# markdown-it-table-of-contents A table of contents plugin for Markdown-it. Simple, customizable and with a default slugifier that matches that of https://www.npmjs.com/package/markdown-it-anchor (>5.0.0). ## Usage ``` javascript var MarkdownIt = require("markdown-it"); var md = new MarkdownIt(); md.use(require("markdown-it-anchor")); // Optional, but makes sense as you really want to link to something md.use(require("markdown-it-table-of-contents")); ``` Then add `[[toc]]` where you want the table of contents to be added in your markdown. ## Example markdown This markdown: ``` markdown # Heading [[toc]] ## Sub heading 1 Some nice text ## Sub heading 2 Some even nicer text ``` ... would render this HTML using the default options specified in "usage" above: ``` html


Sub heading 1

Some nice text

Sub heading 2

Some even nicer text

``` ## Options You may specify options when `use`ing the plugin. like so: ``` javascript md.use(require("markdown-it-table-of-contents"), options); ``` These options are available: Name | Description | Default -----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------ "includeLevel" | Headings levels to use (2 for h2:s etc) | [1, 2] "containerClass" | The class for the container DIV | "table-of-contents" "slugify" | A custom slugification function | `encodeURIComponent(String(s).trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-'))` "markerPattern" | Regex pattern of the marker to be replaced with TOC | `/^\[\[toc\]\]/im` "listType" | Type of list (`ul` for unordered, `ol` for ordered) | `ul` "format" | A function for formatting headings (see below) | `undefined` "forceFullToc" | If true, renders all the headers in TOC, even if the headers are in incorrect order | false "containerHeaderHtml" | Optional HTML string for container header | `
` "containerFooterHtml" | Optional HTML string for container footer | `` "transformLink" | A function for transforming the TOC links | `undefined` `format` is an optional function for changing how the headings are displayed in the TOC. ```js function format(headingAsString) { // manipulate the headings as you like here. return manipulatedHeadingString; } ``` `transformLink` is an optional function for transform the link as you like. ```js function transformLink(link) { // transform the link as you like here. return transformedLink; } ```