(function () { if (typeof self === 'undefined' || !self.Prism || !self.document) { return; } if (!Prism.plugins.toolbar) { console.warn('Show Languages plugin loaded before Toolbar plugin.'); return; } // The languages map is built automatically with gulp var Languages = /*languages_placeholder[*/{ "none": "Plain text", "html": "HTML", "xml": "XML", "svg": "SVG", "mathml": "MathML", "ssml": "SSML", "rss": "RSS", "css": "CSS", "clike": "C-like", "js": "JavaScript", "abap": "ABAP", "abnf": "ABNF", "al": "AL", "antlr4": "ANTLR4", "g4": "ANTLR4", "apacheconf": "Apache Configuration", "apl": "APL", "aql": "AQL", "arff": "ARFF", "asciidoc": "AsciiDoc", "adoc": "AsciiDoc", "aspnet": "ASP.NET (C#)", "asm6502": "6502 Assembly", "autohotkey": "AutoHotkey", "autoit": "AutoIt", "basic": "BASIC", "bbcode": "BBcode", "bnf": "BNF", "rbnf": "RBNF", "bsl": "BSL (1C:Enterprise)", "oscript": "OneScript", "csharp": "C#", "cs": "C#", "dotnet": "C#", "cpp": "C++", "cil": "CIL", "cmake": "CMake", "coffee": "CoffeeScript", "conc": "Concurnas", "csp": "Content-Security-Policy", "css-extras": "CSS Extras", "dataweave": "DataWeave", "dax": "DAX", "django": "Django/Jinja2", "jinja2": "Django/Jinja2", "dns-zone-file": "DNS zone file", "dns-zone": "DNS zone file", "dockerfile": "Docker", "ebnf": "EBNF", "editorconfig": "EditorConfig", "ejs": "EJS", "etlua": "Embedded Lua templating", "erb": "ERB", "excel-formula": "Excel Formula", "xlsx": "Excel Formula", "xls": "Excel Formula", "fsharp": "F#", "firestore-security-rules": "Firestore security rules", "ftl": "FreeMarker Template Language", "gml": "GameMaker Language", "gamemakerlanguage": "GameMaker Language", "gcode": "G-code", "gdscript": "GDScript", "gedcom": "GEDCOM", "glsl": "GLSL", "graphql": "GraphQL", "hs": "Haskell", "hcl": "HCL", "hlsl": "HLSL", "http": "HTTP", "hpkp": "HTTP Public-Key-Pins", "hsts": "HTTP Strict-Transport-Security", "ichigojam": "IchigoJam", "ignore": ".ignore", "gitignore": ".gitignore", "hgignore": ".hgignore", "npmignore": ".npmignore", "inform7": "Inform 7", "javadoc": "JavaDoc", "javadoclike": "JavaDoc-like", "javastacktrace": "Java stack trace", "jq": "JQ", "jsdoc": "JSDoc", "js-extras": "JS Extras", "json": "JSON", "webmanifest": "Web App Manifest", "json5": "JSON5", "jsonp": "JSONP", "jsstacktrace": "JS stack trace", "js-templates": "JS Templates", "kts": "Kotlin Script", "kt": "Kotlin", "latex": "LaTeX", "tex": "TeX", "context": "ConTeXt", "lilypond": "LilyPond", "ly": "LilyPond", "emacs": "Lisp", "elisp": "Lisp", "emacs-lisp": "Lisp", "llvm": "LLVM IR", "lolcode": "LOLCODE", "md": "Markdown", "markup-templating": "Markup templating", "matlab": "MATLAB", "mel": "MEL", "mongodb": "MongoDB", "moon": "MoonScript", "n1ql": "N1QL", "n4js": "N4JS", "n4jsd": "N4JS", "nand2tetris-hdl": "Nand To Tetris HDL", "naniscript": "Naninovel Script", "nani": "Naninovel Script", "nasm": "NASM", "neon": "NEON", "nginx": "nginx", "nsis": "NSIS", "objectivec": "Objective-C", "objc": "Objective-C", "ocaml": "OCaml", "opencl": "OpenCL", "parigp": "PARI/GP", "objectpascal": "Object Pascal", "pcaxis": "PC-Axis", "px": "PC-Axis", "peoplecode": "PeopleCode", "pcode": "PeopleCode", "php": "PHP", "phpdoc": "PHPDoc", "php-extras": "PHP Extras", "plsql": "PL/SQL", "powerquery": "PowerQuery", "pq": "PowerQuery", "mscript": "PowerQuery", "powershell": "PowerShell", "promql": "PromQL", "properties": ".properties", "protobuf": "Protocol Buffers", "purebasic": "PureBasic", "pbfasm": "PureBasic", "purs": "PureScript", "py": "Python", "q": "Q (kdb+ database)", "qml": "QML", "rkt": "Racket", "jsx": "React JSX", "tsx": "React TSX", "renpy": "Ren'py", "rpy": "Ren'py", "rest": "reST (reStructuredText)", "robotframework": "Robot Framework", "robot": "Robot Framework", "rb": "Ruby", "sas": "SAS", "sass": "Sass (Sass)", "scss": "Sass (Scss)", "shell-session": "Shell session", "sh-session": "Shell session", "shellsession": "Shell session", "sml": "SML", "smlnj": "SML/NJ", "solidity": "Solidity (Ethereum)", "sol": "Solidity (Ethereum)", "solution-file": "Solution file", "sln": "Solution file", "soy": "Soy (Closure Template)", "sparql": "SPARQL", "rq": "SPARQL", "splunk-spl": "Splunk SPL", "sqf": "SQF: Status Quo Function (Arma 3)", "sql": "SQL", "iecst": "Structured Text (IEC 61131-3)", "t4-templating": "T4 templating", "t4-cs": "T4 Text Templates (C#)", "t4": "T4 Text Templates (C#)", "t4-vb": "T4 Text Templates (VB)", "tap": "TAP", "tt2": "Template Toolkit 2", "toml": "TOML", "trig": "TriG", "ts": "TypeScript", "tsconfig": "TSConfig", "uscript": "UnrealScript", "uc": "UnrealScript", "vbnet": "VB.Net", "vhdl": "VHDL", "vim": "vim", "visual-basic": "Visual Basic", "vba": "VBA", "vb": "Visual Basic", "wasm": "WebAssembly", "wiki": "Wiki markup", "xeoracube": "XeoraCube", "xml-doc": "XML doc (.net)", "xojo": "Xojo (REALbasic)", "xquery": "XQuery", "yaml": "YAML", "yml": "YAML", "yang": "YANG" }/*]*/; Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton('show-language', function (env) { var pre = env.element.parentNode; if (!pre || !/pre/i.test(pre.nodeName)) { return; } /** * Tries to guess the name of a language given its id. * * @param {string} id The language id. * @returns {string} */ function guessTitle(id) { if (!id) { return id; } return (id.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + id.substring(1)).replace(/s(?=cript)/, 'S'); } var language = pre.getAttribute('data-language') || Languages[env.language] || guessTitle(env.language); if (!language) { return; } var element = document.createElement('span'); element.textContent = language; return element; }); })();