(function(Prism) { var keywords = /\b(?:ACT|ACTIFSUB|CARRAY|CASE|CLEARGIF|COA|COA_INT|CONSTANTS|CONTENT|CUR|EDITPANEL|EFFECT|EXT|FILE|FLUIDTEMPLATE|FORM|FRAME|FRAMESET|GIFBUILDER|GMENU|GMENU_FOLDOUT|GMENU_LAYERS|GP|HMENU|HRULER|HTML|IENV|IFSUB|IMAGE|IMGMENU|IMGMENUITEM|IMGTEXT|IMG_RESOURCE|INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT|JSMENU|JSMENUITEM|LLL|LOAD_REGISTER|NO|PAGE|RECORDS|RESTORE_REGISTER|TEMPLATE|TEXT|TMENU|TMENUITEM|TMENU_LAYERS|USER|USER_INT|_GIFBUILDER|global|globalString|globalVar)\b/; Prism.languages.typoscript = { 'comment': [ { // multiline comments /* */ pattern: /(^|[^\\])\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/, lookbehind: true }, { // double-slash comments - ignored when backslashes or colon is found in front // also ignored whenever directly after an equal-sign, because it would probably be an url without protocol pattern: /(^|[^\\:= \t]|(?:^|[^= \t])[ \t]+)\/\/.*/, lookbehind: true, greedy: true }, { // hash comments - ignored when leading quote is found for hex colors in strings pattern: /(^|[^"'])#.*/, lookbehind: true, greedy: true } ], 'function': [ { // old include style pattern: //, inside: { 'string': { pattern: /"[^"\r\n]*"|'[^'\r\n]*'/, inside: { 'keyword': keywords, }, }, 'keyword': { pattern: /INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT/, }, }, }, { // new include style pattern: /@import\s*(?:"[^"\r\n]*"|'[^'\r\n]*')/, inside: { 'string': /"[^"\r\n]*"|'[^'\r\n]*'/, }, } ], 'string': { pattern: /^([^=]*=[< ]?)(?:(?!]\n).)*/, lookbehind: true, inside: { 'function': /{\$.*}/, // constants include 'keyword': keywords, 'number': /^[0-9]+$/, 'punctuation': /[,|:]/, } }, 'keyword': keywords, 'number': { // special highlighting for indexes of arrays in tags pattern: /[0-9]+\s*[.{=]/, inside: { 'operator': /[.{=]/, } }, 'tag': { pattern: /\.?[\w-\\]+\.?/, inside: { 'punctuation': /\./, } }, 'punctuation': /[{}[\];(),.:|]/, 'operator': /[<>]=?|[!=]=?=?|--?|\+\+?|&&?|\|\|?|[?*/~^%]/, }; Prism.languages.tsconfig = Prism.languages.typoscript; }(Prism));