"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.isPluginRequired = isPluginRequired; exports.default = exports.getPolyfillPlugins = exports.getModulesPluginNames = exports.transformIncludesAndExcludes = void 0; var _semver = require("semver"); var _debug = require("./debug"); var _getOptionSpecificExcludes = _interopRequireDefault(require("./get-option-specific-excludes")); var _filterItems = require("./filter-items"); var _moduleTransformations = _interopRequireDefault(require("./module-transformations")); var _normalizeOptions = _interopRequireDefault(require("./normalize-options")); var _shippedProposals = require("../data/shipped-proposals"); var _pluginsCompatData = require("./plugins-compat-data"); var _overlappingPlugins = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/compat-data/overlapping-plugins")); var _usagePlugin = _interopRequireDefault(require("./polyfills/corejs2/usage-plugin")); var _usagePlugin2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./polyfills/corejs3/usage-plugin")); var _usagePlugin3 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./polyfills/regenerator/usage-plugin")); var _entryPlugin = _interopRequireDefault(require("./polyfills/corejs2/entry-plugin")); var _entryPlugin2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./polyfills/corejs3/entry-plugin")); var _entryPlugin3 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./polyfills/regenerator/entry-plugin")); var _helperCompilationTargets = _interopRequireWildcard(require("@babel/helper-compilation-targets")); var _availablePlugins = _interopRequireDefault(require("./available-plugins")); var _utils = require("./utils"); var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils"); function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function isPluginRequired(targets, support) { return (0, _helperCompilationTargets.isRequired)("fake-name", targets, { compatData: { "fake-name": support } }); } const pluginLists = { withProposals: { withoutBugfixes: _pluginsCompatData.plugins, withBugfixes: Object.assign({}, _pluginsCompatData.plugins, _pluginsCompatData.pluginsBugfixes) }, withoutProposals: { withoutBugfixes: (0, _utils.filterStageFromList)(_pluginsCompatData.plugins, _shippedProposals.proposalPlugins), withBugfixes: (0, _utils.filterStageFromList)(Object.assign({}, _pluginsCompatData.plugins, _pluginsCompatData.pluginsBugfixes), _shippedProposals.proposalPlugins) } }; function getPluginList(proposals, bugfixes) { if (proposals) { if (bugfixes) return pluginLists.withProposals.withBugfixes;else return pluginLists.withProposals.withoutBugfixes; } else { if (bugfixes) return pluginLists.withoutProposals.withBugfixes;else return pluginLists.withoutProposals.withoutBugfixes; } } const getPlugin = pluginName => { const plugin = _availablePlugins.default[pluginName]; if (!plugin) { throw new Error(`Could not find plugin "${pluginName}". Ensure there is an entry in ./available-plugins.js for it.`); } return plugin; }; const transformIncludesAndExcludes = opts => { return opts.reduce((result, opt) => { const target = opt.match(/^(es|es6|es7|esnext|web)\./) ? "builtIns" : "plugins"; result[target].add(opt); return result; }, { all: opts, plugins: new Set(), builtIns: new Set() }); }; exports.transformIncludesAndExcludes = transformIncludesAndExcludes; const getModulesPluginNames = ({ modules, transformations, shouldTransformESM, shouldTransformDynamicImport, shouldTransformExportNamespaceFrom, shouldParseTopLevelAwait }) => { const modulesPluginNames = []; if (modules !== false && transformations[modules]) { if (shouldTransformESM) { modulesPluginNames.push(transformations[modules]); } if (shouldTransformDynamicImport && shouldTransformESM && modules !== "umd") { modulesPluginNames.push("proposal-dynamic-import"); } else { if (shouldTransformDynamicImport) { console.warn("Dynamic import can only be supported when transforming ES modules" + " to AMD, CommonJS or SystemJS. Only the parser plugin will be enabled."); } modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-dynamic-import"); } } else { modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-dynamic-import"); } if (shouldTransformExportNamespaceFrom) { modulesPluginNames.push("proposal-export-namespace-from"); } else { modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-export-namespace-from"); } if (shouldParseTopLevelAwait) { modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-top-level-await"); } return modulesPluginNames; }; exports.getModulesPluginNames = getModulesPluginNames; const getPolyfillPlugins = ({ useBuiltIns, corejs, polyfillTargets, include, exclude, proposals, shippedProposals, regenerator, debug }) => { const polyfillPlugins = []; if (useBuiltIns === "usage" || useBuiltIns === "entry") { const pluginOptions = { corejs, polyfillTargets, include, exclude, proposals, shippedProposals, regenerator, debug }; if (corejs) { if (useBuiltIns === "usage") { if (corejs.major === 2) { polyfillPlugins.push([_usagePlugin.default, pluginOptions]); } else { polyfillPlugins.push([_usagePlugin2.default, pluginOptions]); } if (regenerator) { polyfillPlugins.push([_usagePlugin3.default, pluginOptions]); } } else { if (corejs.major === 2) { polyfillPlugins.push([_entryPlugin.default, pluginOptions]); } else { polyfillPlugins.push([_entryPlugin2.default, pluginOptions]); if (!regenerator) { polyfillPlugins.push([_entryPlugin3.default, pluginOptions]); } } } } } return polyfillPlugins; }; exports.getPolyfillPlugins = getPolyfillPlugins; function supportsStaticESM(caller) { return !!