quote\]([\s\S]*)\[\/quote\]\n*/g, function(str){ return str.replace(/\[quote\]\n*/g, '
    ') .replace(/\n*\[\/quote\]\n*/g, '
    '); }) //转义加粗 .replace(/\[strong\]([\s\S]*)\[\/strong\]\n*/g, function(str){ return str.replace(/\[strong\]\n*/g,'') .replace(/\n*\[\/strong\]\n*/g, ''); }) //转义换行 .replace(/\n/g, '
    ') //转义视频 .replace(/video\(.*?\)\[([^\s]+?)\]/g, function(str){ var cover = (str.match(/video\(([\s\S]+?)\)\[/)||[])[1]; var video = (str.match(/\)\[([^\s]+?)\]/)||[])[1]; cover = cover ? cover : '/static/res/images/video_cover.jpg'; return ''; }) //转义音频 .replace(/audio\[([^\s]+?)\]/g, function(audio){ return ''; }) return content; } //新消息通知 ,newmsg: function(){ var elemUser = $('.fly-nav-user'); var messageNums = elemUser.attr('msg-url'), messageRead = elemUser.attr('readMsg-url'); if(uid != -1 && elemUser[0]){ fly.json(messageNums, { _: new Date().getTime() }, function(res){ if(res.status === 0 && res.count > 0){ var msg = $(''+ res.count +''); elemUser.append(msg); msg.on('click', function(){ fly.json(messageRead, {}, function(res){ if(res.status === 0){ location.href = res.url; } }); }); layer.tips('你有 '+ res.count +' 条未读消息', msg, { tips: 3 ,tipsMore: true ,fixed: true }); msg.on('mouseenter', function(){ layer.closeAll('tips'); }) } }); } return arguments.callee; } //手机绑定弹窗 ,setPhoneNotice: function(){ layer.open({ type: 1 ,id: 'LAY_Notice_add' ,title: '手机号绑定通知' ,content: '
    ' ,btnAlign: 'c' ,btn: ['立即绑定', '朕偏不!'] ,yes: function(){ location.href = '/user/set' } ,btn2: function(){ layer.msg('少年,我看好你!'); } }); } //邮箱激活提示 ,setEmailNotice: function(){ layer.open({ type: 1 ,id: 'LAY_Notice_add' ,title: '邮箱激活通知' ,content: '
    ' ,btnAlign: 'c' ,btn: ['前往激活', '朕偏不!'] ,yes: function(){ location.href = '/user/set' } ,btn2: function(){ layer.msg('少年,我看好你!'); } }); } }; //加载扩展模块 // layui.config({ // base: fly.dir // }).extend({ // im: 'im' // ,face: 'face' // }); //头像 if(device.android || device.ios){ $('#LAY_header_avatar').on('click', function(){ return false; }) } //刷新图形验证码 $('body').on('click', '#captcha111', function(){ var othis = $(this); othis.attr('src', othis.attr('src')+'?'+ new Date().getTime()); //console.log(othis.attr('src')); }); //签到 //活跃榜 //相册 if($(window).width() > 750){ layer.photos({ photos: '.photos' ,zIndex: 9999999999 ,anim: -1 }); } else { $('body').on('click', '.photos img', function(){ window.open(this.src); }); } //搜索 $('.fly-search').on('click', function(data){ var searchUrl = $('.fly-search').attr('data-url'); var forms = '
    '; layer.open({ type: 1 ,title: false ,closeBtn: false ,shade: [0.1, '#fff'] ,shadeClose: true ,maxWidth: 10000 ,skin: 'fly-layer-search' ,content: [forms ,'' ,'
    '].join('') ,success: function(layero){ var input = layero.find('input'); input.focus(); layero.find('form').submit(function(){ var val = input.val(); if(val.replace(/\s/g, '') === ''){ return false; } input.val(); }); } }) }); //移动端搜索 //新消息通知 fly.newmsg(); //发送激活邮件 fly.activate = function(email){ fly.json(actvateEmaiUrl, {"email":email}, function(res){ if(res.status === 0){ layer.alert('已成功将激活链接发送到了您的邮箱,接受可能会稍有延迟,请注意查收。', { icon: 1 }); }; }); }; $('#LAY-activate').on('click', function(){ fly.activate($(this).attr('email')); }); //点击@ $('body').on('click', '.fly-aite', function(){ var othis = $(this), text = othis.text(); if(othis.attr('href') !