#!/usr/bin/env node /* * Copyright 2011 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // dependencies var hogan = require('../lib/hogan.js') , path = require('path') , nopt = require('nopt') , mkderp = require('mkdirp') , fs = require('fs'); // locals var specials = ['/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|','(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\'] , specialsRegExp = new RegExp('(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g') , options = { 'namespace': String, 'outputdir': path, 'variable': String, 'wrapper': String, 'version': true, 'help': true } , shortHand = { 'n': ['--namespace'], 'o': ['--outputdir'], 'v': ['--variable'], 'w': ['--wrapper'], 'h': ['--help'], 'v': ['--version'] } , templates; // options options = nopt(options, shortHand); // escape special regexp characters function esc(text) { return text.replace(specialsRegExp, '\\$1'); } // cyan function for rob function cyan(text) { return '\033[36m' + text + '\033[39m'; } // check for dirs and correct ext (<3 for windows) function extractFiles(args) { var usage = '\n' + cyan('USAGE:') + ' hulk [--wrapper wrapper] [--outputdir outputdir] [--namespace namespace] [--variable variable] FILES\n\n' + cyan('OPTIONS:') + ' [-w, --wrapper] :: wraps the template (i.e. amd)\n' + ' [-o, --outputdir] :: outputs the templates as individual files to a directory\n\n' + ' [-n, --namespace] :: prepend string to template names\n\n' + ' [-v, --variable] :: variable name for non-amd wrapper\n\n' + cyan('EXAMPLE:') + ' hulk --wrapper amd ./templates/*.mustache\n\n' + cyan('NOTE:') + ' hulk supports the "*" wildcard and allows you to target specific extensions too\n', files = []; if (options.version) { console.log(require('../package.json').version); process.exit(0); } if (!args.length || options.help) { console.log(usage); process.exit(0); } args.forEach(function (arg) { if (/\*/.test(arg)) { arg = arg.split('*'); return files = files.concat( fs.readdirSync(arg[0] || '.') .map(function (f) { var file = path.join(arg[0], f); return new RegExp(esc(arg[1]) + '$').test(f) && fs.statSync(file).isFile() && file; }) .filter(function (f) { return f; }) ); } if (fs.statSync(arg).isFile()) files.push(arg); }) return files; } // remove utf-8 byte order mark, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark function removeByteOrderMark(text) { if (text.charCodeAt(0) === 0xfeff) { return text.substring(1); } return text; } // wrap templates function wrap(file, name, openedFile) { switch(options.wrapper) { case "amd": return 'define('+ (!options.outputdir ? '"' + path.join(path.dirname(file), name) + '", ' : '') + '[ "hogan.js" ], function(Hogan){ return new Hogan.Template(' + hogan.compile(openedFile, { asString: 1 }) + ');});'; default: return (options.variable || 'templates') + '["' + name + '"] = new Hogan.Template(' + hogan.compile(openedFile, { asString: 1 }) + ');'; } } // write the directory if (options.outputdir) { mkderp.sync(options.outputdir); } // Prepend namespace to template name function namespace(name) { return (options.namespace || '') + name; } // write a template foreach file that matches template extension templates = extractFiles(options.argv.remain) .map(function (file) { var openedFile = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8'), name; if (!openedFile) return; name = namespace(path.basename(file).replace(/\..*$/, '')); openedFile = removeByteOrderMark(openedFile.trim()); openedFile = wrap(file, name, openedFile); if (!options.outputdir) return openedFile; var vn = options.variable || 'templates'; fs.writeFileSync(path.join(options.outputdir, name + '.js') , 'if (!!!' + vn + ') var ' + vn + ' = {};\n' + openedFile); }) .filter(function (t) { return t; }); // output templates if (!templates.length || options.outputdir) process.exit(0); if (!options.wrapper) { var vn = options.variable || 'templates'; console.log('if (!!!' + vn + ') var ' + vn + ' = {};'); } console.log(templates.join('\n'));