// markdown-it plugin for: // 1. adding target="_blank" to external links // 2. converting internal links to const url = require('url') const indexRE = /(^|.*\/)(index|readme).md(#?.*)$/i module.exports = (md, externalAttrs, pageSuffix = '.html') => { let hasOpenRouterLink = false let hasOpenExternalLink = false md.renderer.rules.link_open = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) => { const { relativePath } = env const token = tokens[idx] const hrefIndex = token.attrIndex('href') if (hrefIndex >= 0) { const link = token.attrs[hrefIndex] const href = link[1] const isExternal = /^https?:/.test(href) const isSourceLink = /(\/|\.md|\.html)(#.*)?$/.test(href) if (isExternal) { Object.entries(externalAttrs).forEach(([key, val]) => { token.attrSet(key, val) }) if (/_blank/i.test(externalAttrs['target'])) { hasOpenExternalLink = true } } else if (isSourceLink) { hasOpenRouterLink = true tokens[idx] = toRouterLink(token, link, relativePath, pageSuffix) } } return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options) } function toRouterLink (token, link, relativePath, suffix) { link[0] = 'to' let to = link[1] // convert link to filename and export it for existence check const links = md.$data.links || (md.$data.links = []) links.push(to) // relative path usage. if (!to.startsWith('/')) { to = relativePath ? url.resolve('/' + relativePath, to) : ensureBeginningDotSlash(to) } const indexMatch = to.match(indexRE) if (indexMatch) { const [, path, , hash] = indexMatch to = path + hash } else { to = to .replace(/\.md$/, suffix) .replace(/\.md(#.*)$/, `${suffix}$1`) } // markdown-it encodes the uri link[1] = decodeURI(to) // export the router links for testing const routerLinks = md.$data.routerLinks || (md.$data.routerLinks = []) routerLinks.push(to) return Object.create(token, { tag: { value: 'RouterLink' } }) } md.renderer.rules.link_close = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) => { const token = tokens[idx] if (hasOpenRouterLink) { token.tag = 'RouterLink' hasOpenRouterLink = false } if (hasOpenExternalLink) { hasOpenExternalLink = false // add OutBoundLink to the beforeend of this link if it opens in _blank. return '' + self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options) } return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options) } } const beginningSlashRE = /^\.\// function ensureBeginningDotSlash (path) { if (beginningSlashRE.test(path)) { return path } return './' + path }