== 'javascript:;'){ return; } text = text.replace(/^@|([\s\S]+?)/g, ''); othis.attr({ href: jumpUrl + '?name=' + text ,target: '_blank' }); }); //表单提交 form.on('submit(*)', function(data){ var action = $(data.form).attr('action'), button = $(data.elem); fly.json(action, data.field, function(res){ var end = function(){ if(res.action){ location.href = res.action; } else { fly.form[action||button.attr('key')](data.field, data.form); } }; if(res.status == 0){ button.attr('alert') ? layer.alert(res.msg, { icon: 1, time: 10*1000, end: end }) : end(); }; }); //return false; }); //加载特定模块 if(layui.cache.page && layui.cache.page !== 'index'){ var extend = {}; extend[layui.cache.page] = layui.cache.page; layui.extend(extend); layui.use(layui.cache.page); } //加载IM if(!device.android && !device.ios){ //layui.use('im'); } //加载编辑器 // fly.layEditor({ // elem: '.fly-editor' // }); //手机设备的简单适配 用户中心底部左侧栏导航 var treeMobile = $('.site-tree-mobile') ,shadeMobile = $('.site-mobile-shade') treeMobile.on('click', function(){ $('body').addClass('site-mobile'); }); shadeMobile.on('click', function(){ $('body').removeClass('site-mobile'); }); //手机设备的简单适配 头部左侧栏导航 var treeMobileTop = $('.site-tree-mobile-top') ,shadeMobileTop = $('.site-mobile-shade-top') treeMobileTop.on('click', function(){ $('body').addClass('site-mobile'); }); shadeMobileTop.on('click', function(){ $('body').removeClass('site-mobile'); }); //导航窗口scroll ;!function(){ var main = $('.site-menu'), scroll = function(){ var stop = $(window).scrollTop(); if($(window).width() <= 992) return; var bottom = $('.footer').offset().top - $(window).height(); if(stop > 60){ //211 if(!main.hasClass('site-fix')){ main.addClass('site-fix').css({ width: main.parent().width() }); } }else { if(main.hasClass('site-fix')){ main.removeClass('site-fix').css({ width: 'auto' }); } } stop = null; }; scroll(); $(window).on('scroll', scroll); }(); //获取统计数据 $('.fly-handles').each(function(){ var othis = $(this); $.get('/api/handle?alias='+ othis.data('alias'), function(res){ othis.html('(下载量:'+ res.number +')'); }) }); //添加文章 $('#add_post').click(function() { if (layui.cache.user.uid !== -1) { loading = layer.load(2, { shade: [0.2, '#000'] }); location.href = articleAdd; } else { layer.msg('请先登陆',{ icon:5, time:2000 },function () { location.href = login; }); } return false; }); //退出登录 $('.logi_logout').click(function() { loading = layer.load(2, { shade: [0.2, '#000'] }); var url = $(this).data('url'); $.getJSON(url, function(data) { if (data.code == 200) { layer.close(loading); layer.msg(data.msg, { icon: 1, time: 1000 }, function() { location.href = data.url; }); } else { layer.close(loading); layer.msg(data.msg, { icon: 2, anim: 6, time: 1000 }); } }); }); //pc端监听多语言切换 $('#language').on('change',function(){ var data = $(this).val(); $.post(langUrl,{language:data},function(res){ if(res.code == 0){ location.reload(); } }); return false; }); //移动端左侧栏监听多语言切换 $('#language1').on('change',function(){ var data = $(this).val(); $.post(langUrl,{language:data},function(res){ if(res.code == 0){ location.reload(); } }); return false; }); //固定Bar util.fixbar({ bar1: '' ,bgcolor: '#009688' ,css: {right: 10, bottom: 50} ,click: function(type){ //添加文章 if(type === 'bar1'){ //slayer.msg('打开 index.js,开启发表新帖的路径'); location.href = articleAdd; } } }); exports('fly', fly); });