295 lines
9.1 KiB
295 lines
9.1 KiB
![]() |
MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const identifierUtils = require("../util/identifier");
const { intersect } = require("../util/SetHelpers");
const validateOptions = require("schema-utils");
const schema = require("../../schemas/plugins/optimize/AggressiveSplittingPlugin.json");
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/plugins/optimize/AggressiveSplittingPlugin").AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions} AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions */
const moveModuleBetween = (oldChunk, newChunk) => {
return module => {
oldChunk.moveModule(module, newChunk);
const isNotAEntryModule = entryModule => {
return module => {
return entryModule !== module;
class AggressiveSplittingPlugin {
* @param {AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions=} options options object
constructor(options) {
if (!options) options = {};
validateOptions(schema, options, "Aggressive Splitting Plugin");
this.options = options;
if (typeof this.options.minSize !== "number") {
this.options.minSize = 30 * 1024;
if (typeof this.options.maxSize !== "number") {
this.options.maxSize = 50 * 1024;
if (typeof this.options.chunkOverhead !== "number") {
this.options.chunkOverhead = 0;
if (typeof this.options.entryChunkMultiplicator !== "number") {
this.options.entryChunkMultiplicator = 1;
apply(compiler) {
compilation => {
let needAdditionalSeal = false;
let newSplits;
let fromAggressiveSplittingSet;
let chunkSplitDataMap;
compilation.hooks.optimize.tap("AggressiveSplittingPlugin", () => {
newSplits = [];
fromAggressiveSplittingSet = new Set();
chunkSplitDataMap = new Map();
chunks => {
// Precompute stuff
const nameToModuleMap = new Map();
const moduleToNameMap = new Map();
for (const m of compilation.modules) {
const name = identifierUtils.makePathsRelative(
nameToModuleMap.set(name, m);
moduleToNameMap.set(m, name);
// Check used chunk ids
const usedIds = new Set();
for (const chunk of chunks) {
const recordedSplits =
(compilation.records && compilation.records.aggressiveSplits) ||
const usedSplits = newSplits
? recordedSplits.concat(newSplits)
: recordedSplits;
const minSize = this.options.minSize;
const maxSize = this.options.maxSize;
const applySplit = splitData => {
// Cannot split if id is already taken
if (splitData.id !== undefined && usedIds.has(splitData.id)) {
return false;
// Get module objects from names
const selectedModules = splitData.modules.map(name =>
// Does the modules exist at all?
if (!selectedModules.every(Boolean)) return false;
// Check if size matches (faster than waiting for hash)
const size = selectedModules.reduce(
(sum, m) => sum + m.size(),
if (size !== splitData.size) return false;
// get chunks with all modules
const selectedChunks = intersect(
selectedModules.map(m => new Set(m.chunksIterable))
// No relevant chunks found
if (selectedChunks.size === 0) return false;
// The found chunk is already the split or similar
if (
selectedChunks.size === 1 &&
Array.from(selectedChunks)[0].getNumberOfModules() ===
) {
const chunk = Array.from(selectedChunks)[0];
if (fromAggressiveSplittingSet.has(chunk)) return false;
chunkSplitDataMap.set(chunk, splitData);
return true;
// split the chunk into two parts
const newChunk = compilation.addChunk();
newChunk.chunkReason = "aggressive splitted";
for (const chunk of selectedChunks) {
selectedModules.forEach(moveModuleBetween(chunk, newChunk));
chunk.name = null;
chunkSplitDataMap.set(newChunk, splitData);
if (splitData.id !== null && splitData.id !== undefined) {
newChunk.id = splitData.id;
return true;
// try to restore to recorded splitting
let changed = false;
for (let j = 0; j < usedSplits.length; j++) {
const splitData = usedSplits[j];
if (applySplit(splitData)) changed = true;
// for any chunk which isn't splitted yet, split it and create a new entry
// start with the biggest chunk
const sortedChunks = chunks.slice().sort((a, b) => {
const diff1 = b.modulesSize() - a.modulesSize();
if (diff1) return diff1;
const diff2 = a.getNumberOfModules() - b.getNumberOfModules();
if (diff2) return diff2;
const modulesA = Array.from(a.modulesIterable);
const modulesB = Array.from(b.modulesIterable);
const aI = modulesA[Symbol.iterator]();
const bI = modulesB[Symbol.iterator]();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
const aItem = aI.next();
const bItem = bI.next();
if (aItem.done) return 0;
const aModuleIdentifier = aItem.value.identifier();
const bModuleIdentifier = bItem.value.identifier();
if (aModuleIdentifier > bModuleIdentifier) return -1;
if (aModuleIdentifier < bModuleIdentifier) return 1;
for (const chunk of sortedChunks) {
if (fromAggressiveSplittingSet.has(chunk)) continue;
const size = chunk.modulesSize();
if (size > maxSize && chunk.getNumberOfModules() > 1) {
const modules = chunk
.sort((a, b) => {
a = a.identifier();
b = b.identifier();
if (a > b) return 1;
if (a < b) return -1;
return 0;
const selectedModules = [];
let selectedModulesSize = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < modules.length; k++) {
const module = modules[k];
const newSize = selectedModulesSize + module.size();
if (newSize > maxSize && selectedModulesSize >= minSize) {
selectedModulesSize = newSize;
if (selectedModules.length === 0) continue;
const splitData = {
modules: selectedModules
.map(m => moduleToNameMap.get(m))
size: selectedModulesSize
if (applySplit(splitData)) {
newSplits = (newSplits || []).concat(splitData);
changed = true;
if (changed) return true;
records => {
// 4. save made splittings to records
const allSplits = new Set();
const invalidSplits = new Set();
// Check if some splittings are invalid
// We remove invalid splittings and try again
for (const chunk of compilation.chunks) {
const splitData = chunkSplitDataMap.get(chunk);
if (splitData !== undefined) {
if (splitData.hash && chunk.hash !== splitData.hash) {
// Split was successful, but hash doesn't equal
// We can throw away the split since it's useless now
if (invalidSplits.size > 0) {
records.aggressiveSplits = records.aggressiveSplits.filter(
splitData => !invalidSplits.has(splitData)
needAdditionalSeal = true;
} else {
// set hash and id values on all (new) splittings
for (const chunk of compilation.chunks) {
const splitData = chunkSplitDataMap.get(chunk);
if (splitData !== undefined) {
splitData.hash = chunk.hash;
splitData.id = chunk.id;
// set flag for stats
chunk.recorded = true;
// Also add all unused historial splits (after the used ones)
// They can still be used in some future compilation
const recordedSplits =
compilation.records && compilation.records.aggressiveSplits;
if (recordedSplits) {
for (const splitData of recordedSplits) {
if (!invalidSplits.has(splitData)) allSplits.add(splitData);
// record all splits
records.aggressiveSplits = Array.from(allSplits);
needAdditionalSeal = false;
() => {
if (needAdditionalSeal) {
needAdditionalSeal = false;
return true;
module.exports = AggressiveSplittingPlugin;