(caller == null ? void 0 : caller.supportsStaticESM); } function supportsDynamicImport(caller) { return !!(caller == null ? void 0 : caller.supportsDynamicImport); } function supportsExportNamespaceFrom(caller) { return !!(caller == null ? void 0 : caller.supportsExportNamespaceFrom); } function supportsTopLevelAwait(caller) { return !!(caller == null ? void 0 : caller.supportsTopLevelAwait); } var _default = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)((api, opts) => { api.assertVersion(7); const { bugfixes, configPath, debug, exclude: optionsExclude, forceAllTransforms, ignoreBrowserslistConfig, include: optionsInclude, loose, modules, shippedProposals, spec, targets: optionsTargets, useBuiltIns, corejs: { version: corejs, proposals }, browserslistEnv } = (0, _normalizeOptions.default)(opts); { var hasUglifyTarget = false; if (optionsTargets == null ? void 0 : optionsTargets.uglify) { hasUglifyTarget = true; delete optionsTargets.uglify; console.warn(` The uglify target has been deprecated. Set the top level option \`forceAllTransforms: true\` instead. `); } } if ((optionsTargets == null ? void 0 : optionsTargets.esmodules) && optionsTargets.browsers) { console.warn(` @babel/preset-env: esmodules and browsers targets have been specified together. \`browsers\` target, \`${optionsTargets.browsers.toString()}\` will be ignored. `); } const targets = (0, _helperCompilationTargets.default)(optionsTargets, { ignoreBrowserslistConfig, configPath, browserslistEnv }); const include = transformIncludesAndExcludes(optionsInclude); const exclude = transformIncludesAndExcludes(optionsExclude); const transformTargets = forceAllTransforms || hasUglifyTarget ? {} : targets; const compatData = getPluginList(shippedProposals, bugfixes); const shouldSkipExportNamespaceFrom = modules === "auto" && (api.caller == null ? void 0 : api.caller(supportsExportNamespaceFrom)) || modules === false && !(0, _helperCompilationTargets.isRequired)("proposal-export-namespace-from", transformTargets, { compatData, includes: include.plugins, excludes: exclude.plugins }); const modulesPluginNames = getModulesPluginNames({ modules, transformations: _moduleTransformations.default, shouldTransformESM: modules !== "auto" || !(api.caller == null ? void 0 : api.caller(supportsStaticESM)), shouldTransformDynamicImport: modules !== "auto" || !(api.caller == null ? void 0 : api.caller(supportsDynamicImport)), shouldTransformExportNamespaceFrom: !shouldSkipExportNamespaceFrom, shouldParseTopLevelAwait: !api.caller || api.caller(supportsTopLevelAwait) }); const pluginNames = (0, _helperCompilationTargets.filterItems)(compatData, include.plugins, exclude.plugins, transformTargets, modulesPluginNames, (0, _getOptionSpecificExcludes.default)({ loose }), _shippedProposals.pluginSyntaxMap); (0, _filterItems.removeUnnecessaryItems)(pluginNames, _overlappingPlugins.default); const polyfillPlugins = getPolyfillPlugins({ useBuiltIns, corejs, polyfillTargets: targets, include: include.builtIns, exclude: exclude.builtIns, proposals, shippedProposals, regenerator: pluginNames.has("transform-regenerator"), debug }); const pluginUseBuiltIns = useBuiltIns !== false; const plugins = Array.from(pluginNames).map(pluginName => { if (pluginName === "proposal-class-properties" || pluginName === "proposal-private-methods" || pluginName === "proposal-private-property-in-object") { return [getPlugin(pluginName), { loose: loose ? "#__internal__@babel/preset-env__prefer-true-but-false-is-ok-if-it-prevents-an-error" : "#__internal__@babel/preset-env__prefer-false-but-true-is-ok-if-it-prevents-an-error" }]; } return [getPlugin(pluginName), { spec, loose, useBuiltIns: pluginUseBuiltIns }]; }).concat(polyfillPlugins); if (debug) { console.log("@babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option"); console.log("\nUsing targets:"); console.log(JSON.stringify((0, _helperCompilationTargets.prettifyTargets)(targets), null, 2)); console.log(`\nUsing modules transform: ${modules.toString()}`); console.log("\nUsing plugins:"); pluginNames.forEach(pluginName => { (0, _debug.logPluginOrPolyfill)(pluginName, targets, _pluginsCompatData.plugins); }); if (!useBuiltIns) { console.log("\nUsing polyfills: No polyfills were added, since the `useBuiltIns` option was not set."); } else { console.log(`\nUsing polyfills with \`${useBuiltIns}\` option:`); } } return { plugins }; }); exports.default = _default;