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2022-11-18 10:31:44 +08:00
# Change Log
The change log describes what is "Added", "Removed", "Changed" or "Fixed" between each release.
## 1.3.0
* Support for PHP 8.1
* Drop support for PHP < 7.4
* Allow psr/cache: ^1.0 || ^2.0
## 1.2.0
### Added
* Support for PHP 8
## 1.1.0
### Added
- Support for storing binary data
### Fixed
- Issue with one character variables
### Changed
- Tests are now extending `PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase`
## 1.0.0
* No changes since 0.4.0.
## 0.4.0
### Added
* `AbstractCachePool` has 4 new abstract methods: `getList`, `removeList`, `appendListItem` and `removeListItem`.
* `AbstractCachePool::invalidateTags` and `AbstractCachePool::invalidateTags`
* Added interfaces for our items and pools `PhpCachePool` and `PhpCacheItem`
* Trait to help adapters to support tags. `TagSupportWithArray`.
### Changed
* First parameter to `AbstractCachePool::storeItemInCache` must be a `PhpCacheItem`.
* Return value from `AbstractCachePool::fetchObjectFromCache` must be a an array with 4 values. Added expiration timestamp.
* `HasExpirationDateInterface` is replaced by `HasExpirationTimestampInterface`
* We do not work with `\DateTime` internally anymore. We work with timestamps.
## 0.3.3
### Fixed
* Bugfix when you fetch data from the cache storage that was saved as "non-tagging item" but fetch as a tagging item.
## 0.3.2
### Added
* Cache pools do implement `LoggerAwareInterface`
## 0.3.0
### Changed
* The `AbstractCachePool` does not longer implement `TaggablePoolInterface`. However, the `CacheItem` does still implement `TaggableItemInterface`.
* `CacheItem::getKeyFromTaggedKey` has been removed
* The `CacheItem`'s second parameter is a callable that must return an array with 3 elements; [`hasValue`, `value`, `tags`].
## 0.2.0
* No changelog before this version