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2021-02-11 21:31:41 +08:00
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.7
(function() {
var App, Listener, Server, chunking_test, events, fs, generate_dispatcher, iframe, sockjsVersion, trans_eventsource, trans_htmlfile, trans_jsonp, trans_websocket, trans_xhr, utils, webjs,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
events = require('events');
fs = require('fs');
webjs = require('./webjs');
utils = require('./utils');
trans_websocket = require('./trans-websocket');
trans_jsonp = require('./trans-jsonp');
trans_xhr = require('./trans-xhr');
iframe = require('./iframe');
trans_eventsource = require('./trans-eventsource');
trans_htmlfile = require('./trans-htmlfile');
chunking_test = require('./chunking-test');
sockjsVersion = function() {
var pkg, x;
try {
pkg = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json', 'utf-8');
} catch (error) {
x = error;
if (pkg) {
return JSON.parse(pkg).version;
} else {
return null;
App = (function(superClass) {
extend(App, superClass);
function App() {
return App.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
App.prototype.welcome_screen = function(req, res) {
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
res.end("Welcome to SockJS!\n");
return true;
App.prototype.handle_404 = function(req, res) {
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
res.end('404 Error: Page not found\n');
return true;
App.prototype.disabled_transport = function(req, res, data) {
return this.handle_404(req, res, data);
App.prototype.h_sid = function(req, res, data) {
var jsid;
req.cookies = utils.parseCookie(req.headers.cookie);
if (typeof this.options.jsessionid === 'function') {
this.options.jsessionid(req, res);
} else if (this.options.jsessionid && res.setHeader) {
jsid = req.cookies['JSESSIONID'] || 'dummy';
res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', 'JSESSIONID=' + jsid + '; path=/');
return data;
App.prototype.log = function(severity, line) {
return this.options.log(severity, line);
return App;
utils.objectExtend(App.prototype, iframe.app);
utils.objectExtend(App.prototype, chunking_test.app);
utils.objectExtend(App.prototype, trans_websocket.app);
utils.objectExtend(App.prototype, trans_jsonp.app);
utils.objectExtend(App.prototype, trans_xhr.app);
utils.objectExtend(App.prototype, trans_eventsource.app);
utils.objectExtend(App.prototype, trans_htmlfile.app);
generate_dispatcher = function(options) {
var opts_filters, p, prefix_dispatcher, t, transport_dispatcher;
p = (function(_this) {
return function(s) {
return new RegExp('^' + options.prefix + s + '[/]?$');
t = (function(_this) {
return function(s) {
return [p('/([^/.]+)/([^/.]+)' + s), 'server', 'session'];
opts_filters = function(options_filter) {
if (options_filter == null) {
options_filter = 'xhr_options';
return ['h_sid', 'xhr_cors', 'cache_for', options_filter, 'expose'];
prefix_dispatcher = [['GET', p(''), ['welcome_screen']], ['GET', p('/iframe[0-9-.a-z_]*.html'), ['iframe', 'cache_for', 'expose']], ['OPTIONS', p('/info'), opts_filters('info_options')], ['GET', p('/info'), ['xhr_cors', 'h_no_cache', 'info', 'expose']], ['OPTIONS', p('/chunking_test'), opts_filters()], ['POST', p('/chunking_test'), ['xhr_cors', 'expect_xhr', 'chunking_test']]];
transport_dispatcher = [['GET', t('/jsonp'), ['h_sid', 'h_no_cache', 'jsonp']], ['POST', t('/jsonp_send'), ['h_sid', 'h_no_cache', 'expect_form', 'jsonp_send']], ['POST', t('/xhr'), ['h_sid', 'h_no_cache', 'xhr_cors', 'xhr_poll']], ['OPTIONS', t('/xhr'), opts_filters()], ['POST', t('/xhr_send'), ['h_sid', 'h_no_cache', 'xhr_cors', 'expect_xhr', 'xhr_send']], ['OPTIONS', t('/xhr_send'), opts_filters()], ['POST', t('/xhr_streaming'), ['h_sid', 'h_no_cache', 'xhr_cors', 'xhr_streaming']], ['OPTIONS', t('/xhr_streaming'), opts_filters()], ['GET', t('/eventsource'), ['h_sid', 'h_no_cache', 'eventsource']], ['GET', t('/htmlfile'), ['h_sid', 'h_no_cache', 'htmlfile']]];
if (options.websocket) {
prefix_dispatcher.push(['GET', p('/websocket'), ['raw_websocket']]);
transport_dispatcher.push(['GET', t('/websocket'), ['sockjs_websocket']]);
} else {
prefix_dispatcher.push(['GET', p('/websocket'), ['cache_for', 'disabled_transport']]);
transport_dispatcher.push(['GET', t('/websocket'), ['cache_for', 'disabled_transport']]);
return prefix_dispatcher.concat(transport_dispatcher);
Listener = (function() {
function Listener(options1, emit) {
this.options = options1;
this.handler = bind(this.handler, this);
this.app = new App();
this.app.options = this.options;
this.app.emit = emit;
this.app.log('debug', 'SockJS v' + sockjsVersion() + ' ' + 'bound to ' + JSON.stringify(this.options.prefix));
this.dispatcher = generate_dispatcher(this.options);
this.webjs_handler = webjs.generateHandler(this.app, this.dispatcher);
this.path_regexp = new RegExp('^' + this.options.prefix + '([/].+|[/]?)$');
Listener.prototype.handler = function(req, res, extra) {
if (!req.url.match(this.path_regexp)) {
return false;
this.webjs_handler(req, res, extra);
return true;
Listener.prototype.getHandler = function() {
return (function(_this) {
return function(a, b, c) {
return _this.handler(a, b, c);
return Listener;
Server = (function(superClass) {
extend(Server, superClass);
function Server(user_options) {
this.options = {
prefix: '',
response_limit: 128 * 1024,
websocket: true,
faye_server_options: null,
jsessionid: false,
heartbeat_delay: 25000,
disconnect_delay: 5000,
log: function(severity, line) {
return console.log(line);
sockjs_url: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sockjs-client@1/dist/sockjs.min.js'
if (user_options) {
utils.objectExtend(this.options, user_options);
Server.prototype.listener = function(handler_options) {
var options;
options = utils.objectExtend({}, this.options);
if (handler_options) {
utils.objectExtend(options, handler_options);
return new Listener(options, (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.emit.apply(_this, arguments);
Server.prototype.installHandlers = function(http_server, handler_options) {
var handler;
handler = this.listener(handler_options).getHandler();
utils.overshadowListeners(http_server, 'request', handler);
utils.overshadowListeners(http_server, 'upgrade', handler);
return true;
Server.prototype.middleware = function(handler_options) {
var handler;
handler = this.listener(handler_options).getHandler();
handler.upgrade = handler;
return handler;
return Server;
exports.createServer = function(options) {
return new Server(options);
exports.listen = function(http_server, options) {
var srv;
srv = exports.createServer(options);
if (http_server) {
return srv;