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# 显示评论
- `entity_type`: 可以对帖子进行评论,也可以对该帖子的评论进行评论(回复) ,该字段就是用来表明评论目标的类别:1 帖子;2 评论
- `entity_id`: 评论目标的 id。比如对 id 为 115 的 帖子进行评论,对 id 为 231 的评论进行评论
- `target_id`: 指明我们这个回复是针对哪个用户的评论的(该字段只对回复生效,默认是 0)
## DAO
public interface CommentMapper {
* 根据评论目标(类别、id)对评论进行分页查询
* @param entityType 评论目标的类别
* @param entityId 评论目标的 id
* @param offset 每页的起始索引
* @param limit 每页显示多少条数据
* @return
List<Comment> selectCommentByEntity(int entityType, int entityId, int offset, int limit);
* 查询评论的数量
* @param entityType
* @param entityId
* @return
int selectCountByEntity(int entityType, int entityId);
对应的 `maaper.xml`
<mapper namespace="com.greate.community.dao.CommentMapper">
<sql id = "selectFields">
id, user_id, entity_type, entity_id, target_id, content, status, create_time
<sql id = "insertFields">
user_id, entity_type, entity_id, target_id, content, status, create_time
<!--不查询禁用的评论, 按照创建时间升序排序-->
<select id = "selectCommentByEntity" resultType="Comment">
select <include refid="selectFields"></include>
from comment
where status = 0
and entity_type = #{entityType}
and entity_id = #{entityId}
order by create_time asc
limit #{offset}, #{limit}
<select id = "selectCountByEntity" resultType="int">
select count(id)
from comment
where status = 0
and entity_type = #{entityType}
and entity_id = #{entityId}
## Service
public class CommentService {
private CommentMapper commentMapper;
* 根据评论目标(类别、id)对评论进行分页查询
* @param entityType
* @param entityId
* @param offset
* @param limit
* @return
public List<Comment> findCommentByEntity(int entityType, int entityId, int offset, int limit) {
return commentMapper.selectCommentByEntity(entityType, entityId, offset, limit);
* 查询评论的数量
* @param entityType
* @param entityId
* @return
public int findCommentCount(int entityType, int entityId) {
return commentMapper.selectCountByEntity(entityType, entityId);
## Controller
* 进入帖子详情页
* @param discussPostId
* @param model
* @return
public String getDiscussPost(@PathVariable("discussPostId") int discussPostId, Model model, Page page) {
// 帖子
DiscussPost discussPost = discussPostSerivce.findDiscussPostById(discussPostId);
model.addAttribute("post", discussPost);
// 作者
User user = userService.findUserById(discussPost.getUserId());
model.addAttribute("user", user);
// 评论分页信息
page.setPath("/discuss/detail/" + discussPostId);
// 存储帖子的评论
List<Comment> commentList = commentService.findCommentByEntity(
ENTITY_TYPE_POST, discussPost.getId(), page.getOffset(), page.getLimit());
List<Map<String, Object>> commentVoList = new ArrayList<>(); // 封装对帖子的评论和评论的作者信息
if (commentList != null) {
for (Comment comment : commentList) {
// 对帖子的评论
Map<String, Object> commentVo = new HashMap<>();
commentVo.put("comment", comment);
commentVo.put("user", userService.findUserById(comment.getUserId()));
// 存储评论的评论(不做分页)
List<Comment> replyList = commentService.findCommentByEntity(
ENTITY_TYPE_COMMENT, comment.getId(), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
List<Map<String, Object>> replyVoList = new ArrayList<>(); // 封装对评论的评论和评论的作者信息
if (replyList != null) {
// 对评论的评论
for (Comment reply : replyList) {
Map<String, Object> replyVo = new HashMap<>();
replyVo.put("reply", reply);
replyVo.put("user", userService.findUserById(reply.getUserId()));
User target = reply.getTargetId() == 0 ? null : userService.findUserById(reply.getUserId());
replyVo.put("target", target);
commentVo.put("replys", replyVoList);
// 对某个评论的回复数量
int replyCount = commentService.findCommentCount(ENTITY_TYPE_COMMENT, comment.getId());
commentVo.put("replyCount", replyCount);
model.addAttribute("comments", commentVoList);
return "/site/discuss-detail";
## 前端
<li th:each="cvo:${comments}">
<div th:utext="${cvo.comment.content}"></div>
<li th:each="rvo:${cvo.replys}">
<span th:text="${rvo.reply.content}"></span>
`cvoStat` 固定表达:循环变量名 + Stat 表示每次的循环对象
`cvoStat.count` 表示当前是第几次循环